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When Chad's coach told him he would need to bulk up before the season started, Chad had feared that losing his chiseled body would push his sexy girlfriend away. To his surprise she seemed even more excited by the idea than him, encouraging him to take seconds, thirds, even fourths, at every meal. She always finished each meal with a huge dessert, and started him on a regimin of thick, calorie laden milkshakes to be consumed throughout the day. "We gotta get those calories in, if you want to be the player your team needs you to be!" Before long Chad Could no longer comfortbly fit into his football uniform, his massive stomach, hanging out from under his jersey. With all the excess bulk he now carried around, he could hardly walk, much less sprint. Somehow he still convinced himself that he would remain a star player on his team. With his girlfriend's reassurance, Chad continued to eat with abandon, lost in gluttunous trances for most of the day. More often than not, his girlfriend would have him squeeze into his jersey and proceed to stuff him silly, marveling at how useless he had become, and eagerly awaiting the day his coach would tell him he was too obese to play. She relished in knowing that she was able to transform a sexy star athlete into a lazy, useless glutton.



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