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Climbs are not necessarily beginner moves in pole, but they are essential for most intermediate moves, so I like to introduce the building blocks early, and revisit them regularly.


Michael Casolary

The foot climb gives me some ideas on how to work that into pole climbing for parkour, thanks!


1. I just started pole classes about a month ago, and the community in my area is much more dance focused and tends to use the heels, so I don't know if I have seen anyone climb the pole with their feet except online. I feel like what you have here is a really good supplement to what's available in my area. I want to do all the things! Haha. 2. My instructor said not to bring your hips to the pole when climbing because it causes your legs to slide and puts more weight on your arms. It does seem to help. Most videos I've found show people standing fully and bringing hips to the pole, though. Thoughts?


1. I'm glad this is useful! I've found that you get trends where the community in an area will usually lean more towards either tricks or dance, but rarely both. I'm definitely the most trick-specialist instructor where I work, but that's the side of pole I thrive on, so I'm glad if it helps 😁 2. (Disclaimer: Live tuition is usually more tailored to you, so if your instructor suggests something differently to me, it's probably going to suit you better.) For me it depends on my goal. If I want to take the climb into a stable hands free leg hold, I'll bring my hips forward to get my thigh onto the pole for more grip. Also, for aesthetics, extending fully into the climb often looks nicer, despite being harder (which is why you often see it online). But keeping the hips back will definitely help to get your climb more solid and enable you do more repetitions as it keeps your weight away from the pole!