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Hello Ali cats, I hope you all had a nice weekend and have a good Monday! :) Apologies this post is a little late. A family member had a birthday today so I was enjoying some time with them this weekend. I’m happy you all seemed to enjoy my new way of drawing thumbnails! Your comments meant a lot so thank you ^_^ I’m going to be starting up polls again this week too- after making one final one of my choosing of course. The infamous goose girl :P

I had a hard time picking a song this week but I’m going to go with one I keep meaning to recommend. I highly recommend watching the video too since it’s really good! “Ronald” by Falling in Reverse. As usual feel free to recommend your own song you’ve been enjoying lately ❤️

Question of the week is this: what is your favorite art style or type of art? It can be anything! For me it’s big bold lines with lots of bright colors (typical 90s kid) lol. I also really enjoy seinen & watercolor art- a big one for me is Tokyo Ghoul :)



Sir Skelington

In music video the big demon guy looked extremely similar to the titans in Doom Eternal, which is cool cuz the designs in that game are great. I'm going to recommend the song Higher than Death by 3TEETH. The funny thing is that it's featuring Mick Gordan who did the music for the new doom games which are some of the best video game music ever made. As for favorite art styles, I've always liked the art style from Darkest Dungeon, the art just looks so destitute which fits the game since well it's a pretty grim game. However if I have to pick one that's my favorite to draw it would be pointillism, it's very time consuming but it's always seem easy, I mean if you mess up then it's just a dot. I actually gave a girl I liked a rose done with only pointillism when I was in high school, maybe that's lame but I was smooth about it. I actually had a question for you Alichu, since I know you've mentioned his work before, I was wondering why you like Lovecraft's work and what you think the main draw of it is.


Oh man, that Higher Than Death song was good! I can definitely hear that DOOM vibe and I love it! I agree that they have some of the best video game music I’ve heard ✨ I looked up Darkest Dungeon and that is some nice art! Very dark shadows and lines which I enjoy too. Really pushes that creepy/comic feel. I think the pointillism rose is very sweet. It’s a rose that will never die so that alone makes it the best rose. All the dots are cool to look at too! :D When it comes to Lovecraft, I really like the mystery/darkness of his writing. I also love the fact that he made creatures that people can add to (design, lore, etc.) since the universe is so vast. It’s really cool that all these years later people are still making stories and games that center around the mythos ^_^


Song of the week: Bullug Gegbug Ibgabiug Gixcure Dagabciea Fuic by KEYGEN CHURCH (Ali you don't have to listen to the whole song, only if you want to :P) Question of the week: I assume that by art you mean drawings? I thought about this question for 2 days and I have not a favorite art style or artist. (I cannot pick a favorite I like too many ^^') But I have something different. My favourite things to see from a drawing is the sketch (If there is one) and sketches in general. Because I enjoy seeing the ideas behind a drawing and the process behind it. (It's not the answer to your question Ali, but at least it's something) And I wanted to thank you again Ali for Vivi's name ^^❤️.


You’re so welcome, I’m happy you like it! ^_^ I love the new pfp art too btw. Those abs look very good! I always have trouble drawing muscles myself but love how they look. I’m also a huge fan of sketches. More times than not I like my sketches more than the finished piece haha! XD I also listened to the song and loved it! It gave me Castlevania vibes so thank you for showing it to me :D ❤️