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(contains hyper muscle, macro, and curve growth, excessive lactation, female on female intercourse)

Commission for Mysteryman01


Nothing like the arrival of galactic law enforcement to somber the mood. Soon as those two lizard creeps in dome helmets walked in all but the music stopped. Conversations drifted off with speakers too intimidated by the large blaster rifles to finish their thoughts. Some people continued talking in tense whispers, with most trying to figure out if they might be a target.

Others were so used to dancing around law bringers that seeing them in a doorway meant nothing. Rocket continued sipping her drink kicking back in a chair three sizes larger than her little raccoon body. Being a regular at this bar gave her the tactical advantage of already figuring out eight different escape paths. If dung hit the oxygen recycling vent, she still had plenty of time to swipe a free bottle of booze before making an exit.

And then the big guy walked in, making the whiskers on her black nose twitch. The lizards might have been four-foot-nothings, but this guy was a smooth skinned, jacked up brute that needed to squat down and shuffle sideways just to get his broad shoulders through the door.

Seeing light reflect off that grey smooth head made Rocket associate them with some kind of fish. Her earth friend might have called it a ‘shark’ without the stupid tail thing. Shame that the raccoon’s tree-like partner, Groot, took off just an hour ago on their own little mission. That chucked four escape plans through the proverbial incinerator. Rocket didn’t even come up to the neanderthal’s knee.

Watching one of the fishy brute’s lackeys suddenly point out Rocket through the drinking crowd set her ring tail straight. The remaining escape routes raced through the raccoon’s mind as her eyes locked with the big sharks. Without hesitation he literally parted the crowd with his bulk in a slow stomp towards the far wall table. Rocket got her exit narrowed down to two possibilities by the time the distance was closed, but got hung up on which would cause more collateral. If she was going to prison, might as well add some good reasons.

“Subject: 89P13?” Good lord, that monster had some tusks when opening a mouth wide enough to swallow Rocket whole.

Despite her little heart racing, Rocket downed the rest of her drink, intending to prolong the silence between them like any cool outlaw. “I prefer to be called Rocket.”

“Very well! I am Captain Gantu of the East Galactic federation.”

“Well, you sure don’t look like the Nova Corps. They got better uniforms.”

Gantu snorted, briefly flaring large nostrils that looked nearly invisible when they closed. “Your services have been requested by the grand councilwoman for dealing with a very urgent matter. The fate of whole planets might be at stake.”

“Hey. I might be the most awesome Guardian of the Galaxy, but I ain’t no goody two shoes. You’ll have to interrupt my day off with something a lot more...”

Every muscle in Rocket’s small limbs tensed when Gantu almost casually reached into a belt pouch. From inside it, his thick sausage fingers pulled out a large stack of currency cards and let them rain down on the table.

“She has granted you these ten-thousand galactic units in advance,” Gantu explained with obvious disgust at Rocket’s delighted reaction over the heaping pile of cash. “Another ninety-thousand will be paid on completion of her task.”

“Well, sign me the frick up! This is more like it!” Rocket wasted no time collecting the bundle of chits into her backpack before smiling at the grumpy fish. “What’s the job?”

“She would prefer to explain that to you in person. Please, come with us.”

Rocket’s smile dropped slightly with a sigh. “I was afraid you’d say that.”

* * *

No matter how many times it happened, being on any kind of government ship unrestrained carried a weird vibe. Not that she could complain. Occasionally saving hundreds of billions of lives earned some nice perks like respect. Rocket could almost get used to being a nice gal. If only her muzzle didn’t have a bad habit of running ahead of her sense of logic.

Besides, arriving on the bridge seemed like this part of the galaxy had bigger problems than anything a small raccoon woman can do. No one noticed when she and Gantu arrived, running about shouting out reports and tripping over themselves in a panic. The only exception being a slender light-blue alien with three fingers wearing a robe. She whirled upon hearing the door open, first eyeing Gantu before dropping her gaze down.

“You must be Rocket,” she stated without question. At receiving a curt nod from the Raccoon, her face turned into a small smile. “That’s a relief. Thank you for agreeing to be here.”

“You made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Rocket shook the pouch with its stash of unit chits. “What’s all this hubbub? You guys lose the keys to the bathroom?”

While snark got an angry growl from Gantu, Rocket ignored it as the Councilwoman guided them over to a hologram viewer. She pushed some buttons that began playback of security footage from a large prisoner ship shaped like a hoof.

“I wish it was that minor of a problem,” she began, while silent explosions became visible across the ship. “This morning it was decided by this galactic council to arrest and sentence a scientist by the name of Jumba to life imprisonment. As for his experiments, there was a monstrosity also captured referred to only as 626.”

“I’m not a fan of number names myself-HOLY HELL!” Rocket did a double take when onboard the projected deck a new alien crashed through two inch thick steel doors. It seemed to stare into the camera directly at the raccoon before making a mocking face and scuttled along the wall on all fours. “The fuck is that thing? It looks like some kind of fluffy spider mammal!”

“That is one way to put it.” The councilwoman rubbed the space between her eyes, looking grim. “We found no easy way to dispose of Experiment 626, so it was decided to leave it exiled on a barren asteroid. As you can see, it escaped Captain Gantu’s custody and made a warp jump on one of our police cruisers.”

“He took the red one,” a nearby officer mumbled sadly.

“Wow, it got away from this big lug?” Rocket was only half sarcastic when she turned to pat Gantu gently on the knee. The highest place her tiny paw could reach. “That must have been rough for you.”

“Take you dirty mitts off me,” Gantu replied in that humorous tone of withheld anger.

“Yes. This creature owns several abilities too destructive for a typical capture.” The councilwoman turned to fully face Rocket with an expression of stone-cold business. “It goes against much of the council, but under the risk we turn to you for mercenary work. We believe the only way to beat 626’s wild passion for mindless destruction and chaos is to find someone with the same level of devastating skills.”

“Careful, or I’d think you’re asking me on a date.”

“So will you do it?”

Rocket looked past her skinny frame at the purple fluff ball still being holo projected. It almost looked cute with the long erect ears and chest fluff. “Of course I’ll blow that freak into a thousand bits. However, you made it pretty clear this isn’t a simple grenade-and-go-home job. I want double the pay.”

“Deal!” the councilwoman responded faster than expected over the sputtering protests of Gantu. “Anything else?”

There was a big show of scratching her chin before Rocket replied, “I’m going to need some big guns, nets, and a few chemical reagents. Oh! And that snake’s robotic hand!”

The yellow scaled secretary that had just arrived with a round of coffee squeaked as everyone turned to stare at her. Metal clanked lightly with her metallic left hand instinctively moving behind her back.

* * *

To think they actually gave Rocket the hand. That almost never works. Shame she couldn’t stick around to watch that scrawny lizard try serving people with only one set of fingers. She looked dorky enough being so... tall. It was probably hilarious to watch, too.

Beeping lights came on from an overhead panel, which Rocket flipped in rapid succession. The single person jump ship the feds let her borrow rocked softly, dropping out of its warp jump. Like any perfect hop across the stars, her target planet zoomed in to a stop right below the viewing window. Not that she had much to look at. Most of the planet was an eyesore mesh of grey rock formations and bright pink water.

“What an absolute dump to bring a cruiser onto,” the raccoon spat in disgust. Complaining always helped calm her nerves, even with no one to hear. “Hey, computer lady! What’s with all the glowing pink on this rock?”

There were a few moments of pause while scanners did their work. “Planet is emitting high levels of energy possibly due to receiving regular cosmic rays from the systems many supernovas. Local water contains large amounts of proteins and hormones, with notably rich levels of testosterone and prolactin. Advise to avoid direct contact.”

“Yeah. Thanks mom. I really needed to be told that.”

Rocket would have facepalmed but such strife is wasted on machines. Instead, she opted to sit back and let autopilot cruise through the atmosphere. It gave her plenty of time to enjoy the rustic scenery of twisted rock, very unappealing pink fluids, and the occasional plant that looked like a shard of crystal. Following the tracer ping from 626’s stolen cruiser brought her across an ocean of the strange water towards a mildly large island.

Nice of them to crash on a confined space, where it’s hard to dodge wide radius explosions. At least the hunt for that fluffy monstrosity would be relatively short, unless they really liked to swim.

Apparently they did not. The cruiser’s bright red chrome was easily spotted, compacted against a large formation of grey rocks. No sooner had Rocket banked for a landing approach than the bunny-eared, big jawed abomination come scuttling out to see what was making all the noise. It was worth noting the thing had a wrench and drill in its clawed hands. If it had that kind of cognitive thinking, Rocket would have to approach this with a bit more caution and care.

A sharp hiss cut through the cockpit windows before they popped open. Rocket didn’t wait for it to finish, jumping out in a double flip onto her tiny pawed feet. The fact she was carrying a plasma cannon bigger than her entire body might have made the stunt more impressive to most low-brained grunts, but the void black eyes of the blue alien seemed more interested in the working ship behind her.

“Hey, vile looking! Need a lift?” Rocket asked in her most teasing, sarcastic tone, which wasn’t much from a creature that hated to flirt. Being ignored was working up her trigger finger, halted only by the desire to play this professionally. “Don’t worry. I got plenty of body bags to stuff your pieces in when we’re done, 626.”

The creature tilted its head in that confused way a lot of earth mammals do. Puppies, Rocket thought they were called. It was a brilliantly evil diversion tactic that made even her hesitate to shoot such an adorable thing in the face, despite having such a large, ugly nose. After a few seconds it seemed to catch the raccoon’s intentions, dropping its tools with a frown.

“I prefer to be called Stitch,” she said in a matter of fact, shockingly, female tone. Clawed hands moved in a blur, reaching into the back pockets of her yellow jumpsuit to point twin pistols back at a stunned Rocket. “Who are you? And what do you want?”

“Name’s Rocket. You’re dorky friends at the galactic counsel want you dead. And that is the stupidest name I ever heard.” Rocket giggled, more so when Stitch’s broad muzzle blushed. “Believe me, I’ve been to Earth once. Who names their child Susan? WHOAH!”


Twin streams of green energy zipped past the space Rocket had been standing, almost resembling globs of ooze. Expert reflexes allowed her to jump aside, only to nearly be crushed under the weight of her own blaster. Clangs of metal impacts, however, had her rounded ears folded back with a toothy snarl.

“Oy! Watch the ship, you fluffy abomination! I ain’t in the mood for welding repairs after this.”


“I’m a fluffier abomination than you,” Stitch shot back with another blaster shot.

This one came close enough Rocket could feel its heat sear her tail fur. Damn giant gun was already knocking the wind out of her sails. With a whirl on tipsy paws, she brought the sights down upon Stich’s giant dumb nose. Cackles of electricity shot out the back dispersers making the experiments wide bunny ears perk in alarm.

“How dare you! My ring tail is the fluffiest abomination this side of the galaxy!”


Normally energy-based weapons don’t create the kinetic effect that produces a recoil. So when the ballistic beam of white energy fired and sent Rocket sailing several meters back to the island’s shore, she felt it said something about the manufacturer.

Or maybe it said something about Rocket’s habit of ‘upgrading’ any new gun she can get her grubby paws on. Perhaps applying six times the normal battery power might have been a bit overkill. She sat up amidst the splashing currents in time to watch the white beam curve along the planet’s surface until it eventually detonated into a distant mushroom cloud.

Shame after all that the blast missed its intended target. Seeing an attack meant to destroy freight ships racing towards her spurred Stitch’s most basic survival instinct of diving face first into the ground. That gave just enough space for it to zip harmlessly overhead by the fur on her back. Only downside was losing track of her blasters in the process. Both were tossed aside in the panicked moment to become hiding somewhere amid the many rock and crystal formations.

“Yeah, not going to fire this thing again,” Rocket mused while looking over the melted muzzle of her cannon. She clambered onto shaking paw feet, leaving the useless gun where it lay. “Good thing I asked for some backup-YEIP!?”

She should have figured something built with such small, beefy legs would be pretty fast. Stitch launched towards Rocket in a blur that closed their distance too quick to do anything but take the headbutt.

The girls tumbled across the beach shore in a grey-blue ball of fur, splashing up pink water from the receding shorelines in their feral grappling match. Neither could really get a decent grip on the other between their limited reach and slippery space suits. All they could do was poke and scratch superficial damage across their fur for nearly a minute until complete desperation slipped in.

It almost looked practiced the way Rocket bit into Stitch’s ear the same time Stitch’s huge mouth clamped onto Rocket’s tail. They promptly unhinged their jaws, recoiling from each other in a unified yowl of pain.

“No fair bitting!” Stitch whined, rubbing her injured ear. The pain was causing an annoying rumbling noise, shaking inside her skull.

“Says the witch that bit my butt!?” Rocket hissed, glad to see her tail intact. There was only a mild ache as it wagged on the wet sandy shore, oddly devoid of any waves. “You don’t even know where I’ve been.”

“On top of me?”

“Exactly!” Rocket looked up to give the blue, pupil-less alien a raspberry. “Who knows what germs I got off yo-oo-ooooohhhh shit!”

“What?” Stitch blinked at a loss, watching Rocket’s cockiness turn into jaw dropped horror. Her ears twitched and swiveled about, slowly picking up that the increasing rumbling noise was not in her head. Turning to follow the raccoon’s gaze, said ears dropped like stones against the sides of her wide head. “... oh.”

Neither women were scientists, despite having coincidently been made by mad experimentation. However, they knew enough about the universe to understand that two things are great at causing tsunamis; gravity from moons, and a certain raccoon’s portable nuke cannon. Stitch and Rocket exchanged one brief look before bolting up the shoreline in mutual self-preserving panic. While Stitch burrowed her way under a cluster of the crystals, Rocket plunged an anchor spike into the same cluster, tying a tether line to her vest.

They successfully braced themselves three seconds before the wall of water crashed over the little island. Metric tons of water raced at blinding speeds across Rocket’s body, rending the world a muted void. She could attribute it a lot to the same experience of being adrift in space; weightless, powerless, and muted, save the drumming of one’s own heart in their ears. The only difference was that space didn’t leave you heavy with soaked fur, nor insides bloated with liquid filling every unmentionable orifice.

Thankfully, the anchor held on, allowing the raccoon to ‘surf’ against the tide until it finally passed along towards the opposite horizon. Water quickly pooled into any possible groove, leaving the island with its own brightly glowing surface.

“Blech!” was roughly the sound Rocket made when she vomited a large amount of pink water. A faintly similar sound nearby must have been Stitch concurring with her waterlogged sentiments. Her raccoon form remained on all fours, letting excess water drip from her fur while waiting for everything to stop trembling.

Stitch emerged from her burrow after a few minutes, toothy maw flapping open a nearly endless waterfall. The amount of water they held in their genetically modified lungs was nothing short of impressive. By the time they were done both she and Rocket had their ankles and wrists submerged in a pink puddle. An extreme case of backwash that really disgusted the raccoon.

“Great,” Rocket muttered, eventually finding the strength to stand. Upon a quick examination, she found the good news was that all her important parts were still intact. However, seeing the water exude off her as a thick steam despite shivering cold temperatures brought back the relocation of her computer’s warning about cosmic radiation. “I really didn’t want my first bath in ten years to be in intergalactic nuclear sewage. Blech! Hey, ugly? Don’t suppose that police junk heap of yours has a detoxing kit?”

It would have been more fun if the mild insults got a reaction. Instead, Stitch seemed more concerned about something else Rocket had mentioned. “Don’t know. We don’t have ships anymore.”

“What!? Oh... fuck!” Rocket shouldn’t have been surprised when, following the gaze of those creepy solid black eyes, she found nothing but empty crystal-lined landscape. Not even parts of either girl’s space ship remained around where they had been parked, or crashed. “Double great! That skiff costs more than I got paid for this gig. That’ll teach me not to engage the landing anchors, huh? Thank god I told Groot where I was going before landing.”

“I don’t feel good.”

“Yeah? Thanks for the pointless update...little...monster.” Rocket couldn’t even finish her usual ‘tough girl’ act before a surge of aches made her voice falter.

Why’d the blue mammal thing have to mention personal health? It only brought attention to the building heat, wrecking her senses. The rims of her vision developed a distorted haze while tension rose to a torturous level underneath her environmental suit.

Stitch didn’t appear to be in any better condition. They faced away from Rocket still pressed against the ground on all fours amidst pained groans. Shivers ran down their spine with increasing intensity that transferred into the most peculiar hip wiggles, making the raccoon wonder how something so short can fit a dump truck ass in that flight spandex.

“Aah Haa haa! Mmmmhh!” Pressure rushed into Rocket’s chest, eliciting a deep gasp. Lungs struggled against her binding vest, filling to their limits before exhaling. The burden released just as quickly, filling the raccoon with tingling relief. That didn’t feel like a normal spasm. “Um… T-this probably isn’t goo-HOOOOODD-AH!?”

Another rush washed over Rocket’s body, forcing her every muscle to flex. Paws staggered in a struggle to keep her upright after an oddly dizzy spell. It was almost like she suffered a short fall without leaving the ground.

“Hnnggghh! Stop! Stop! Damn it!” The strange shifting struck again before Rocket could recover from the last one. Toes curled from the tension with paws themselves, pushing into the ground with the space widening between them. She hadn’t tried to move in the slightest, yet the little raccoon felt slightly repositioned to her environment. “What the space dung!?”

Now that she took a deep breath to focus, Rocket wasn’t feeling so little anymore. Most of the slack had vanished from her spacesuit, pulling air-tight fibers taut across her body. Just from looking down she could see her neck bulging through a tight ring. A much thicker shoulder base became outlined through the connecting sleeves. The tips of her gloves tented from the pressure of larger claws threatening to pierce their expensive protection.

Still, the strange surges came on stronger and faster, overtaking every cell of Rocket’s being. With the crashing of another wave, the raccoon confirmed what she was already figuring out; she was getting bigger. Even as she watched the ground, her furry paws stretched out its thickening toes to cover a little more ground. A rush of expansion in the hips continued sliding her legs into a wider stance. The ground itself slowly pulled back before her eyes.

“What kind of space garbage is in this water!?” Rocket asked no one in particular. Her attention remained focused on one glove as claws tore out of each fingertip. The padded digits creeped out behind them, causing more tears across her swelling palms eager for less tight quarters.

Some garbling noises came from Stitch, which was probably not an answer. The weird blue piranha thing didn’t seem in better shape. Or maybe they were depending on a person’s preference. She remained face planted against the rocky ground, drooling an uncomfortable amount of fluids with her jaw flapping numbly. Hind legs continued racking her enlarging feet against the surface as if working out a cramp. Every kick caused the entire leg to lengthen, puffing up with thicker muscle while the soles of her paw foot widened.

They weren’t nearly as interesting as the balloon that became Stitch’s ass. Those glutes easily became the biggest part of her, and that was saying something with them still growing. Her frantic kick was causing it to bounce and jiggle in a violent frenzy nearly making her stubby tail numb invisible from Rocket’s view. Those federation guys sure knew how to make spacesuits adjustable for all sizes. It still clung to the very rounded back end with only minor sounds of fabric stress.

“Oh, shit!” Rocket squeaked. She could have gotten lost watching that fat alien butt expand if her own bizarre mutation wasn’t still taking its course. Both hands whipped around to clench her own backside when an involuntary jiggling made her tail stiffen.

No amount of groping could hold back the copious amounts of fat that poured into Rocket’s rear. The superior force pushed her hands back and to the sides, making way for so much booty that its crack became defined in the tight spacesuit.


Well, so much for that. Rocket could only give out a yelp as her favorite gear began failing from her body’s relentless growth. Cracks filled her animal ears, signaling wider and richer hip curves. She tried to hold the tear together, but it was no use. Her butt only continued to bloat into a soft help further expanding the opening.

“Whoa! WHOAH!”

The effort became pointless anyway when an explosive growth in her legs shredded Rocket’s suit from the waist down. She felt like a pull line was yanking her skyward, with shine and thigh bones rapidly extending ten times their normal length. Muscle gave off a deep groan from under the tender fur, swelling a hot second behind to keep from tearing vital limbs apart.

“Holy crap!” Only problem was that Rocket’s meat continued swelling well past what her new limbs required. Fur ruffled and billowed out closing the gap between her legs with their powerful girth. Deep solid ridges bulged through the fur with her smallest step. “Jesus, I’m looking like Quill’s floozies. Except… way better looking and stronger.”

“Mmmh! Floozies!” Rocket honestly forgot Stitch existed, and was looking just as big and bottom heavy. The little blue alien looked to be enjoying whatever this weird process was doing to them. Little arms reached the best they could to grope at her rear, tearing away large scrapes of the tight flight suit so blue fur could bulge out for fresh air.



An activity that got easier when Rocket watched the blue freak tighten her grubby hands into fists. Their little arms pulsed once and then exploded out the sleeves of her flight suit to become nearly as long as her beefy blue legs. Another flex saw their length double in density, and then triple, becoming long beefy limbs that’d put a lot of naturally larger merc races to shame.

“This water feels great,” Stitch said, rolling into a sitting position on her enormous behind. With such amazingly developed strength she had no effort yanking the rest of her clothes off in one pull. After which she took no shame in rubbing long-fingered hands over her steadily lengthening torso and hips. “You should get naked, too. It feels even better.”

“Yeah? I don’t-HRRRK! I don’t think I’ll have much choice heEERRRR!!”


Rocket hunched forward, trying not to succumb to the world spinning again. The back of her suit exploded outward with the surge of back muscles that broaden her shoulders. She couldn’t see the rocky bumps slowly rising out of the fur back there, but she could sure feel her middle stretching and becoming heavier. While there was a tightness that caved in her waist, she couldn’t help appreciating the dense six pack of squares running down her stomach in two rows.

“Mmphhh! Here we go,” the raccoon grumbled when something flowed down her right under the skin. There wasn’t time to prepare for when its bicep shot out long and slender, propelling its forearm to experience its own near instant extension. Strain filled the developing nerves, forcing her eyes to squint while making a fist.


In one hard flex, Rocket nearly toppled over with her arm becoming the epitome of muscular strength. Fortunately, the process spring boarded back through her shoulders so the left arm could experience the same befuddling growth.

“Holy hell! Is this normal for humanoids?” Rocket asked no one in particular. She was so huge now that the last of her space suit tore away just from twisting slightly to look herself over. Not only was the raccoon towering several times taller than her previously perfectly short form, she was probably twice the size of a normal terran. The sight of her biceps and shaking hips were so intoxicating she failed to hear the heavy thuds of Stitch rising to their equally huge feet. “This barely feels natural. I always knew humans cheated. There’s no way someone can naturally be this buff and curvy at the same time. HEY!”

Bright blue arms draped around the small mountains of Rocket’s shoulders, embracing her with a hug from behind. Try as she might Stitch apparently gained a good deal of hulkish vigor to rival the raccoons. Her struggles to escape went ignored while the blue creature nuzzled around Rocket’s neck with deep sniffs.

“YEEECH!” Rocket nearly gagged with a large pink tongue flopped out of Stitch’s rounded maw to lick the fur along her neck and head. A feeling that only got worse when a second slurp coated half her face in saliva. “What the fuck you doing now?”

“You smell good, Rocket,” Stitch said with an alluring purr. It tickled at Rocket’s ear in a way that caused an odd tickle in her brain that plummeted straight into her loins. “Also, I’m getting really horny from all this puffing out.”

“Oh, no! Don’t you da-AAH!”

Stitch was more than in a mindset to dare. With only a bit more pushing, she toppled Rocket down to the stony ground of the pink watered planet. Their combined impact ended up causing rough dents and cracks in the bedrock without feeling more than a minor bump.

Rocket pushed the lumbering blue beast away enough to flip onto her back, ready to tear their ears off. Turned out Stitch had her own plans, promptly straddling the she-hulk raccoon, so their thunder thighs became entwined. Before Rocket could even get a word out Stitch capitalized on their open muzzle by wrapping it inside her own.

“Mrrpphh!?” Rocket groped at Stitch’s biceps. Fingers ran through the many ridges and nooks barely finding the need to push such sexy arms away. This hardly felt like the time for a lesbian make-out session, but her giantess body acted despite the raccoon’s logic. With only a few second’s hesitation, her hands were reaching up to cup Stitch’s head, back arching to add her efforts into their kiss. “Hmm? HMMMMRRRPPP!?”

Holy shit! Whatever this experiment was, it had a hell of a tongue. No sooner did Rocket signal her own desires than Stitch pushed in with a rush of sloppy wet meat. It easily plowed Rocket’s own to the side, plunging partially down her throat. The raccoon’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, giving off muffled groans. She had never sucked a dick that could give her such a tonsil tickle in her life.

It didn’t last as long as Rocket would have liked. She suddenly found it getting hard to breathe, not from the tongue job, but a pressure crushing her ribcage. Stitch must have been getting the same feeling as they puffed frantically through their nose for breath. With a wet sucking noise the alien withdrew her tongue, leaving Rocket’s chin soaked in drool.


“Umm…” Rocket stared down at her chest, rapidly blinking in her horny stupor. The flat plates of her chest muscles were suddenly coated over by a pair of half spheres gently flowing off the sides of her ribcage. One hand reached up to touch a red nipple slightly poking out of the rolling fur coat, causing her to shiver against Stitch’s body. A glance up showed the blue being also grew a pair of chest globes, which hung tantalizingly close to Rocket’s nose. “Y-yeah. Guess we should have expected to grow tits after everything else. H-hey! What are you doing now?”

Stitch didn’t give an answer while she moved slightly beside Rocket. With a bit of maneuvering one leg under another, she got their pelvises to become interlocked. A connection that turned the raccoon’s face red, her swollen clit brushing against Stitch’s ever so slightly.

“Whoa! Wait a second,” Rocket pleaded as Stitched gripped her shoulder and hip simultaneously. “We really should wait for this o-awoo!!”

With a hard buck Stitch gave out a pleasured growl as she bright her crotch stroking along the surface of Rocket’s. Rocket in turn could do little but grab onto Stitch’s waist to keep from sliding away on her ass. There was a pause of more repositioning and then Stitched laid into her with rapid undulations. Their grunts turned into moans, filling the dead air with their pleasured cries.

Rocket saw in bright colors with the constant impact of their clits rubbing together. Ears burned with the wet slapping sound as their crotches became coated in a cocktail of their juices. With a free hand she tried to grasp one of her breasts, kneading it while also trying to ease its violent sloshing about.

“Oh! Oh! Oooohhh... fuck!” Rocket gasped. Even as she held the mammary in her hand, she could feel it continuing to swell. In fact, she could see both of their racks were ballooning out almost in time to Stitch’s humps. She was soon struggling to even grip the flesh as it flowed around her fingers like water.

An errant brush with a nipple caused Rocket to bark extra high. It brought about a strange twinge of release, which made her notice drops of white liquid on her fingertips. “Mmmph! Haa haa! God… damn it. We’re... nngh! Going to be earth cows a-ahht this rate.”

“Mmmh! Don’t care! Too good!” Stitch cried, only increasing the power behind each roll of her hips. They were getting so intense Rocket could hear the ground under them straining and cracking. Just hot durable were their fat asses.

Still, Rocket could not complain. All the increased nerves and tender mass left her overwhelmed with the stimuli of Stitch’s warm, sexy body grinding away. Their tits were becoming the size of escape pods, with no sign of the tension letting up. They gained a lot more firmness as they bounced in random directions. Nipples became more exposed with their puffing sizes, exuding more and more moisture with the mounting pressure inside them.


“Aah haa!” Rocket felt a shiver run through her body, converging on her roughly worked cunt. Muscles seized up with Sitch showing no signs of ceasing her scissoring antics. Hands tightened their grip on her blue alien lover while her breaths came out hard through clenched fangs. “Fuck… Fucking hell! I’m… I didn’t want to be the first to cu… uuuuUUUGGGGGHHHHHAAA!!”

Paw toes curled with the tightening of her leg muscles, but Rocket couldn’t keep the best orgasm of her life from crashing down. Her hips bucked wildly with the howls of ecstatic bliss. Every part of her muscular being contracted in titanic pulses, which became just enough to pop the pressure in her tits. Thick jets of sweet smelling cream fired off from her nipples, unwittingly giving Stitch’s own mammaries and chiseled stomach a shower.

Stitch was all too pleased to have her wild undulations returned. Seeing the cute Raccoon’s face contort and hit their peak was a major turn on towards her own orgasm. Rocket had barely come down when the blue experiments howls joined them in unified sexual pleasure.

Granted, Rocket was a lot less pleased to have what might have been a gallon of alien milk dumped on her face. Stitch continued to hammer into her clit, mixing their cum together until even their awesome strength waned. After which the racoon was further displeased to have a sexy body builder the size of a battle mech collapse exhausted on top of her. At least they made for a warm blanket to rest for a while, even while their breasts continued to leak all over themselves and the ground like broken faucets.

“So,” Rocket said after a while. She was glad when Stitch stirred enough to meet her gaze with adorable black eyes. “After a fucking like that I don’t really have a mind to turn you over to those galactic nerds, but… um… I don’t suppose you have a spare ride off this dump?”

“Nuh,” Stitch grunted as she surveyed both of their wrecked spaceships a short distance away. “You?”

“Mmh! Gah!” Rocket tried to scratch her eye only to get a splash of milk in it. “God damn, tits better stop gushing soon. We’re not even feeding babies and it’s so disgusting. Anyway, I can probably fix the long range radios to contact some friends. It might take them a bit now, since we’re going to need a freighter at this size.”

“Okay!” Stitch said with a giggle. Before Rocket could ask what was funny, she nabbed the raccoon by her breast and latched her mouth onto its nipple for a long sucking drag of milk. That got such a cute expression and squeal from Rocket that encouraged her to take several more drinks. Finally she pulled away to ask, “So what you want to do in the meantime?”

Rocket glared back, but the blushing heavy pants made from how damn good nursing felt left her real feelings exposed. After a few seconds of staring at each other in silence, the raccoon turned away with a grumpy pout. “I’m on top this time!”


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