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In the back of his mind, Chad new that something was seriously wrong. Last summer, when Chad’s coach had told him to take the off-season to put on some weight for the fall,  Chad had been pleased when his girlfriend had taken to making sure he was always tended to and well fed. She had taken to her role in helping her boyfriend bulk up with such charisma and delight, that his weight skyrocketed well past what anyone on the team or his coach would have advised. To his humiliation and disappointment upon returning for preseason that Chad was informed that he was officially too fat to play. His coach even added that with some luck and a diet, maybe he’d be slim enough to lineback next year.

Chad had expected that after being kicked off the football team, his girlfriend would ease up on the stuffings. But to his shock, the feedings only intensified. He was constantly tended too by the overly nurturing beauty who seemed to take far too much delight in her expanding boyfriend’s predicaments. Between trying to adapt to his rapidly changing lifestyle, and the endless indulgences provided by his partner, Chad barely had time to consider what was happening to him. He had, over the course of a year gone from being the hot star quarterback and envy of his school to an out of shape porker whose mobility and health were increasingly the topic of conversation. He had only the comfort of his girlfriend to distract himself from his rapidly changing new reality, although as he grew, her commitment to her feeder role only expanded alongside him, her kind supportive demeanor gradually replaced with an increasingly devilish wicked new persona which seemed almost to delight in the new challenges Chad faced with his gain, and only spurred her to double her efforts. She relished in their new nightly tradition whereby she would have Chad squeeze into his outgrown football jersey and funnel him full of her special mix of thick heavy gainer shake.



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