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After a long day of working in your garden it’s beginning to get late. Just as the sun sets you decide it’s time to call it and get some rest. However, you have a visitor to address first. For the past week you’ve noticed a cute snake in your garden. She’s been keeping all the pests away so it’s time you finally show your thanks!

Happy Friday Ali cats, I hope you all have a nice weekend ✨ I had a feeling lamia was going to win so I hope you enjoy this one! I was a little sad since my original idea for the skin sound was thrown away by accident 😭 Even so I think they still turned out with what I had!




I know it wasn't what I voted for, but it was still great! Had to listen to it twice cause I very quickly fell asleep last night, but I think that was more due to being awake for 24 hours lol fun fact, when i was younger, my family had two snakes, a 5 foot long ball python named Lady, and a 1 foot long, one eyed, albino boa constrictor named Merlin, I swear to god! I'm talking about an actual snake! Not something else that everyone seems to think I'm talking about! Lol I think I'm gonna have a good weekend lol ended up buying everything I need to build an absolute beast of a gaming computer that I'll put together either tonight or tomorrow morning! I how you have a great weekend btw! Also, what were you planning on using for the sound? Lol

Crimson command

Ahhh I hate that feeling when you throwing something away by accident then later your like dam I could've used that 😭. Happened to me last week I threw out some of those wall hangers you stick to the walls cuz I was like ahh I never use these and they are just taking up space but I was reorganizing my room and I was trying to hang some stuff and I was dam I could've used those hangers lol😭 I mean they aren't expensive but I rather not buy something if I don't have too


Ahh nothing like hearing the shedding of a Lamia... why am I hungry all of a sudden?(Seriously it actually made me think of candy from hearing that sound.) Honestly it still feels like cuddling if in applying lotion to the Lamia so at least there's that. Not to mention that I'm definitely gonna yank... I mean delicately touch the weak point of the Lamia's tail for cuddling no matter what.


Pet snakes, that’s really cool! I never had a problem with snakes growing up (talking about ones in the zoo, etc. lol). In fact, I think they’re pretty neat and their skin feels nice 🐍 Congrats on the gaming computer, I hope you have lots of fun! :D I still have a dream of owning one myself one day, just need to get my life in order first haha!


Apologies for another comment, forgot to answer your question! I had some thin plastic that was wrapped around a manga- it would have been perfect for the sound I was going for! I still used plastic but it wasn’t as good as the one that got thrown away 😭


Exactly! Ever since I started doing ASMR I try to save things I think make a good sound, no matter how small or silly it may be. The only problem is when I forget why I’m saving it and accidentally throw it away 😭


No worries! Lol that probably woulda been great for the sound, but it was still good! And lol thanks to having the snakes I'm completely fine around them, oddly enough, my dad hates them despite the fact that we had two, haha! Also, funny story, but long after I graduated high school, we had a freak ice storm that brought down a huge chunk of a tree, so a couple people were hired to cut it up and take it away. Well, these 2 guys were big lumberjack looking fellows, and got scared of a simple garter snake that I had to pick up and move away before they even got close to the tree lol Lol it was my first time building a computer, spent today playing a few games at max settings lol my gaming laptop which wasn't a slouch could play cyberpunk 2077 on medium settings and get like 35fps, this computer? Everything maxed out was getting over 100 lol can't wait to hook my VR headset up and play some games without lag! :D btw, if you're up to building one, nothing wrong with getting it piece by piece!


lol to be fair it was plastic that made that sound haha! Maybe it made you think of a snack wrapper? :P

Sir Skelington

Fun fact when snakes shed their skin they also shed the covering over their eyes, this makes it hard for them to see and they become very dangerous at this time because they're afraid that they might be attacked when they cant see. Everyone around here calls it Dog Days.


Lmao that is a pretty funny story xD But hey, I can’t blame those guys about the snake! Even though I think they’re cute I don’t know enough about them to know which is ok and which isn’t. Unless someone else is handling it I’ll always assume bad haha! I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying your computer! I made a post a while back when I was thinking about getting one. In retrospect I don’t think I had enough funds at the time. But hey, I’m not giving up! One day for sure I’ll get myself one >:)


I remember seeing a video of a lizard doing that too! It looked so happy that its owner was helping it shed lol. I thought it was cute :P


Lol I got 20 bucks from them for relocating a snake, but yea, I give them a wide berth lol don't wanna disturb them! And yea... it ain't cheap.. not gonna lie, half happy I did it, half regretting I spent a much money as I did... ^_^; but yea! Keep an eye out for some deals! That's what I did with mine! :D