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Hello everyone and welcome to another ramble. This one truly is a ramble as I had no idea what to talk about, I just winged it xD Either way, I hope it’s relaxing or is something that you can listen to as you work on other things throughout your day/night ^_^

In spirit of the shark drink I mentioned, question of the week is this: What is your favorite alcoholic drink? If you don’t drink you can just tell me your favorite drink in general :)



I prefer hard drinks. My favorite is Rum followed by Vodka. Most beer and wine are gross


Yay, another rambles! Personally I really don't mind any background noises (cars or human), so long as it isn't louder than you and the audio quality is on point (which it always is 👍) Keep going with the job search, I know you'll get there! What sort of jobs are you applying for btw? Retail? Art related? Admin? Tech? And out of interest, of the things you mentioned, what is the worst thing for you about living with your parents as an adult? For me it's hands down the lack of privacy/risk of judgement. I can put up with a *lot*, but damn the unconscious pressure to not be fully yourself is hard after a while...


I liked the wine I had on Valentine’s Day when I made that Patreon ramble but I’m definitely not a fan of wine either. I’m perfectly happy with straight whisky and ice! :D


I’m very happy to hear that! Ever since moving I’ve been worried that my audio quality went down so I’ve been trying very hard to edit out any big interruptions. So really, thanks for the reassurance on that :) As for jobs, I have a degree in business so I’d love something administrative. My work history is mainly retail though so I’m fine with that too. Honestly I’d be OK with almost anything at this point! Privacy is definitely a big issue with me too along with lack of freedom. I feel like I can’t go anywhere or do anything without being questioned. It may sound silly but it bugs the hell out of me! I also feel that I have time restrictions on things. When I was alone I could just do whatever at any time. But when you share a house it makes that a lot more difficult since I don’t want to disturb anyone by making too much noise, etc. Edit; sorry if this got a weird layout, Patreon bugged out on me xD