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(contains weight gain, beaches, and butts)

Thank you all for the votes! Hope you enjoy the results.

Guest Staring: Ves

Art by: Spottedtigress 


Nothing like going to the beach with someone you hate. It had been the perfect plan; lure an adorable bunny tenant to the beach for some lunch and nookie. If the sight of Tabitha's eight-foot, peared figure in a swimsuit could not get her man onto the sands, some free grub would clinch the deal.

Oh, how she overestimated that puny, thick-headed, introvert. The chimera's two best cards got stood up for some news story about people inflating with pineapple juice. Of all the stupid things...next time she collected rent that bunny was getting a face full of spiteful snake ass. Maybe then he would get the damn hint.

"Wow! I didn't know you owned a beach house."

"I don't, silly." Tabitha could not help cracking her lioness muzzle into a grin. Pulling out of the woods into the driveway of a two-floor cottage made it soothing to see the coastline just yards beyond. At least she got to spend some time with a friend. "This house belongs to my best friend. Break any of her things, and we'll both break your butts."

"I'll be careful!" Ves assured, jumping out of the jeep before it was fully parked. She was all too eager to get her hooves on the sand after a long commute. That warm salty breeze washed across her fur cooling every sweaty fiber and making the trip worth it.

Seeing the big deer stretch out their kinks was a sweet treat for Tabitha too. Ves was one of three known people bigger than the chimera herself and the only non-monster anthro. In terms of bigness, they were amusingly polar opposites. While Tabitha loved being several hundred pounds of round, jiggling fat, Ves was a bulging mass of muscle that could flip the jeep they rode in. Getting to hang out with such a rack of venison was an opportunity to get lost in those bowling-ball breasts and rigid flanks.

Unfortunately, the world kept turning. Tabitha's window for ogling closed when Ves relaxed and began walking towards their vacation house for the weekend. Whatever joy watching her friend flex brought left with them. Tabitha killed the engine before turning to glare at the excess baggage on her back seat.

"I was talking to you."

The mess of blue and black fur that was Desmond snored in response. When Ves had been permitted to bring along another friend Tabitha had not expected the tenant responsible for more damages than rent payments. The desperation to have some company blotted out that kind of foresight, leaving her stuck to manage this walking disaster for sixty-some hours. A job everyone knew her for executing with grace and patience.

Which is why she calmly stepped her hairy goat legs out of the car, opened the back seat, and dragged Desmond's sleeping butt out by his oversized squirrel tail.

"Ow!" Desmond yipped when his back hit the gravel driveway. The speed at which that woke him up fully alert was astounding. "What's the freakin...oh, hey Tabs! Are we there?"

"You owe me twenty bucks for the gas, freeloader." Tabitha tossed Desmond's tail back in his face before heading around to pop the trunk. "Help me bring in our stuff, and for god's sake don't snack on it."

"You got it, big boss!" Desmond was back on his feet and beside Tabitha's full hip in seconds. The living python that served as her tail gave him a warning hiss that went ignored.

"Don't call me that!"

Tabitha might as well been talking to herself. Before she realized it half the luggage had been collected, with Desmond quickly exerting all his energy not to be buried under it walking to the porch. The way that hyper-cheerful sociopath could bounce back from anything was almost admirable. Or it would be if one of those things was not the carpet that caught fire and Tabitha was still awaiting a check on. Remodeling half a commercial buildings third floor was not a patch job.

"You guys need help?" Ves had stuck her antlered head around the house corner to check.

Desmond gave a dismissive wave. "No worries! Snake-butt and I got this. OOF!"

A small snarl cut through the crashing of distant waves. Tabitha chose that moment to deposit four coolers of meat products onto Desmond's unprepared load so she could unlock the front door. He managed another three seconds on quivering legs before the collective weight sent him crashing onto his backside.

"Tell you what..." Tabitha rocked the door open with her belly, gesturing with a meaty lions paw to a counter rising beyond a tropical-style living room. "Why doesn't Desmond get this stuff into the kitchen and you both can hit the beach?"

"Thanks, big boss!"

"You sure that's okay?"

Two reactions sounded at once, neither of which surprised Tabitha. Ever since she had met the deer, it had been a friendship of timidness, social awkwardness, and reassurances. Being sizable giants tended to make tinnies shy away, so they were the perfect company for an 'assertive' business manager. Better than the scrawny freeloader dragging coolers into the house. Just because he was helping now did not mean the house would still have four walls on Monday. The chimera seethed through sharp fangs at the thought, deciding to keep a smile focused on Ves' worried face.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. The little fuzzball has got this. I'm just going to lock up the car and join you in a bit."

"Okay. Sounds like a plan." Ves flicked her ears cheerfully before vanishing into the house.

"What are we doing for rooms?" Desmond poked his head back out to have a staring contest with Tabitha's snake tail.

"Take anything that's not the master bedroom, or the floor for all I care." Tabitha spun around and descended the porch steps back to her jeep. "Try to take the king-sized bed, and I'll smother you where you lay."

"Ah, Tabs! Why must you always fill me with hope, you adorable BBW."

"Fuck off," Tabitha grumbled between pursed lips. A side glance met her snake tail's annoyed stare. "Don't blame me, I didn't invite him."

It was not worth getting angry minutes after arriving, for Ves' sake anyway. The stomps of her goat hooves dug a trail of deep indentations on the gravel driveway though. She slung over a remaining duffle bag of swim gear and made ready to slam the backdoor when a bright yellow jar revealed underneath caught her attention.

"Max Gains?" she read the biggest letters with a scoff of amusement.

Feline curiosity was strong enough that Tabitha grabbed it for a closer look. There was some sort of tiny cat person doodled on the front flexing buff pecs with cartoonish enthusiasm. Looked like some sort of diet shake or protein enhancer. Her pink nose wrinkled wondering when such a bootleg looking jar would even land in her trunk.

Then she remembered it all in a flash. This dumb thing was from one of Desmond's other roommates; the more successful, less destructive, scientist that paid rent on time. Their explanation was all jargon even now. Something about providing people with enough carbohydrates that they could work out longer and not tire as quickly. The problem was that nothing on earth burned energy fast enough for this concentrated bulker. Tabitha remembered with a flash of hatred how only one glass left her favorite pants split and body barely able to move.

Another thought crossed the chimera's mind, flipping her frown upside down. Tucking the one-pound jar under the armpit holding her bag, she began to hum a happy tune while locking up the jeep.

Ten minutes later, the food was on ice along with a complement of beer. By the time Tabitha wheeled out the grill and got the coals lit, her guests filed out ready for a swim. Ves had slipped into an ocean splash bikini while Desmond settled on white trunks with yellow stripes. Both were way more conservative, which showed through their blushes taking in Tabitha's refined choice in swimwear.

"Why...are you naked?" Ves mumbled unsure if she should avert her gaze.

"I'm not naked," Tabitha tugged on a shoulder strap that made her thick, braless breasts wobble violently. "I got an apron on."

"If you say so." Desmond eyed her golden mounds jostling about, each bigger than his head. To his credit, his attention was equally divided with the grill heating up and what that implied. "You've never struck me as an exhabitionist...or a cook."

"It's a private beach, so I doubt anyone's going to see my snake ass without a telescope."

"Whatever you say, hun." Ves shifted her hoofed feet through the sand to gently direct Desmond's gaze towards the shore. "Come on, Dessy. You promised me some volleyball."

"It's not the balls full of air he's interested in," Tabitha called after them, getting an annoyed glance from Desmond. A small victory that put more bounce in her step. The grill was left to continue heating while she returned to the kitchen. Eight pounds of ground beef were retrieved from the coolers and dumped into a giant bowl.

She was a woman who liked nothing less than home cooking, especially when she knew exactly what went in it. Puffy paw pads kneaded the pink protein in calculated circles until it had been compressed into a firmer state. Then it was time to mix in the bacon, cheddar cheese, garlic, oregano, and a heaping cup of Max Gains.

She returned outside with a plate of patties, beer, and sausages just in time to watch Desmond get plastered with a hard spike from Ves. He collapsed backward into the sand laughing off the deer's frantic apologies. It was hard for Tabitha to feel irritated watching them goof around so casually. Both were too cute for their own good.

Time crept by while the guests continued their ball game a bit longer. When Tabitha started setting up condiments, they had taken to the waves for a bit of horsing around. It was almost impressive how evenly they managed to deprive each other of their swimwear. Not that anyone was seriously keeping score, except when Tabitha's python tail gave an angry hiss. That was how the chimera knew Desmond was sneaking glances at her green-scaled backside.

"Lunch is ready, dorks!" Tabitha called out once she had cooked a small stack of meat. She caught Desmond making a beeline for the setup and moved to belly block his way. "Shower first, you slob. I'm not explaining to my friend why there are salt and bacteria all over her shit."

Desmond's ears folded back but said nothing before joining Ves at the outdoor shower heads. It was only when she saw this that Tabitha realized they had one hand towel between the three of them. Not wanting to give the blue bastard an excuse to walk through a living room sopping wet, she dashed in for the set in her duffle.

"Here, guys. Sorry about...that." Tabitha got one cloven off out the backdoor before freezing in place. Apparently, a hand towel was plenty for two hungry dorks eager for grub. They were perfectly content to fix up hamburgers with clean hand-fur while their glistening wet bodies dried in the sun. Noticing both were eating the burgers made her lion's jaw drop. "I, uh, thought you only like hotdogs, Ves?"

"Mmh?" The deer whipped her head around with cheeks bulging. She paused to swallow her current bite before flashing a big smile. "Well, yeah. That's when you're not the one making them. You're one of the best cooks I know."

"I'd second that," Desmond agreed, already finishing off his first helping. "In fact, I may need thirds."

Tabitha raised a finger as if to say something, only to drop it in defeat. Clearly, there was a lack of forethought on collateral with this plan. To be fair it was not much of a plan to begin with. She just liked the idea of a troublemaker being too big to make trouble for a while. Suddenly having an inkling of what it must be like to be Desmond made her blow black bangs out of her eyes in disgust.

Oh well, Tabitha shrugged to herself and fully stepped outside so bugs would not get in. Luckily one of the reasons Ves liked being around such a chaotic hybrid was they were both into this crazy fetish nonsense. Maybe that was why neither of them reacted that much when the bulking powder began to work its magic.

Ves already possessed a massive bust on par with Tabitha's, but a watchful eye could notice the subtle shifting of her bikini. It almost looked like the cups were shrinking, trying to hold back the soft deer mounds. Squishy flesh inflated around the cloth triangles like balloons with excess mass bulging over and under the material. They were soon pressing together to form a tight, deep cleavage. Dang clasp must have been steel forged to hang on so stubbornly.

Having tits so tightly compressed against her, barely, covered nipples did not seem to bother Ves. She finished off her burger with a small burp before promptly beginning to assemble a second. However, there was a slight pause to retrieve a beer from the ice bin before continuing the feast.

"MMMHH!" Tabitha sucked her lower lip while the snake-tails eyes went wide watching that deer bend over. The motion alone usually made Ves' ass stick out a mile without pounds piling onto those glutes. In the few glorious seconds Tabitha was granted this view both cheeks had exploded out a foot on either side. Full cheeks were quick to overflow their thong, swallowing it deep into the crack between them. She blindly slapped a few more patties on the grill just in case there was a need to make those venison buns bigger.

Such drastic bouts of expansion did not go entirely unnoticed. Ves straightened out quizzically scrunching her muzzle in discomfort. But it was only after popping open a beer bottle that she reached back to pry out the cloth stuck in her backside. She moved around the table for burger toppings with a lot more jiggling in each step.

Desmond entered into Tabitha's view in search of his own fresh meat dish. Maybe it was because of having a squirrels metabolism that his figure ballooned like there was a fire hose attached. With each step or banter with Ves, the creases of his swim trunks smoothed out across his hips. Losing all slack did nothing to keep his scrawny blue butt from billowing out behind him. There was an audible strain over the waves and burning coals as the trunks tried to meld around so much rump fat.

Even more trickled down into Desmond's legs, making his paws sink into the sand as they bubbled out thicker than holiday hams. The nutter did not seem to notice when their mass forced him to waddle about the backyard in a wider gait.

By contrast, the thickening bulge between those meaty thighs made Tabitha blush a bit before she lifted her eyes north. Both her guests continued chatting either oblivious or enjoying there rapid bloating process. It was even starting to affect their faces with deep, sagging cheeks. Hell, Desmond's neck was puffing up like a fish in the makings of a double chin.

The real show came for Tabitha when it was their bellies filling out last. Ves took a bite out of her new burger and followed it up with a swig of beer. Not a second later the hard ridges of abs smoothed out of her midsection. A soft burp caused her belly button to lunge forward at the crest of a small furry bulge, which made the deer rub it with a giggle. Having more squish than firm down there did not seem to upset Ves. She took another big chomp of burger, causing her belly to steadily swell out under her beach ball boobs with almost every chew.

Once the beer bottle had its cap popped, Desmond rocked his head back to drink the whole thing in rapid gulps. Now it really was like watching a water balloon inflate. With each hard flex of his bulbous neck, the blue hybrids waist popped another inch outwards. Less than a minute later, his head rocked forward again with a loud belch, setting an empty bottle on the table of condiments. The black fur around his gut had fallen out into an apron atop his crotch. The hefty round mass pushed down on his already tight trunks, adding to a waistline that flowed into Desmond's hips for a bowling pin figure Tabitha hated feeling moist over.

"Good lunch, hun!" Ves licked excess grease and sauce off her hands. Her own midsection had become quite rounded with a 'third-trimester' feel. It still paled in comparison to the mountain peaks of her sloshing breasts spilling over the front. "And to think Jason insisted we throw out that weight gain powder. It works so perfectly for beach bodies."

Tabitha staggered with a surprised mew, bouncing a loose spatula between her paws before recovering a grip on it. Her jaw nearly hit the sand as she turned to gawk at her friend. "Wait. YOU brought that garbage with us?"

"Of course!" Ves rubbed her thickened breasts with a blushing grin. "I was going to prank Dessy to give you a good laugh, but I guess you beat us to the punch."

"Hah! I shoulda known you were planning something. You've been glowing ever since you invited me." Desmond gave the deer a smack on her rear, sending shock vibrations flowing from one cheek to the other. "Too bad for you we all have perfect beach bodies now. It'll take a mountain of sand to bury my butt."

"Believe me, I'm sorely tempted to try," Tabitha growled, but could not hold back the smile creeping on her muzzle.

Ignoring the threat, Desmond wiped off his plate before motioning to the sizzling grill beside his chimera landlord. "So...you going to eat any of those, Tabs?"

"I told you not to...huff! Dig in, you damn weirdos!" Tabitha shook her head with a sigh, flipping one patty after another into a high arch towards Desmond. Somehow he managed to catch them all in a neat little stack. Even with only a small serving of bulk powder, they might end up bigger than her. An amusing notion that reminded Tabitha there was still a large bin of the stuff on the kitchen counter. "Try not to split your pants before we hit dessert, guys. I feel like making...cake."


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