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Scott had always been a victim of short term thinking. This semester’s partner project with Lacey Smith was no exception. When Lacey had approached him enthusiastically asking him to be her partner, Scott was hesitant. Lacey was known for her intense work ethic and commitment to academic excellence, whereas Scott preferred coasting through life, typically relying on his charming attitude and good looks to over power his arrogant, lazy approach to life. But when she assured him that not only would she do all the work, but that the project itself basically implied him being lazy and eating fast food for a few months, Scott gratefully accepted. “Sounds like an easy ‘A’” he thought greedily.

She explained with excitement that she planned to gather vital research pertinent to all young adults their age regarding the effects of an overconsumption of fast food and rapid weight gain on the body. Scott simply needed to eat everything she asked him to without question, and she would track the changes in his physiology over the next few months. But Scott was hardly listening. He had landed the jackpot he thought. Another class he could cross off his list of distractions from what was really important to his college career. Partying and banging chicks. He would never consider that his partnership with Lacey would ultimately make both of those things a much harder task in life.

Lacey wasted no time. Immediately got Scott started on a very specific diet plan, and reduced his gym routine to 2 nights a week. She thought it would be wise to slowly ease Scott into this lifestyle change; act too quickly, and Scott would scare. Instead she made some additions to Scott’s already questionable college diett. These included specially designed brownies and cakes made with a recipe that maximized fat and calorie content as well as incredibly rich gainer shakes she designed herself to maximize calorie intake and increase stomach capacity overtime.

Scott welcomed the tasty home cooked snacks, all the while entirely oblivious to how meticulous Lacey’s vision for him was. As a result the weight began to pile on quickly. So fast in fact, that Scott hardly noticed the changes to his body happening.



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