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(contains human to naga TF)


The sunset was gorgeous tonight. Light reflected off the bay casting vibrant rays as if the ocean was on fire. The horizon was fading out into a curtain of shimmering stars. It was perfectly clear the daytime had ended.

That was how Frost knew she was in deep shit.

"Come on! Come on!" The young woman's blue eyes remained glued to the glow of her phone's screen. If only knowing magic could somehow make her Uber ride get here faster than the four minutes projected on its app.

Frost's free hand absently fiddled with the bright blue bow tying back her raven black bangs. While a cute decoration, it was also her cleverly disguised battery for magical power. With it fully charged, keeping a typical human appearance outside her apartment was easy.

Sadly it no longer brimmed with warmth to tell her it had any left. Usually, she was on top of such a vital timer, but no, she had to accept that extra round of friendly drinks. Getting home with everything intact was going to be a race Frost was sure she already lost.

A feeling emphasized when she brought her hand back down to swipe the phone screen. The entire back had begun to molt off its soft human skin in large crispy flakes. Bright blue scales shimmered in the lights of the seafood restaurant behind Frost. Her friends were still partying it up back at the bar, while Frost's heart hammered against her ribcage.

"You call for an Uber?"

Frost nearly lept out of her heels, which already shook loose on her numbed feet. Watching the return of her scales had become so mesmerizing she had failed to notice the beat-up sedan arrive. The driver looked at least three decades younger than his ride, but Frost was not about to argue quality.

"Y-yeah, that's me!" Frost whipped both molting hands behind her back forcing a casual smile. She could feel the rim of her hoodie slowly rising up to expose her belly as everything got longer.

Thankfully her ride did not notice in the dim light. He was even a gentleman to open the back door for her. Granted, Frost's steadily increasing height made her bang against the roof trying to cram inside.

"Have a bit much to drink tonight?" her driver laughed in a teasing manner before gently closing the door.

While that sparked resentment over her whole two drinks tonight, Frost decided it best to play it off. Better to be a drunk human than not human at all. If only trying to pull her hoodie back down did not cause even more flakes of skin to slid off her belly. The stripped blue scales of her front were getting harder to hide in sync with the decreasing slack in her clothes.

"So where you off to now?" By some miracle, the driver climbed back in without looking directly at her.

"J-just heading on home. I'm a bit...d-drained." Frost did her best to sound cheery, hoping the young man's eyes stayed forward. The app already had her address put in, but it was the courtesy rule of conversation most people liked to follow.

"Yeah, it's always best to call things in early."

Frost never felt so happy when the car was finally put into drive. Her favorite seaside restaurant became one of many distant lights in the journey home. Just the fact she was on her way was enough to coax some tension out of her growing body. Scaled fingers passed through her hair in a deep sigh. She still had some time, so this could work out after all.

That was her thought until she saw her hand had pulled off a large clump of black hair.

Maybe there would not be a lot of red lights.

"So you must be a seafood lover?"

"What? Oh...oh yeah! My friends take me out here pretty often."

"Ah, yes," the driver said, turning onto the next block. Eyes looked into the rearview mirror, prompting Frost to pull up her hoodie. If he noticed his rider had shrinking ears and spontaneous onset of baldness, it did little to affect his cheerful demeanor. "You know there's a lot of crazy stories around those docks?"

"O-oh, yeah? Like what?" Frost pretended something out the window caught her interest. If anything that just positioned more lights to reflect off the scales growing across her face.

By then the man had to look back on the road to pull a tight left turn. Frost found herself sliding out of the seat to keep from hunching towards the front. Her form continued to stretch well past the length of the worlds tallest basketball player.

"Yeah. Ever meet any mermaids? Apparently, they're in abundance over the winter." The driver laughed, with Frost forcibly joining in. "I tell you this city gets stir-crazy with each passing year. Take a look out your left, I've been told a succubus was accidentally summoned in that restaurant thanks to a fortune cookie typo. That's probably why their food suddenly got so good at tourism."

Frost would have loved to look, but shifting in her jeans was far more distracting. Shoes slipped off dwindling feet that vanished into the cuffs of crumpling pant legs. A series of soft pops filled her ears, knowing that her human appendages were losing their muscle and bones at an alarming rate. It was all transferred back to the base of her spine, which spread her hips to make room for a new lump of muscle growing out between her thighs.

"Guess it could be worse, right? At least they still got great food."

Frost made a moaning sound she hoped sounded like agreement. After a seconds deliberation, she decided a bit of risky embarrassment was worth the cost of a new pair of pants. The actual act of removing them took an amazing amount of wiggling on her part. With her hips reconfiguring for a new way of locomotion, they had left her butt in different shape and massively thick with muscle and fats. Everything from the chest down had become blue scaled with many bright blue stripes running down the front. A few good pulls got them dislodged from her pelvis. Just before any stitches could tear from the powerful snakes tail growing down her center.

The driver pulled another turn, nearly rocking Frost off her seat. Unfortunately, her attempts to get back on the cushion were met with more sliding around. There were no longer any hip joints to assume a human sitting position. What remained of her legs were slightly shriveled from lack of muscles, better resembling tapped on doll limbs.

"Good thing you weren't here last week. I was driving this one fare downtown when a giant bunny woman the size of a building just casually strolled down the street." The driver continued his banter while switching lanes and watching for turns. "She damn near crushed me too. Just kept walking around like she owned the city. I'm surprised it took so long for any police to respond. Never did catch her either."

"Y-yeah. That's crazy." Frost barely got her words out in a whisper. Most of her teeth were gone at that point. While she was used to talking with just a few front fangs, it was still hard when one's mouth was in the process of thickening out into a reptilian muzzle.

A bump in the street caused Frost to slip out of her chair where she decided to remain. Despite being on the floor, her neck was lengthening to pop her head back out from its hoodie towards the ceiling. The hoodie itself was straining under the growing woman's torso. Sleeves tore as her arms grew too long and shoulder too broad. No matter how hard she tugged, the hem refused to cover the slick scales of her stomach very much.

"Not as crazy as this building on your right." The driver remained somehow oblivious a woman was filling up his cabin with her rapidly fading humanity. "I wouldn't say that mess is haunted, but everyone I pick up from there always claims they were different when they came in. Like this, one girl claimed she was an elderly guy that same morning. Apparently, they did something to scramble her poor mind."

Frost gave the passing dentist building little regard over the cramping of her massive tail piling against the opposite cabin door. With each passing streetlamp, she could see her limb swelling another foot with dense muscles and bones. Bright blue scales refracted the dim lights in an almost pretty display across the ceiling. Once shaply woman legs dwindled away, feeding the snake tails growth until finally, the monster appendage was all that remained.

And the whole mass was still getting longer in the process. The little nub coiled across the backseat until it was twitching against Frost's extended muzzle. There was little she could do to control its direction until her spine finished growing out.

"Although if you really want to talk crazy, there was this one incident with a giant chicken…"

Frost shook her head with a defeated laugh. She was filling up the backseat with each passing minute. The only thing left of her human form was a few blotches of skin that would probably molt off once she got off this cramped floor. Even though her hair was now decorating the seat, her bow still remained on her serpent forehead by a simple enchantment.

"But then along comes this battle robot shaped like some kids…"

Still, Frost continued to grow. The floor was not that much a safe refuge for space with her head scraping along the roof. Even with her noodle neck bending down, it only bought seconds before she was pressing into the car again. Her tail had finished circling back to her side of the seat and was now bending to travel away from her.

And all the driver noticed from this was the decline of his speedometer.

"Yeesh! Why are we going so slow all of a sudden? It's like we suddenly gained five hundred pou-AAH!"


The next speed bump proved fatal for the poor old car. Frost's whole body lurched up, blanketing her under the stripped scales of her own tail's underside. From somewhere behind her seat came a harsh grind followed by loud cracks of breaking metal. Something then proceeded to thump along the car's bottom for a few feet before everything slowed to a stop. There were some severe disadvantages to being a naga when it came to muscle mass.

The driver cursed a few times, noticing half his emergency lights had gone off. A twist of the key killed the engine before he wrangled a phone out of its dashboard mount.

"I'm so sorry about this, ma'am! My shocks have been wearing for years, but I didn't think they'd give out for a while. Talk about a hard bump, I think it damaged the suspension too. You doing okay back...there?"

Frost stopped in the middle of climbing out of her own tail feeling the cabin mood shift suddenly. Before she turned to look, it was already apparent the driver had finally decided to get a good look at her. Or rather the several meters worth of blue scaled tail lying in a mess across the rear cabin. His eyes were wide as dinner plates moving from one part of Frost to another, eventually managing to lock onto her bright blue irises, which had slitted pupils now.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about the damage." Frost's thick snout curled into her best smile. Most of her friends told her it was adorable, and seemed to help disarm her startled driver a little. Or maybe it was her struggle to take a seat without possessing a proper buttock. "Good thing we're on the same street as my house, huh? I can totally help pay for that if you want. Just...uh...how about I go grab my insurance info while you call a tow truck?"

Nothing happened for several seconds to the point Frost was concerned she broke the poor guy. Eventually, she felt her heart resume beating when the man nodded very slowly.

She did not pass the opportunity to scramble for the door handle. That was another mistake as Frost promptly fell out into a tangled mess on the sidewalk. Ignoring the looks from a couple walking their dogs, the blue snake woman expertly righted herself up to properly balance on her tail. Once it's incredible length was moved out, Frost took a moment to collect her pants and shoes before slapping the door closed with her hip.

"Well…" the driver said, more to himself, while watching Frost glide down the sidewalk on her many flexing serpent muscles. "This is definitely going to be the third strangest fare I've ever had, maybe even the second.


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