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The kitchen had been working furiously for 8 hours straight, whipping up every calorie rich, fat laden treat they knew how to make. All the while Brittany served Craig his dessert, and he ate with abandon. A wild animal seemed to have awoken inside him. Even though every fiber of his being was begging himself to show just one ounce of self restraint, some semblence of dignity and control that he might stop his horrible fattening, he could not resist the taste of Brittany's kitchen.

As a courtesy to Craig, and because she found the spectacle amusing to watch Brittany cast another spell to keeophis clothes from ripping, instead they strained impossibly tight over his wobbling mounds. Craig could no longer speak without burping, a fact that Brittany assured him should normalize once his body completed its transformation, and between his belches and the unsual churning sound of his expanding body, the only other sounds present were those of the townsfolk.

It was well past midnight now, and a large crowd had gathered within the restaurant to watch Brittany's magic work. This being a small town, the folks had grown accustomed to Brittany's magical charms, and were always quick to respond when word of an episode like this got around.

They looked on in wonder and disgust, as the previously handsome food critic expanded before their very eyes. Craig was vaguely aware of their voices as more and more sweet, and colorful food was jammed into his hungry mouth. "My god, how can anyone eat that much??" Said one. "Got what he deserved, ask me," said an exceptionally gorgeous girl positioned at the front of the crowd with her friends. "God", said another, "He's enormous... and it's all fat! I've never seen one of Brittany's get this large before..." Eventually one of the crowd members provided a scale which she had gathered from her house across the street, as everyone was horribly curious what the fat hog weighed. With the help of several of the townsfolk, Criag's enormous rear was lifted, and the scale slid somewhere beneath. The waited excitedly for the audio readout. Criag closed his eyes, and Brittany, now atop a portable staircase, so as to reach Craig's mouth paused her feeding, and leaned in on Craig's massive gut with eager anticipation. There was a loud shuder which ressonated through the room, and for the first time Craig did not feel ravenously hungry. The sounds within his stomach dissipated, and his recently expanded flesh sagged slightly, as it gew used to its new form and the way gravity felt on it.

"What do you reckon you weighed coming in, eh hog?" Brittany squeked. Craig opened his mouth, but let out yet another massive belch. "That's okay.. hmmm maybe 150, 160 lbs? I'm guessing you weigh slightly more than that don't you? The scale sounded.

"<947 pounds>" The crowd roured with laughter, and excitment. There was a flurry of applauds and the sound of smart phone recording video, and taking pictures. Craig's body no longer resembeled anything reminscient of the human form. He could hardly turn his head, much less walk. He tried to will away the embarrassment, by closing his eyes. Brittany bowed heroically, then turned back to the blob of a man beneath her.

"Well, hog! I'd say you're officially ruined! How's it feel to be the proud owner of a near half ton fat filled body?!? Awwww don't cry!! Food critics are supposed to be a little fat," She smiled. "Well you're more than a little fat, but still, its an improvement, I'd say. Geez what're we gonna do with you. You can't really move on your own anymore, can you?"

"Let us play with him!!" Said a boy standing amongst a group of friends who were squeezing one of Craig's enormous lovehandles, looks of amazement and disgust on their faces.

"Now, children," said Brittany. He might be a greedy pig, but he's still human. It's going to be a lot of responsibility taking care of him now. He's going to need a lot of food to be full now with a body like that!" asif on cue, Craig's body let forth another loud rumble. He winced in hunger and embarressment. The crowd roared with excitement.

"My my, hungry already??" Brittany laughed "Boy's get the food cooking!! And the kitchen returned furiously to work.



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