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car goes vroom vroom.



Thanks for the ramble, and best of luck with the job hunt/interview!

Secular Succotash

I get what you mean about not working, if I'm off work for too long I start getting this kind of aimless feeling. Hopefully you've gotten a call back from that interview by the time I've commented! The small-town thing is relatable af, every time I visit home I run into somebody I knew. Sorry to hear about the bird, it always sucks hitting an animal. The worst I've felt about it was back in middle school. I was mowing the lawn on a riding mower and as I passed a patch of grass that was too tall to mow, a baby bunny darted out straight into my blades. He got spat out the other side as nothing more than a bunny head attached to a bloody strip of fur. I felt like an absolute monster after that man Anyway, hope you land a job soon and don't worry about the polls! I'm excited to see how your animation improves as you practice (also if I'm ever in NC I'll have to hit up that Dairi-Os)


Oh no, I’m so sorry about the bunny! That exact same thing happened to a cousin of mine. I think the worst for me was when a cat got under my mom’s car and we didn’t know until it was too late. I was young and remember thinking it was my fault since I loved cats back then too! I haven’t gotten a follow up on the interview yet but I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for some news on Monday or Tuesday. I admit I’m not the best when it comes to selling myself in interviews, so it may take me a few tries to get in the swing of that again xD You really do need to try Dairi-Os though! Talking about it is making me want it so I may have to get me some tomorrow lol.