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Happy Sunday Ali cats, I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying your weekend. I plan on spending my Sunday drawing and applying to jobs so wish me luck! I decided to start a little art project for fun so we’ll see how it goes. I hope to share it with you all soon :)

Since I’ve done two Pokemon themed audios recently I felt this song recommendation was fitting :P As usual feel free to post a suggestion of your own to share ✨

Song: “I’m a Ghost Type” by Syudou / Hatsune Miku




During the week I had 30-32°C (86.0-89.6°F) in my appartment. It felt like being in an oven xP. (It's got a bit cooler don't worry^^) That's why my song of the week is: Perfectly Sweet by Vane (I wanted to pick a summer song but My brain said, no, pick this song :P) And good luck on your job hunt Ali!^^


I'm flying out for a week long vacation in Denver tomorrow and I've made a habit of listening to SkyMall by Jonathan Coulton whenever I'm at the airport (especially since I often do have a stop at O'Hare, but this time it's direct).


Oh no, that sounds terrible Dx Sorry you had to deal with that heat. Happy to hear it’s a bit cooler now though! Perfectly Sweet was a very good song- I loved the art in the video especially ✨ I’m always a fan of vocaloid songs so thanks for sharing that Mi-kotin ^_^


I hope you enjoy your vacation Knight! :) I’ve never been to Denver but I hope you enjoy yourself ❤️ I had a feeling SkyMall came out a bit ago, it just had that early 2000s vibe that I remember growing up with haha! Sure enough I checked and it said 2006 :P Thanks for sharing!