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Roleplay poll #52 & QOTW! ❤️ ✨

  • Lighting 18
  • Wind 3
  • Earth 4
  • 2024-07-18
  • 25 votes
{'title': 'Roleplay poll #52 & QOTW! ❤️ ✨ ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Lighting', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Wind', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Earth', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 18, 22, 28, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 25}


Hello Ali cats, I hope you’re all enjoying your week so far! :) I don’t want to give away too much but out of the choices below please pick which one sounds most interesting for next week’s Patreon character. Tomorrow you’ll be hanging out with a cute snake/lamia girl :P

Question of the week is this: Are you a fan of anything that you keep secret or hidden from your family/friends? For me it’s probably anthro/furry art. I think a lot of people have a certain image in their mind so I tend to keep that interest to myself more times than not xD

*edit: autocorrect on my iPad put lighting haha! I meant lightning :P


Smitchy The Kidd

Honestly, I keep anything I do on the internet away from my family.


I used to hide almost everything I enjoyed, but I've become a lot more open about things recently, because I felt I was going slowly insane hiding everything. Now I actually talk about anime and occasionally ASMR! Not brave enough to talk about my enjoyment of anthro/furry art yet with people I know though... But honestly what can't be improved by a pair of fluffy ears? :D

Sir Skelington

Oddly enough I've always been pretty open about most things I'm into even though I'm not much of a sharing kind of person. The one thing I don't tell people about is the roleplay asmr stuff, it would just require explaining and I don't want to bother. I've shared my music, movies, and even anime with my parents when I was younger lol. I'd let them listen to something and they'd say oh that's that screamo music, and I'd say oh you have no idea. I always thought it was funny when my dad told me which anime he said was his favorite, and you'll never guess what it was.


Weird... never got a notification for this post... But for your question, with my family? It's really just my dad and my cousin, I keep a lot of likes secret from my dad, I just don't think he'd understand, and I definitely keep the fact that I'm an avid ASMR enjoyed secret! Lol As for my cousin, she's just as big of a nerd as I am so there's less stuff I keep secret lol, as for friends, most of them are older than me as well so just like my dad, they just think I'm just an outdoorsy gamer. Definitely becoming more open though! With you and the anthro/furry art ...catgirl supremacy!! But I can definitely understand wanting to keep that secret! There's...definitely a certain stigma with enjoying that stuff it seems.. And week is going well so far! Gonna be nerding out on the new computer today and tomorrow! :D hope yours is going well!


Oh I get the explaining thing 100%. Just the other day I was going through some of my trading cards and put them away before one of my family members walked in. I just didn’t feel like explaining the whole gameplay, lore, etc. lol. Some things I just know others may not be interested in and it’s too much to get into. I’m very curious what your dad’s favorite anime is…I’m going to guess Naruto? :P


That’s good, glad to hear you’re becoming more open! ^_^ I don’t think there’s anything wrong with keeping things secret when it comes to hobbies and things of the like. Some things you just want to keep private and enjoy alone. The only time I find it disheartening is when someone feels they can’t share it because they think they may get made fun of, etc. It’s always good to have at least one person you can nerd out with! :D