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He wasn't sure when exactly the shift had taken place. But every hint of the sweet kind angel of a girlfriend he had known at the start of their relationship had vanished. Not two years ago their evenings had been filled with long walks along the coast, intimate nights out, and other cutesy fare. Now, despite his pleading and protests. his days (and nights) were filled with only one activity, greedily swallowing every fattening morsel his girlfriend  placed in front of him. He might have figured based on her behavior that all the cutesy flirting and behavior was just building strategically up to this very moment. She’d even taken to documenting his transformation to boast proudly of her triumphant "conquering of the star football player" on her fat apps- At first only when she thought he wasn’t looking, but as his growth continued to surpass her wildest expectations, she grew increasingly more bold to the point that she would often openly mock him for his insane gluttony right on camera. Recently she had taken to concluding a stuffing by reminding him of his glory days as a football star by posing in his old uniform, and pretending he could still play with her.

Gone were the days of “babe” and “hon”, or “tiger” in fact he couldn't remember the last time she’d referred to him as anything other than pig, slob, or most recently… slug

A short while ago while making the laborious, increasingly challenging walk to the bathroom, he had fallen with a reverberating splat onto his stomach, and was unable, despite his struggling to right himself... He asked his girlfriend for help, but she burst into tears from laiughin so hard and told him this is simply what he got for being such an insatiable glutton. He hadn’t been able to move from that position, and had only continued to expand at a seemingly exponential rate. “My greedy little slug”, she’d say mockingly, while funneling him full of 40.000 calories worth of milkshake.

Over just a few short years he had gone from being the hottest most desirable boy in school to a massive jiggling freak, so fat he could no longer move. His life was an endless inescapable hell, and as the days passed, he could do little more than look on with horror as his body continued to expand, wobble, and ooze ever outwards.



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