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(contains male to female gender bending, preg and birth with eggs, female on male sex, and literal honey boobs)

Commission for sassaflash99


May was always a fun time to be adventuring through the great outdoors. It still got cold during the nights, but otherwise nature provided clear skies, soothing warm sunlight, and glorious views.

Noon was approaching with peak hiking conditions by the time Sassa hit the ridge. The half leafeon, half dragon couldn’t resist taking a break to enjoy one of many great sights during his current job. Rolling hills dipped into a forested valley below with a decent sized lake glinting at the bottom. A breeze tickled the webbing of his leathery wings, making his long meaty tail wiggle its leaf spade.

After taking a swig from his water canteen, Sassa turned away from the painting level scenery to the work at hand. Keen golden eyes followed along the ridge he was on towards a rough series of steps toward the hill’s top. When he got closer, it was easy to see the trail of foliage debris far away from the natural tree lines. Every so often they were joined by light claw marks in the bedrock, spaced perfectly for bipedal toes, not unlike the pokemon hybrid’s own green scaled bare feet.

The nest had to be close now. There were more signs of some creature living here the higher he climbed. They were all old marks, though, so Sassa wasn’t sure how to feel about the mission’s progress. An agency had come to him about a week ago, promising riches for collecting magic eggs from a rare breed of monster in this region. It sounded crazy and dangerous, just the challenge for an experienced collector like himself. Plus, it gave him a chance to practice his tracking skills.

Granted, Sassa wouldn’t mind if the creature was not at home when he came to collect its bounty. He was just concerned that without signs of recent occupancy that there might be nothing in the nest left to collect. Much as he liked the exercise, a week away from home and his PC didn’t pay the bills.

Turned out to be an unwarranted concern when he rounded the last rocky step onto the hilltop. A well threaded path wound behind some boulders into a shallow cave. In the bright sun Sassa could clearly see its back wall from a distance, and the heavy nest set against it. His eyes glowed both literally from dragon greed and emotional joy as he got close. Set inside the pile of branches, leaves, and torn materials were two glittering red eggs the size of basketballs.

“I should have made more room,” he mumbled aloud while shrugging off a backpack almost as big as himself. Dragon genes allotted a little extra strength compared to other leafeon’s. It’d make carrying the two heavy ovids a breeze until he had to factor in the downwards climb back to his jeep.

And there was another problem. Pulling out pits of metal rods and panels, he quickly assembled a container designed for heavy shock absorption. A little gift from his employers in their desire for a secure delivery. When fully assembled, however, Sassa was less than thrilled to find the box looked barely big enough to house one egg. Leaving the other behind was not an option, with so much money at stake. Maybe the shells were sturdier than they looked.

Well, best to just worry about it as he went. The mother could be back at any time and that notion quickly got the half-breed securing an egg inside his provided box. It came with a strap for hanging off his pack, so he figured it wouldn’t be too bad climbing with one arm while cradling the spare.



Of course, a monstrous cry would pierce the cave’s tranquil silence just as Sassa got the egg in his claws. With but a frantic jump, the hefty slick shell flew from his palms in an arch that carried it far over the nest’s edge. The leafeon barely got out a curse before a sharp cracking noise drowned him out. Racing after it confirmed the prize was beyond saving. The glittering shell laid in unceremonious pieces across the rocky floor. A surprisingly purple gooey inside glazed over the area, irradiating a strange heat almost in reaction to its freedom.

Sassa would have kept kicking himself, except another wild cry rang through the air. This time it was definitely closer and got his long, pointed ears swiveling to locate its source. An impossible feat with the cave acoustics throwing every vibration around.

“Oh. Uuugh!” Sassa took a deep breath to steady his nerves, and coughed. The air had suddenly grown dense.

A quick glance found the egg remains had become so hot they steamed purple vapors. The cave hastily filled with a dense fog making it difficult to see.

Between a potential poisoning and mauling, Sassa sarcastically thought this adventure had taken a drastically positive turn. Scooping up the box with his remaining egg, the leafeon dashed out of the cave, leaving his pack of supplies in the nest. Wisps of smoke clung to his body as if trying to keep the hybrid tethered to the cloud. Dragon wings and tail fluttered in an attempt to shake it off. If anything, it seemed intent on seeping beneath his pelt, leaving a slight itching behind.

Sassa ignored this in favor of checking his surroundings. Long, pointed ears rotated in search of any strange noises across the rocky slopes. Eyes scanned the skies, finding a lack of threats or even wildlife. That hardly meant he was still alone on this peak.

“Ah, screw it!”

Summoning up a burst of courage, Sassa ran from his last bits of cover onto the natural rock steps leading from the nest. From there it was an easy leap off the mountain ridge, wings fanning their widest to catch a rush of air moving to greet the pokemon-dragon. Gliding along with the eggs’ additional weight made things a bit difficult while he stayed close to the slope without crashing into it. Sure, it was a straight flight back to his car at the mountain’s base, but with no clue to the nest owner’s location flying in open air was just asking to be dived on.

Sassa also felt his forward weight increasing the longer he descended. The hike up couldn’t have tired his upper muscles that much already. Still, after a few minutes of slowly drifting his balance wobbled enough to force a landing. Luckily, he rounded a pile of boulders in time to spot a small ledge in the terrain. It’s flat base made for a perfect platform for a short rest.

“Ugh!” Sassa touched down with a clumsiness he hadn’t experienced since childhood. Clawed feet paws staggered across the stone floor, scratching a trail towards the back wall. It ended up being the only thing saving the poke hybrid from falling over. He was just glad his bounty remained safe in its container.

Still, one egg didn’t feel that heavy to be throwing off his balance like this. Sassa gently set the container down before taking a seat to collect himself. A wave of sickness was causing the world to spin, making him fight the urge to barf. As if there weren’t enough reasons to regret abandoning his gear. Like any experienced traveler that included a supply of simple medicines.

Not to mention food. No sooner did the nausea pass than Sassa felt his stomach clench in a painful demand for nourishment. An odd one-eighty that couldn’t be helped. All he could do was try rubbing his midriff, hoping to calm his squirming insides for the remaining trip down. There’d be plenty of camping food waiting in the car for a celebratory feast out of this area.

“The heck!?” Sassa’s ears perked in surprise when his hand landed on his stomach sooner than it should have. Looking down, the leafeon-dragon’s eyebrows also shot up at seeing the front of his shirt filled out in a modest bulge. Nerves confirmed with a few test gropes this additional bump was still his stomach, yet was too firm to rule as spontaneous fat. How could he have gained weight if he was hungry?

“Oh… what’s…” His voice trailed off while pulling up the hem of his shirt. Sure enough, his minor abdominal muscles were gone under a rising gut of fur and scales that pushed tight against his belt. Sassa’s mind whirled through a storm of questions and concerns, especially with the near constant squirming pressure continuing to build under his tight hide.

“Aah haah!?” Muscles deep inside his pelvis that the hybrid couldn’t recognize clenched so hard his stomach quivered. Not a second later, the area behind his belly button pushed out, causing his entire bulge to swell even larger. Both hands slammed on either side of his expanding belly, trying to fight against this growth with no noticeable success. Sassa only found his fingertips being pushed further apart as his middle rounded and hung like he’d eaten a basketball for breakfast. “This… this is madness? Did I get poisoned back there?”

That weird egg smoke was the only thing that made sense to cause his midsection to inflate. Yet Sassa never heard of any kind of poison that’d produce such a drastic reaction.

“Hmmngh!” Speaking of which, a shifting sensation rolled across Sassa’s hips sparking an expansion of their own. Hands dove under the curve of his bloating belly to undo his belt buckle before it pinched him in half.

No sooner had the restraint been undone than the button on Sassa’s pants snapped. Despite having his waistband loosen, the leafeon felt his hips continue spreading into a wide berth. At the same time an astounding amount of fat poured into his seat, making seams strain while it spilled further across the bedrock.

“Ack!” Something deep in Sassa’s pelvis popped, causing his legs to unwillingly press together. His entire posture changed in an instant so his knees pointed naturally inwards and spine developed a supportive curve. This brought attention to how much plumper his thighs had swelled without his noticing.

Sassa shook his head so hard his folded ears flapped about. Denial did little to undo the bizarre metamorphosis overtaking his body, nor did trying to cover his stomach with his shirt. By now his midsection had filled to resemble a hanging beach ball. The hem could stretch to his farthest point over the curved surface no matter how hard he tugged.

Although, the taut cotton pressed down on two other mounds rising from the leafeon-dragon’s chest.

“Oh, no flipping way those are real!” Sassa squeaked, gasping at how his voice cracked into a higher octave mid-sentence.

He continued watching in disbelief as his shirt billowed forward from an impressively developing shelf inside it. The new parts were instantly recognizable, yet the hybrid was fearful to acknowledge them as his own. Before long their mass reached considerable size to ooze over the crest of his even larger stomach.

“What the…?” The words left Sassa’s softening muzzle with a light airiness that was unmistakably feminine. Not even his face was spared changes, but the leafeon-dragon’s attention became fixated on an unexpectedly sweet scent wafting through the air. His narrowing brown nose twitch with rapid sniffs down to his full and tender bust. Moist spots were forming in his tight shirt around their front where he realized engorged nipples poked out like tiny tents. Fingers lightly brushed over the area finding what they were secreting to be of a sticky consistency. One test lick instantly made him realize the familiar substance. “Okay. So I’ve grown boobs that lactate honey. What the hell kind of job did I get hired for?”

“One that doesn’t pay enough, clearly.”

A high squeal of fright echoed off the surrounding terrain, while Sassa backed against the wall, slapping his wings flat against its stone. A sudden bundle of green hairs flung into his face from the motion, which he swatted aside and realized was his own hair. Years of growth had occurred in minutes, leaving him with a mess of locks hanging down to his plumped girly ass as a pseudo cape.

Not that he had time to ponder these last parts of his transformation with a much taller female dragon strolling along the hillside into his hiding place. Her natural black and white colors made her rich hourglass body move like a shadow among the rocks and plants. Rich hair mixed in blue and red sections swished the ground with the wagging of her long thick striped tail. A pattern that matched the plentiful mane falling off her head down the center of her back. Many parts of her body were also covered in thin layers of blue and yellow patterned wraps that gleamed in the sunlight.

“I know you didn’t ask, but my name’s Leandra.” The dragon stopped a few feet away, looming over the sitting Sassa with hands on her slightly chubby hips. Her head tipped to one side, regarding him with a mix of two-thirds amusement, and a third of what might be annoyance. “And yes, that was MY nest you just cracked a magic egg in so casually. Unbelievable I just moved out here hoping for a nice summer holiday and you stupid treasure hunters already tracked me down. I’d almost be impressed if I didn’t have to air out my bed tonight.”

“Um…” Sassa was well aware he was facing down a pure blood dragon with a beef to address. However, at this distance, his sparkling wide eyes couldn’t help noticing the blue and white coating Leandra’s body was not clothing. Instead, the dragon had covered herself in ample amounts of paint. Somehow the hybrid had a feeling this was to attract attention towards those areas rather than for modesty’s sake.

Leandra silently confirmed this by fanning out her wings and doing a little spin in place. The intricate colored patterns along her back made Sassa ponder how she accomplished such a feat.

“Like my little summer look? I was just touching that up when I smelt the magic smoke you were messing around in.”

“Hey! Listen! I’m s-sorry about losing one of your eggs up there. Seriously,” Sassa stammered, still surprised by the cute girly voice coming out of his frightened muzzle. He tried standing to address her properly, only to remain pinned by the weight of his altered form. “I don’t suppose I can talk you into undoing whatever that egg did to me? As an expert treasure hunter, I got a nice private collection a dragoness could love back home.”

“Tempting, really, but you’re going to be paying me back in a way you apparently haven’t realized yet.” Leandra lowered into a squat, tail wagging faster as her grinning face drew within inches of the leafeon-dragon. “See, I got so tired of losers stealing my eggs that I found a perfect trap spell that adheres to the old saying; ‘you break it, you buy it.’ Looks like being half dragon is slowing the curse a little, but I wouldn’t worry. That amazing belly of yours looks ready to pop soon.”

“Pop!?” The word sent a shiver through Sassa’s gravid body, causing his own tail to slap the stone floor. Both hands stroked the girth of his midsection, tickling the sensitive furry hide. The last puzzle piece had fallen into place for him, and it left his feminine jaw hanging open. “No. Oh no! You can’t possibly mean I’m going to-Hey! Let go!”

Leandra ignored her unwanted visitor’s protests while she used position and dragon strength to yank Sassa’s pants and underwear off with several hard tugs. “These clearly don’t fit that fat butt anymore. Besides, you’ll be glad not to have them on shortly. I… Oh, this is interesting.”

Sassa swallowed the lump in his throat following her gaze. Between his full thighs not only remained his cock and balls, the last vestige of the man that climbed up this mountain, but it stood fully erect against the underside of his rounded gut. A soft tongue clicking made him regard Leandra with concerns. The sight of a dragon’s member certainly didn’t repulse her, but she was regarding it with a disturbing pensiveness.

After a few moments of unease, Leandra shrugged her wings with a spirited giggle. Her hips rose high into the air as she moved on all fours until her face vanished between Sassa’s legs. “Sheesh! I’m supposed to be angry and instead we find ourselves here. I guess the only way to move things along is to give your little boy a proper sendoff. Lucky you.”

“What the flying heck does that me-EEK!”

The painted dragon wasted no time wrapping the hybrid’s firm sack in her palms. Manicured fingers stroked expertly along both testicles before moving up to the member itself.

“Ooooh hell,” Sassa seethed through grit teeth. His hips jerked the best they could under his hefty stomach load. The sensitive cock pulsed against Leandra’s fingertips in response, making veins visible through the stretched skin.

Another pulse surged through the leafeon-dragon’s breasts, further damping his shirt and filling the little ledge with rich honey aromas. Unable to reach whatever Leandra was up to, Sassa settled on groping his plump mammaries instead. Each firm squeeze brought on a rush of pleasure with the small release of more nectar. It was enough to send his tongue flapping out against his cheek with rapid breaths.

“Mmmh! Don’t drain those tits too much,” Leandra teased, her horns and eyes peeked over Sassa’s belly crest. “I might want some of that for tomorrow’s breakfast.”

If there was any sense left in Sassa, his soft female face did not show it. That was fine for Leandra. Giving an impromptu hand job was getting fun. On every pass, her fingers brushed the tip of the hybrid’s member and dragged fingers along its side in a slow descent back to its sack. It certainly seemed to please her half-dragon kin, judging by the hip wiggles and leg kicks.

Considering how a transformation likes to leave a subject extra sensitive and often aroused, that might have been enough to finish things. Then again, Leandra hadn’t had a good opportunity to vent her own stress in a while. No reason they both couldn’t get a little enjoyment out of this attempted burglary.

“Oof!” Sassa had become so engrossed in his self milking it didn’t occur to him that Leandra had stopped dick stroking until the dragon straddled her full weight atop his hips. The leafeon-dragon met her grinning snout with aroused confusion. His unspoken question was quickly answered as her striped tail lifted and a very warm, wet slit pressed into the head of his member.

“Ooooo fuuuuuck!”

Both hissed their approval while Leandra allowed gravity to lower herself onto Sassa’s lap. Her insides stretched so wonderfully wide in acceptance of his penis that she laid partially across his pregnant belly to savor the moment.

Unfortunately, Sassa wouldn’t stop stirring beneath her larger weight, rocking Leandra back to the task at hand soon enough. It might have been ages since her last good romp. Being on top was just extra cream for her insides. She enjoyed getting to do half the work of lifting her jiggling rump before letting it slap back against Sassa’s balls. It was going to please the hybrid regardless, so she could do whatever.

Particularly that honey smelled superb. In between the rhythmic process of drilling herself with Sassa’s cock, she scooted until their ample breasts squished against each other. By now the squirming leafeon-dragon’s shirt was totally drenched in gooey nectar. She only needed one tug at the collar to completely rent the shirt off, sending Sassa’s breasts flopping free.

“Nom!” Leandra wasted no time latching her watering lips onto Sassa’s leaking boob. Honey sprayed over her eager tongue with every suckle, causing her wings to flutter.

“Haa haa!” The helpless hybrid wasn’t about to complain if it eased the full aching in his bust. Sassa alternated stroking Leandra’s horn and hair with one hand while the other continued massaging a steady stream of goo out his free breast.

Neither slowed in their mutual humping, even when Leandra broke from the savory nipple to give Sassa a proper kiss on his gawking muzzle. Their lips interlocked, drizzling spit and honey on each other for a few moments, until the dragon was drawn back to her nursing feast.

Sassa bucked his hips the best he could to meet Leandra’s butt drops. His cock was getting railed in all the right ways. Rapid slaps of clashing thighs sent both their thick dragon tails thrashing about like wild pythons. Under such stimulating assaults he was amazed to have lasted this long. But then Leandra began clenching around his shaft and ground away what little restraint he had left.

“HNNNGGH!” Both of the leafeon-dragon’s hands grasped Leandra by her horns, firmly keeping the pure dragon’s muzzle pressed against his lactating breast. Pressure in his ball rose to agonizing levels, teasing at the breaking point of release. His mini-humps broke rhythm, going in a wild frenzy trying to delve deep into his lover’s snatch.

Leandra wasn’t about to complain as she continued drinking the fresh honey practically gushing from her new toy’s nipples. Both of their breasts were glistening in the sweet surgery glaze while sloshing about in the throes of pleasure. The least she could do was let Sassa enjoy this last hurrah before feeling the member filling her insides stiffen and pulse.

“Oh god yes!” Sassa squealed his girliest scream yet when she came. His draconic member swelled and contracted in several hard pulses, quickly filling up Leandra’s tunnel with a different gooey honey. Golden eyes rolled into the back of his head, too overwhelmed to even care about the strange pressure pushing down on his trembling cock. It was almost like his orgasm was trying to pull it inside him.

Leandra arched her back, pressing into Sassa with a guttural cry of approval. It wasn’t just the hybrid orgasm that helped her to finish, but also the feeling of his member withdrawing from her with its rapid throbs. Bit by bit it shrank away until with one massive flex it released a sputter of cum that leaked across both their thighs and fully withdrew from the dragon, never to be used in such a fashion again.

“It’s kind of a shame,” Leandra said with a grin soaked in afterglow. Her nails traced over the Sassa’s belly button just in time to watch it pop outwards from the internal pressure. “I bet we can have better fun after dinner and a movie, but I have to remember you tried stealing from me.”

“Mmmh.” Sassa blinked, his body squirming from the gentle caress and odd twinges striking across his fat hips. Strength drained from his limbs with the last bits of his orgasm, leaving the leafeon-dragon heaving as he sat against the rocky wall. “W-what did you do to me?”

Leandra’s tail wagged once with her soft giggle. “Oh? Can’t you tell yet?”

One of her hands dipped below the far side of Sassa’s belly out of his sight. Before he could comment, his ears shot up, feeling her fingers land on his crotch and… slip inside him!?

“Aaah gah! Y-you got to be fucking kidding me!” Sassa cried, horrified by the way her vaginal tunnel instinctively flexed around the dragon’s invading fingers. The hybrid’s inner muscles were still tender from experiencing their first climax and leaking all kinds of juices.

Leandra seemed to enjoy Sassa’s flavor when she withdrew her to lick them. “We kind of did. Sorry, but we can’t have that old junk hanging around. It gets in the way of you returning my egg.”

“Returning your… OH!” An involuntary flex in her abdomen rocked Sassa from her stupor. She groped at the swollen bulge of her stomach, feeling the things under the taut furry skin squirm. The tension lasted several agonizing seconds before abruptly releasing its hold. “Oooooh hell no! You didn’t!”

“Oh shush! You’re getting more pleasure out of this than the last thief.” Leandra gave the contracting hybrid a playful raspberry. “Besides, you’ll get used to it after going as long as I have.”

Sassa couldn’t work up a response before the bulge in her hands descended into her crotch, electing a startled yelp and thrashing of her leafy tail tuft. The pressure inside her pelvis increased a hundredfold, with another muscle contraction tightening around her insides. Something snapped from within, causing another soft cry as water gushed from between her legs into a small puddle on the stone ground.

The back of Sassa’s newly formed vagina suddenly found itself split by something huge and smooth. She tried to fight this urge to bear down on it, but the contractions seemed more than enough to drive this thing rapidly towards her yawning slit. It soon filled her entire tunnel to its limit, forcing the hybrid to spread her curvy legs.

“Phew! Phew! Phew!” Sassa panted, unable to do anything but grip at her round ball of a stomach, tail and wings fluttering in her mixed arousal panic. The dropping object was pushing so hard against a sensitive patch of vaginal surface on its way out it sparked a mini-orgasm. Her eyelids blinked out of sync, getting very heavy. The world itself blurred out of focus for the laboring leafeon-dragon. “I hate you, Leandra. Haagh! I hate you so much.”

What might have been the pure dragon gave a jostling laugh. It was getting hard to discern one blob from another. And as the massive load in Sassa’s gut began emerging from her vaginal lips, she was finding it very hard to stay awake.

* * * *

Next thing Sassa could coherently understand, she was on a bed wrapped in a warm blanket, and it was early morning. Both of these, and the room she was in were quickly recognized as her own. The actual memories of getting to her car and driving back home to sleep things off were blocked by a pounding headache not helped by the dry pain of thirst. Only the rough image of Leandra’s plump dragon shape came back clearly, and the hybrid really hoped she hadn’t decided to stay overnight with them.

Sitting up was unfortunately enough to confirm that wild gender bending trip had not been some elaborate dream. Pulling back the blanket set a pair of plump furry tits shaking in the refreshing air. They and her legs were still crusted over in dried honey and cum fluids, making the fur clump in messy bundles. That was just dandy. So she lost her gear, her payday, and her manhood. Hopefully that wouldn’t be forever.

“Ugh! At least I can still hunt treasure like this,” she muttered to no one. Trying to see the bright side of all this was about the only thing that might help her defeated mood right now.

That and a shower. A really long, hot one. Sassa shifted in a roll off her bed, sparking a dull ache across her nether region and thighs. She really didn’t want to be reminded about laying the mother of all omelette ingredients, but at least that part was over.

It was a quick trip to the bathroom where Sassa took the time to splash a bit of cold water on her softer face. Ears wiggled curiously as she saw her changed self in the mirror for the first time. Yeah. Things could have been a lot worse. At least she was a bit of a cute bombshell, even when so unkempt after sex. She couldn’t help striking a few poses for the sake of trying to feel a bit better.

“Um…” She turned for a profile view and paused upon noticing something. A shaking hand came to rest on the center of her stomach, confirming a small but firm bulge near the belly button. Millions of questions and concerns rushed through her mind while the green dragon tail smacked against the bathroom wall behind her. “That damn dragon! She better not have made that part consistent too.”

Sassa fumed at the bathroom sink for a while before eventually realizing what little good it’d do her now. Not like she could just drive back out there without equipment or money and demand her dick back.

Besides, another thought made her wonder. Maybe her employers wouldn’t care about the source, as long as they got their magic eggs.


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