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Happy Sunday Ali cats, I hope you all had a relaxing weekend! ❤️ I haven’t been having the best time lately but I’m getting by. Without getting too personal some of my family members have been arguing. While it’s not involving me personally it does still make me sad and nervous. I’ve been keeping myself busy with art and writing though so that’s been a good distraction that’s kept me in a good mood ^_^

Above is the art of our recent dino girl as well as a preview for YouTube’s next character! I’ve had multiple requests for a boxing story so here it is :P I’m currently waiting on the review of it to finish so hopefully it doesn’t take too long. After this I have a character/story that was suggested by one of you dear patrons ❤️

I haven’t been listening to much new music this week so instead I’ll give you a song from my childhood anime: FullMetal Alchemist (2003, not Brotherhood :P)

Song: “Rewrite” by Asian Kung-Fu Generation



Sir Skelington

I'm really sorry to hear that about your family. It sucks when the people you care about are feuding with each other and there's not really anything you can do. I hope everything works out for the best. I always really liked AKFG, even though I can't understand a word they say, the music just sounds great. I'm going to recommend two songs today, To The Last Drop Of Blood by BEAST IN BLACK. I know you said you liked Berserk, so I thought maybe you might like a song about one of the characters, who might be my favorite by the way. Also this next one is a music video for a song that I think I've shared before, "Gary Come Home" But Its A Punk Rock Music Video. The original parody song was by Billy Cobb but I thought this music video was fun.

Crimson command

Sorry to here your families is arguing or having issues I say it's normal sometimes but it's always uncomfortable and anxiety ridden but I'm sure it'll all work out in the end. Music wise I've actually been listening to the lies of P soundtrack which if you ever get the chance to play that game I highly recommend but 2 songs from the soundtrack I recommend listening to is "Feel and quixotic" also the opening credit. Honestly alot of game soundtracks can be a real gem to listen to and pair it with the gameplay and it can be a real treat


Thanks Skelly, I really appreciate that! I convinced the two of them to go out to dinner so I think that may have helped. Since then they don’t seem to argue as much so hopefully it stays that way :) Before commenting on your song recs, I gotta say that I recently got another big bulky Berserk manga volume since you recommend that American Psycho video of it haha! Funny enough that was what I used for the dino girl’s scale sound :P Now onto the music: To The Last Drop of Blood was badass- I loved it!! I’m going to need a little Berserk playlist as I’m catching up on the manga now lol. Also that music video for Gary Come Home was absolutely beautiful- a true piece of art :P ❤️ ✨


Thanks Crimson, I really appreciate that! Things have gotten a little better since I originally posted so hopefully it stays that way :) I haven’t played Lies of P myself but I did watch Asmon play it. I agree that game soundtracks are awesome! A lot of times I find music that I really enjoy and it happens to be featured on a game ^_^