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(Contains Zelda fanfiction, dragon TF, macro growth, weight gain, and a giant chicken.)


Fall festivals were always a load of fun. With winter creeping in, many were highly motivated to put as much into their last outdoor days as possible.

Link was no exception. Peddlers chimed in earnest to sell the last of their produce. Meals were practically free or just a few rubies. Currency, the legendary hero, won off the plethora of game stands. Contests helped boost his ego and show off some skills too.

The archery tournament would end up his third gold medal for the day. He had already won the daily foot race and treasure hunting activities. Now the young Hyrulian was two points behind the leading archer. He would have to intentionally miss this shot to lose.


A pointed ear twitched so subtly it might have been missed. Link had not slain monsters and demigods by being so easily distracted. Hands remained steady in notching the next arrow.

"Heeey! Link! Hey! Hey!"

The arrowhead bounced once as Link drew his bowstring back. Frantic twitching in the corner of his eye made it hard to aim. Still, it was lined up perfectly with the bullseye. He just needed a deep breath to create a moment's steadiness.



While an annoyingly high pitched voice had been expected, Link was not prepared for it to yell directly into his ear. He must have leaped a foot off the ground, unable to keep a hold on his bow. The arrow slipped lose in a completely random shot. A loud thunk brought Link looking back down on the target horrified.

By some miracle of a divine being, his arrow had struck the wooden circle on its outermost ring. Only a hair's width kept it from sailing clear into the hay bails behind it. The hero had literally won by a single point.

It was still a victory to the onlookers, who erupted in amused cheers at Link's dumb luck. Most were too busy exchanging rubies over bets to notice him turn to address his shadow.

"You know, you could have waited three more seconds for me to hit the bullseye."

From somewhere in his bodies shade materialized a single red iris. It's surrounding yellow sclera gave it a disturbing otherworldly feel. Disturbing to the unfamiliar anyway. Link merely continued to glower at it.

"Oh, shush!" A feminine voice hissed from insides Link's shadow. "You know you had this one in the bag. You practically own this festival."

"With no help from you! That was an inch away from being the worst shot of my life."

The disembodied voice giggled, making Link's face turn pink. "I'm helping in my own special way, silly. Isn't it a bit more fun to win by the skin of your teeth than barely a challenge at all?"

"Oooh, you conniving Twili. Don't even pretend anything you do is intentionally beneficial for me."

A nervous cough reminded Link he was having a conversation with a talking eyeball in his shadow. Of course, from any onlookers perspective, he seemed to be yelling at the ground. This realization turned his face a full-on red while accepting the archers gold medal from a very confused attendant.


Link snatched his medal and stormed off without any of his usual showboating. It was much more important that he find a secluded corner to yell at his shadow properly. Well, the imp hiding in his shadow specifically.

"What are you even doing in there, Midna? I thought sunlight stopped hurting you."

"It did. You are just more fun to hang around with." The eye moved sideways towards the edge of Link's shadow. Minda did not so much emerge but step into existence before the hyrulian hero. "Granted you were a lot less grumpy as a wolf."

"That's because you can't speak growls."

The imp continued smiling despite Links efforts to loom angrily. She looked the same as ever; small, black-skinned, and wearing a partial mask. There seemed to be a bit more 'pear' to her shape than their last meeting. Most likely a result of her hanging out in food-rich places like this.

"So what game are you going to play next?"

Link slipped his medal into a hip pouch where it clinked against the other two. A loud rumble in his stomach made him blush. "A little lunch first, I think. I've barely eaten all morning."

"Oh, good! A lunch date with a hero!" Midna bounced in place, full of youthful energy. "I'm hungry enough to eat half the harvest."

"You look like you already did."

It was Midna's turn to blush. Hands clamped down on the generous swell of her backside. "I'm big-boned for my race, jerk."

Link was already heading back into the festival grounds when Midna looked back to him. The young man laughed playfully as his imp friend was soon skipping along beside him. Noses guided their walk through the crowds. It was hard not to find food with every other stand pedaling some unique style of cooking. Even the ones selling fresh produce made Midna drool.

"So what are you in the mood for?" Link asked absently surveying some meat roasters. He had won more than enough rubies to appease an imp stomach on the side.

"Something juicy sounds great. I don't care what the cooks got around here, I'll eat it."

A cough brought them both to a sharp stop in front of one decorative stand. It's many baskets displayed fruits the likes of which Link had never seen. Assuming green mushrooms and black apples were not just a sign of excessive rot.

"If the little lady wants the juicy stuff, I got some of the best fruits in existence." The merchant speaking was still the strangest thing about the stand. He appeared to be a humanoid fox of some species Link did not recognize. Maybe some form of large Keaton, but unlikely given his blue and black-socked fur pattern. Definitely generated more of a shadow creature vibe like Midna.

"They look...nice." Link forced a smile since the furry man was friendly enough in spite of appearance. Did not make it easier to find a positive adjective for a pink watermelon. "And you are?"

"His name tag says 'Desmond' on it," Midna chimed in, jabbing a finger at the glittering card pinned to the fox's vest.

Desmond's ears folded slightly. One of his clawed hands moved as if to cover the name tag, but realized the futility. "Yeah. That kind of defeats the fun of being a mysterious merchant when you have to register with the armed guards."

Link rolled his eyes. "You'd be surprised how often evil wizards try hatching nefarious plots through the kingdom's produce."

"Really? Heh. Imagine that…" Desmond cleared his throat. Yellow eyes darted everywhere, refusing to meet Link's gaze. "Soooo...yes. You guys sure look pretty hungry. Why not grab some fruits to snack on? I promise you'll never find anything like them again."

"Do they make you become possessed by demons?"

"W-what!?" It was hard to tell if the question itself or the deadpan stare from Link threw Desmond off. "T-they are just very sweet, sometimes tart, fruits. Some magic may have been worked into their fertilization b-but I mean…"

"That sounds nice, and I'm not buying it." Link waved his hand dismissively and turned to leave. "I don't know what your scheme is, but it's obvious nothing about you is normal. Nothing would make me pay ten rubies for a single slice of pear."

"Aw, don't be so cynical, Link." Midna's voice came somewhat muffled in a way Link realized was a full mouth. Turning back sunk his spirits to see the imp was holding a pear almost bigger than herself. Yellow juice trickled down Midna's teeth as she devoured its flesh. It's purple, and green dotted skin was torn from several sharp bites. "These pears are insanely good."

Link blinked before sinking his face into a hard scowl. Whirling to face Desmond, the furry monster seemed ill concerned with retribution. He merely held out a hand expectedly towards the hero.

"That'll be ten rubies for the dragon fruit, please."

"Dragon fruit, eh?" Midna giggled, taking another big bite. One cheek bulge while she tried to chew and talk. "Whatever, it's amazing, Link. You got to try this."

"Like hell, I will!" Link mumbled. He only handed the smug merchant a handful of gems because some guards chose that moment to casually patrol past. "Mark my words, you'll be poisoned by that spoiled rot before sundown."

"Don't mind him," Midna said with a cheerful spray of chewed fruit bits. A gesture that left Desmond wiping his vest thanks to her oblivious eating habits. "I think the poor boy has been in one too many traps. He's accused every other merchant of being an agent of evil."

"I have not!"

Another big bite of fruit allowed Midna to spray both men in juice as she talked. "Like yesterday, you should have seen how nervous he made that poor guy with the eyepatch feel."

"I know for a fact those parrots were trained timebombs corrupted by pirate magic."

"Oh, yeah! And then there was that merchant vessel he almost torched because the captain had a peg leg. Obviously, that means the whole ship is run by pirates."

"No one could prove they were not!"

Desmond gave an understanding nod, not daring to take his attention off an increasingly red-faced Link. "I am detecting a large amount of bias for someone being a supposed hero."

"Gwraaah!" Link stormed off muttering incoherent grunts and groans. Funny, Midna thought he only did that when he swung a sword.

"Bwurp!" The imp gave out a loud belch upon swallowing the last bit of fruit. She gave the slight bulge in her stomach a pat and a parting smile to Desmond. Midna hopped along to tail after Link before he got too deep in the crowds. "Thanks for the snack. It was certainly special for a lifetime."

Desmond continued to wave cheerfully until he lost sight of the pair. The hand promptly smacked against his forehead with a dejected sigh. "Man, I really need a more subtle sales pitch for these traps."

By then Link and Midna had forgotten about that strange encounter. While the sweet juice still teased at the imps lips, they were far more interested in catching the aroma of seasoned meats. After a few more ruby exchanges the pair was walking happily along stuffing their faces with hocks and skewers of roasted delicacies.

"Oh, gosh! This is why I love your dimensions cooking so much." A mix of drool and sauce dripped down Midna's chin from trying to speak.

Link could not help laughing watching her gorge. His imp friend packed away a lot for being the size of a kid. "Calm your tail, Midna, or you might choke shoving it all in."

"Hah! That would be a death worthy of such amazing food. Hey Link? Do you think we could get a pie? Maybe four? I still feel so hungry I could eat an octorock….Link?"

Midna was surprised to find she no longer had a tall, handsome boy walking beside her. Looking back discovered he had stopped several meters behind her. Something had rendered him so stupefied his last meat skewer slipped onto the dirt.

"See something you like down there?" Midna gave a chuckle tracing Link's gaze to her plump backside. A few hip shakes for emphasis did little to change his expression, making her wonder. "What!?"

"M-Midna...you...have a tail."

"Oh, shove off!" Midna scoffed while finishing off the last of her meats. Chewing softly, she twisted to try catching a glimpse of her rear. "I think I would know if...I HAVE A TAIL!?"

A black lump of muscle, about the size of a sausage, wiggled back at Midna from atop her butt. The pair watched equally horrified as it steadily grew out. Each little wave brought a surge of muscle bulging the mass further behind the imp. Its base was soon wedging its way between the crack of her cheeks trying to make room for the mounting girth.

Midna waved her arms as the weight of her alien appendage began to throw her balance. A moment later it thumped on the ground, having grown longer than her entire body. The damn thing continued to squirm among the grass while she fought to control unfamiliar nerves.


"Ugh!" Midna grabbed at her stomach as its roar echoed over the fairgrounds. "Gag! What the...oh gosh!"

The imp arms were thrown off her midsection thanks to a spontaneous gut explosion. The small 'food baby' gained from her eating expanded into a gigantic pudgy bulge in moments. Midna groped at her distended belly like a baker kneading their dough. Only this one had a sinkhole for a belly button in it.

"Aaahh! Mmpph!"

Link blushed at watching Midna give her hips several hard shakes. With one final shake that had her slapping the ground, Midna's ass ballooned out thicker than her stomach. She tried to clamp down each cheek to no avail. Soft black flesh puffed around her hands nearly devouring them. The fact her tail base was almost as broad as a treetrunk spread her butt wider with the cracking of hip bones. "Link...nggh! What's happening to me?"

"Your growing!"

Link blushed wishing he had something to elaborate on. Sometimes the obvious was all one had to work with. In two quick surges, Midna's body had gone from a 'cute' pear shape to one bloating out both ends in obesity.

Seeing Midna trying to waddle about in that state on tiny legs and arms was almost comical. Link, however, was more worried about where else this transformation might take his friend.

"Am I getting bigger or fatter? RRWAGH!!"

So much for small legs. Midna's body gave a hard shudder, followed by her thighs surging several times larger. Fat and muscle thickened out her lower limbs, making it easier to support her pillowy butt and tail. But it was her question that brought another thing to Links attention.


"What!? Oh…" Midna pried her attention away from the squishing of her thighs to Link. They were both amazed she only stood shy of his nose now rather than his hips.

It was kind of cool when they suddenly stared at each other eye level.

But not so much when Link was suddenly the one looking up at Midna.

"Mmh? Oh...oh geez!"

Link had to jump back to avoid getting a face full of Midna's breasts. The little imp tried pushing them down, but that was about as effective as holding back any other body growths. Her almost nonexistent bumps jumped into a handful instantly. From there they just kept swelling like filling sandbags, pushing her hands further away. They quickly became a problem to hold with such rich fat under shimmering scaled skin. Every attempt Midna made to balance her boobs had them flowing out of her palm the opposite way.

Sunlight reflected off shimmering patches in Midna's soft flesh during its constant shifting. In fact, Link was noticing a lot of her skin appeared off the larger she grew. It was not until her belly wobbled gently against his chest that he gasped from something other than its girth. Midna's skin was peeling off, molting as if she had been severely sunburned. But what it left behind was patches of obsidian scales, each one catching the light in a series of brief flashes as she wobbled about.

"Ack! Oh, no!" Midna whined, which sounded more like a growl. She had released her breasts to hold up her hands in rising panic. They were swelling past the point of dwarfing her head and gaining extra buoyancy atop of her belly. That meant very little with Midna's attention on her arms bubbling up with powerful muscle structure. Both limbs gave an involuntary flex that made her biceps bulge into thick ridges. Fingers balled into a fist only to uncurl as thick, scalie logs tipping in sharp black claws. "What's going on? Link, help me!"

Midna felt her toes cringe under their own shifting. Somehow she managed to twist around her gut to watch each digit inflate into rounded meatballs. Each one sprouted their own wicked claw while the feet themselves cracked into a high arch on the heel. Sinew stretched and toughened to make sure she would have to balance on her meaty reptile paws.


The unmasked part of Midna's face cringed into a strained growl. Link could tell by watching that having a neck lengthen with strong muscles could be incredibly discomforting. Her head shot several meters away from her shoulders in a spring-loaded growth, bobbing it slightly while she tried to comprehend so much new neck. Every growl and moan gained stronger thunder to them in the process.

"Oh, no!" Midna managed to squeak as her one visible eye focused on her nose. A moment later, she grunted a furious animal snarl as her whole face pushed outwards. The little button became flush with her upper lip, nostrils rapidly widening while traveling away on an extending bridge. Teeth became large and sparkling inside a blunt snout. At the same time, her ears twisted around and hardened, stretching in the opposite direction to become spiked tipped horns. "SNNNRRKKGRAW!"

Her mighty roar carried across the fairgrounds, putting an abrupt stop to the festivities. Neither Midna nor Link was very thrilled about how she towered over all but the biggest of attraction tents either. She was barely even recognizable if not for the surreal way her mask managed to stay on a drastically reptilian face. Scaled muscle flowed down a thick neck into a very busty humanoid torso. After that, everything just ballooned outwards. Midna's stomach dropped like a rock to apron between treetrunk thick thighs. Her rear stuck out in acres behind her, perfecting a very curved pear design.

Granted she had very little of a butt shape left. The spreading of her hips had caused belly and crotch to fuse to create one seamless profile curve. And that was not saying anything about the massive lizard tail popping out the center of her juicy backside. An involuntary twitch was all it took for that beast to topple over a trinket stand.


And then Midna burped. Link could feel it escape her fang-filled muzzle in a hot blast and a rush of fire. That was all the festival needed to be sparked out of its stupor, and the trained hero could feel the tension rising with the force of a volcano.

"DRAGON!" Some woman in the crowd shouted.

"And here we go." Link hung his shoulders exasperated in the chaos unfolding around him. Many more locals had picked up the cry of mythical monster naming, often followed by calls for aid or guards to slay Midna were she stood. Or sat. It was hard to tell with how low her sloshing fat hung to the ground.

"Ooooh dear." Midna bit her lower lip clicking the claws of her enlarged fingers together timidly. The chaos unfolding around her looming presence was not on today's agenda. "Link, I don't look that dangerous, right?"

"I'm sure it's just the buffet workers soiling themselves right now." Link chuckled, especially when Midna gave her tail an indigent shake. It sent the entire span of her butt wobbling. "Seriously, out of all the scaled monsters I've faced you're the first that looks made out of marshmallows."

Midna glared down her muzzle at him. Trying to look intimidating, she flared her nostrils in a warning snort that billowed black smoke, crossing arms under the mountainous swell of her breasts. Instead, she made the mistake of directing Link's attention to their plush overflow.

"Think you can spare me a glass of milk while you're up there? All that meat was really salty. I'd ask the cows, but I think they're jealous we're hanging out."

Midna took a deep breath. For some reason, the thought of cows was suddenly very appealing. "...you done?"

"Not even close. I haven't even started on your feet. Those soft paw pads would be great for digging up the crops. Bet there's not a pillow in Hyrule Castle softer than you. HEY!"

Turned out Link was right about Midna's pads. The black dragon had raised her foot, noting the dirt grooves left by her pads, and brought it gently down upon Link. He was no match for those toes, getting pinned onto his back with a dragon paw that blanketed his whole body.

"You know you look much cuter wedged between my claws." Midna placed her fists on top of her broad hips smugly. "Heck, from up here you could almost pass for a tasty snack."

That got the smile off Link's face. "You wouldn't dare?"

"With a belly this huge, even the hero of Hyrule might have trouble arguing, eh?" Midna smacked her stomach for emphasis. A resounding drumbeat echoed over the cries of the other festival attendees. They continued to be ignored as the big black dragon proceeded to rub her stomach further. The scales felt so warm and sensitive with her girth. "You could easily be my pet bunny all tiny down there. They make for a great emergency food supply, right?"

Link had already begun squirming, but no amount of pushing could get Midna's toes to budge off his chest. "Knock it off already!"

"Yeah, you're right!" Midna gave a pleasured growling noise as she leaned in closer. Massive breast boulders swayed dangerously above Link's pale face as she peered over them with a toothy smile. "You're too small to be a bunny, maybe a mouse or chicken? Those are just as cute and twice as juicy."


Midna had brought her belly so close that its pained moan of hunger was enough to deafen Link. The chubby dragon pulled back to her full height above the many erect tents looking around sheepishly. A horrific transformation can burn a lot of calories out of a plump girl. Her belly may be soft and big, but it was also empty. Just the thought made her feel oddly vulnerable, helpless even.

And then her snout twitched, catching the scent of something delightfully familiar on the wind.

"Wha…" Link blinked in surprise when Midna simply took her foot off him without explanation. Sitting up all he could do was watch Midna turn and walk casually away from him.

'Walk' being a more liberal term. It was more like watching someone wearing a sack of mud waddle. Midna's expansive sloshing hips cared nothing for the many structures they knocked over with each step, to say nothing of the sweep of her tail. Although stomping a clear path made it easy for Link to see what had attracted her attention.

"Ooooh, no, no, no!!" Link leaped to his feet after Midna. Classic hero prowess allowed him to skip expertly over the enormous paw prints his lumbering friend dug into the earth. Sadly even that would not allow him to pass around her in time to get at the pens set up for the festivals livestock. "Please, Midna, no! Not the chickens!!"

The pleas of a desperate hero rich in experience fell on deaf dragon ears. Midna had already stooped over the frightened animals, tail raised high to show off her rump scales to stunned onlookers. Both hands shot down upon a flock of hens causing biceps to smoosh her breasts together as she scooped up several flailing chickens at once. Few birds could escape the clawed cage hefting up towards Midna's drooling maw.

Link grunted several times, hitting the heel of Midna's paw with a support beam in his attempt to prevent doom upon them all. He only succeeded in breaking the stick. Turns out whatever breed of a dragon the imp grew into was highly durable in spite of being very soft. A few bombs might have given enough punch to cause her to itch if he was lucky.

Midna licked her lips before rocking her head back with jaw hung open. A quick shove dumped the whole mess of chickens into her waiting maw, promptly snapping shut once and making Link wince. Although, he was impressed at how Midna's lengthy neck stretched so she could swallow the lot whole.

The action was repeated with another handful of chickens. Link watched the poor things travel down Midna's throat in one solid lump like their kin. Her hands then drifted down to rest upon her belly, obviously feeling much fuller with lots of things flapping around inside it.

"BURRP! Excuse me!" She giggled despite giving off a belch that shot a jet of flame across peoples heads.

Link was probably the only one not concerned about the tent tops that had caught fire. Over the crackling and pops of burning fabric, he could hear the sound he was hoping would not come; rapid, hard wing beats.

A large shadow swooped over the fairgrounds. One that rivaled Midna's so much that is gave dozens of people pause to search the skies. They did not have to look hard. With a resounding thud that shook the earth, a new arrival had touched down among the destroyed festival. Midna herself was left idly rubbing her stomach while gazing into beady black eyes perched atop a needle-like beak.

Link sighed and began running for a safe distance. A lumbering fat dragon had been trouble enough. Now a lumbering fat chicken was joining in the rampage.

It was pretty clear Midna regarded this arrival as less of a threat. More like it was a gift from the gods in her most desperate hour. Drool rained down from her chin as she stomped towards the chicken with arms reaching out. Basic carnivore instincts were probably too distracting for her to notice when the feathered beast balled both wings into fists.


The only thing more impressive than the chicken's size was how its right hook rocked Midna off her bloated rear. Link's jaw dropped watching her fly several meters through the air for a crash landing that tramples a row of game tents. Gravity pulled at Midna's sloshing girth to keep her momentum going in a hardy roll across several more tents and displays. She was almost clear on the other side of the grounds before finally slowing enough to curl out of a fat ball position. The punch must not have hurt much because she was staggering back onto her paws immediately, albeit with great difficulty, as the world spun around her nose.

A chicken's foot the size of a boat came crashing down narrowly missing Link. The equally fat bird was not going to give Midna time to recover from a little dizzy spell. It stomped through the trench of destruction her roll had dug toppling what remained over with its tremors.

While a bit woozy, Midna did recover enough to notice the attacker charging towards her. The sight of that bulging feathered belly bouncing drove her hunger to maddening levels.

"You WILL be my lunch!"

They ended up launching at each other in unison, crashing bellies against each other in midair. Such a force of raw blubber generated a shock wave that sent many bystanders tumbling over each other.

Midna flash her fangs triumphantly. A hardtail flick gave her hips just enough of a push to win the fat jousting. There was a glorious second of enjoying the chicken's beak drop in surprise before pushback shot Midna's tasty adversary with the force of a cannon.


Link was pretty sure that crater dug from the chickens landing would be a permanent part of the landscape. At least it got the giant monsters out of the fairgrounds, for what little was left to save.

Midna ran happily along after her projectile meal with ravenous intent. No, 'run' was not the appropriate word for how her sagging gut and thighs prevented the traditional method of walking. This was more of a rapid hopping across the landscape. Massive dragon paws shook the ground with each landfall being composed of extensive jiggling dragon fat. Each jump was marked with her tail slapping multiple cracks in the dirt before liftoff.

Regardless of the method, Midna quickly reached the pit her chicken adversary had dug. Lucky for her the gut check had rendered this fowl totally stunned. About all it could offer was a meek cluck watching Midna's open snout descend with its many fangs barred.

"Thank you for the meal!"


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