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Hello again Ali cats! This was meant to be a cosplay drawing since it’s been a bit since I did one but it ended up just being my character as…herself xD My original intention was to be cosplaying as Misa from Death Note haha! Nonetheless, the intention was the same: to give you some exclusive art that only you all can enjoy ❤️

I’ve been busy today writing and watching animation tutorials so I’ll be getting to replies on the recent roleplay soon, I hope you all enjoyed it! ^_^ Lastly, I know I mentioned an annual payment option before but after looking into it more I’m not sure if that’s the right move right now. It sounds like it’s more catered to creators who offer different tier rewards. I view my Patreon as my chill space for those who like my stuff so I’m not really into various rewards at the moment. You all just being here is enough for me :)




You forgot the book. Also I would type more but I'm still waiting(on the real though, I'm actually celebrating my older brothers birthday today, despite not being able to go at his house today, but tomorrow I'll be able to at least).


Happy birthday to your brother! I hope both you and him have a great weekend Azazel :)

Secular Succotash

“Yo dawg, we heard you like alichu. So we gave you alichu dressed as alichu so you can listen to alichu while you listen to alichu” Ancient meme references aside, super cute outfit you drew! Even if it’s not a Misa cosplay it still looks like something she’d wear so I count it as a win


Haha, thank you Succotash! Having an outfit that she would wear is good enough for me. I tried my damndest in High School to dress like her. Funny enough I still have my Death Note in one of the boxes I’m too lazy to unpack xD