Dog Girl Vacuum Saleswoman! ASMR Roleplay F4A [Sniffing] [Bag Rummaging] [Page Flipping] [Yes, I Vacuum! :P] [Shampooing] [Ear Blowing]
Kidnapped By An ASMR Villain! F4A Roleplay [Negative Affirmations] [Bullying *not real, I love you! :P*] [Ear Cleaning] [Eating Food and Not Sharing]
Sacrificed To A Storm Goddess! ASMR Roleplay F4A [Ear Blowing] [Chain Sounds] [Water] [Rain & Thunder] [Lazy]
A Day In Jurassic Girl Park With A Velociraptor! ASMR Roleplay [F4A] [Clever Girl Head Pats & Scratchies] [Clipping & Painting Claws] [Rawrs :P]
Why did the turtle cross the road? :P ASMR Roleplay [F4A] [Monster Girl] [Shell Tapping] [Rock sounds]
Working the late night shift with an aye-aye girl [F4A] [gas station ambiance] [traffic sounds (yay!)] [counting change] [tapping sounds] [listing rules]
Calming Your Nerves With Your Ghost Hunting Partner | ASMR Roleplay [F4M] [Storytelling] [Friends to More] [Headpats] [Ear playing] [Kisses] [more wholesome than scary lol]
Cuddles With Your Plushie After A Long Day [F4A] [Close Whispers] [Onomatopoeia] [fluffy, fuwa fuwa, floofy :P]