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Chad’s girlfriend had been cheerleading for the football team when she first met Chad, and had decided then and there that he would be the target of a several year plan- a mission to unleash her innermost desires and destroy something beautiful…

After being told he was too fat to play, Chad had lost motivation for most anything except spending time with his girlfriend. For the first 2 years since then, he had managed to reassure himself that his girlfriend’s new habit of stuffing hiim full of fatty calorie laden junk food, keeping him too distracted to go to the gym, and and pumping him full of gallons of milkshakes every night was just a phase. He had tried to downplay the alarmed reactions of friends and family as his weight continued to sky rocket at a near impossible rate. Gradually the concern of his friends died away as he spent less and less time outside the house, and more time eating and sitting on his growing ass as his ever doting girlfriend stuffed him mercilessly.

With every serving Chad’s girlfriend relished in pushing the ex athlete further, challenging him beyond what the human body seemed physically capable of by perpetually stretching the capacity of his stomach. In Chad’s girlfriends eyes, his body was still an impressive display of human potential, just not for the same reasons as when he was a star football player. Where before he grabbed the attention of girls for being so chiseled and fit, now he stood out for being so grotesquely massive and greedy. What was more, his stomach had grown so loud and gugrly, constantly sloshing and gurgling with the contents of yet another impossibly large meal it was trying hard to digest

She would pump him full of ever increasing portion sizes and ever denser servings of heavy fatty, greasy junk food to the point where he could do nothing more but sleep and wait for the painful gurgling to subside, all the while filled with the distant dread that this meal would accrue as yet more heavy fat on his poor body. 

The routine of having him squeeze into his old football jersey while she stuffed and mocked him lived on. It was truly a miracle that he was able to squeeze the uniform over his swollen neck. Though as his ass had expanded, she had been forced to replace his football pants with 3XL sweat pants which even now had grown uncomfortably snug. Though she didnt mind.

But as time passed, something switched inside the ever expanding hog’s psyche. Where before these feasts had seemed impossible tasks, now his experience of them had evolved- not just to routine, but even more...he had come to expect it, rely on it even. Where before he might have resisted- asking for breaks or to slow down, now he was close to begging for more whenever his stomach neared empty. The feeling of being uncomfortably jampacked full of food had become synonymous with his girlfriend's attention, and as she was the only one not repulsed by him, he was desperate for her touch. She knew she had beat him, sentenced him to a life of growing fatter and fatter, a useless pathetic hog for her amusement. My how it tickled her pink to think of how far he’d fallen from his days as an athletic adonis. And she was only just getting started...



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