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(contains giant ladies making out with lots of collateral damage)

Art by Robertge 

Past episodes: Here and Here 


At best the day had been….manageable...to a point.

Sure, having one's gender spontaneously flipped was a bit of a problem, especially with medicine balls for tits. That was nothing Wendel, or Wanda for now, could not live through. She had grown up overwhelmed by a gaggle of sisters. Having to play ball on the other side of the fence could even make for an excellent article in her paper later. It was just a nice assurance none of the family could see their only son now; looming over Seattle in just the brown spots of her fur.

The whole city was sure getting an eyeful of Wanda's curvy assets today. Having been tricked by a perverted fox scientist to grow forty feet tall tended to make public decency a luxury her stature could not afford. Each of her fluffy bunny feet filled a car lane as she strode carefully between the taller buildings. Extreme care had to be taken as her hips threatened to crash into second story windows as she sashayed past. To say nothing of her tits never-ending state of shifting. Gawking onlookers would go on to tweet they could hear their ample mass sloshing from above.

It all made Wanda's face burn a near permanent shade of red. While she had long since lost the fox that had enlarged her into the worlds biggest streaker, she was also stuck wandering aimlessly through this humid city. She was hot and flustered enough without the damp sea air ruffling her fur.

Or maybe it was all these transformations leaving her in a state of furious arousal. A fun little side effect of spontaneously gaining a pussy was immediately experiencing the heat cycle that came with it. Anger had eventually given way to a noticeable itch in her loins. One she had learned how to scratch just that morning. Growing to giant sizes might have somehow ignited the fire all over again.

Either way, covering a hand over her groin did little to stop the smaller anthros below from noticing how moist she was. If Wanda could not find a way to shrink back down soon, she at least wished for a place to privately...vent some frustration.

"Oh, hey, Wanda! How's it going?"

The bunny had been so occupied with her unwanted horniness that she rounded an intersection right into a brick wall.

A yellow furred brick wall with tits.

"Holy hell!"

Wanda's face bounced off the pair of furry mounds propelling her backward several steps. Arms flailed blindly to keep balance and knocked down the intersections stop lights in the process. Luckily she regained some footing after a heel ground into a parked car across the street.

Surprise of all surprises seemed to befall Wanda to just find another giant woman. That there would actually be someone bigger in both height and mass casually strolling through downtown was nothing short of surreal.

This new girl seemed to be some sky blue vixen, with bright blond hair and markings. Her breasts were large enough to substitute for parade floats, with nipples staring eye level with Wanda. That was to say nothing of their muscles, which swelled out every joint in her massive form. Her abdomen was composed entirely of chiseled rocky ridges. Every limb had a creamy thickness that could hug the nearby buildings to dust.

And for some reason, such hyperbole acts of destruction were turning Wanda on more. Especially with that adorable face looking down over the peak of such monstrous breasts.

Wanda smacked herself out of it. "Who the hell are you?"

"What? Oh!" The other woman looked down at her rack like it was the first time she had noticed it. She then glanced over a shoulder while both hands rubbed over the swell of her tight backside. "I didn't think I looked that different, but that's Amazon muscles for ya."

A spark of familiarity made Wanda's ears shoot up. She was not totally coherent with a rush of emotions to her already mixed up biology. However, there could not be two idiots with blue fur and black sclera. "D-Desmond!? How? What? Is that seriously supposed to be you?"

"In the buff, baby!" Desmond whirled around to flex a pose for Wanda's roaming eyes. "Like what you see?"

It was certainly impressive such dense abs could crunch even larger. Wanda was adamant to admit the sight made her groin twitch. She picked her jaw up trying to make any expression that was not lustful. "First of all, don't call me babe. Second, should I even ask what happened to you?"

"Meh! Nothing major." Desmond gave a sly wink. She switched up her pose to show off the swell of biceps many would consider extreme. "Let's say I know a girl."

A rush of anger helped Wanda regain some of her senses. At least enough to jab Desmond's left boob with a finger. "Uh huh! You said you know a guy too and that interview just went great."

"I can see that. Heh." Desmond rubbed the sore spot on her chest but never lost her smile. Eyes drifted down to take in Wanda's own giant-sized curves. "I'm guessing with your size that Gene talked you into some good nookie?"

"It was a blowjob...actually…" Wanda moved her hands up to cover her chest, only to stop halfway realizing the futility at their sizes. Instead, she settled for resting them on her hips trying to look angry. "The bastard tricked me with that whole growth speel. You could have warned me he does this crap."

"Like you would have believed it coming from me?" Desmond asked with a roll of her eyes. She did have a point, much to Wanda's annoyance. "Seems more like your skepticism gets you into big trouble more than me."

"And what? You just become a giant for fun on Tuesdays?"

"Sometimes, but not today. Today was more about my friend's pranks." Desmond hefted her breasts with a happy tail flick. "Besides, what's to complain about?"

"How about the traffic being blocked by our fat asses?" Wanda gulped from another jolt running through her moist crotch. It was a mistake to bring up Desmond's rear. That plump, perfectly sculpted, powerful set of glutes. "Gah! P-please, tell me you can shrink us down."

"Bwahahaha!" Desmond's sudden laughter thundered off the surrounding buildings startling many of the little people stopping to hawk at the giants.  She ignored them to give her inner thigh a pat. "Yeah. I just stuff an antidote pill into one of my orifices in case of emergencies. I forgot which one, though, so you'll have to dig around deep."

"Maybe later," Wanda moaned through grit teeth. Of course, their conversation would keep going back to amazing amazon anatomy. The horny bunny was not even aware the thought had slipped out until she noticed Desmond perk up. "But seriously there's a lot of, uh, issues I need to deal with. I'd really like to not have a conversation while filling up an intersection. Hey!!"

Desmond had leaned in uncomfortably close to Wanda. Close enough to threaten to smother the bunnies face with her zeppelin mammaries. But as enticing as those were close up, it was Desmond taking several deep sniffs that made Wanda on edge. The rest of her massive upper body stepped back into Wanda's view, giving an understanding smile.

"I'll say you got issues alright. The whole block can probably smell them. How are you still in heat after we…?"

"You tell me, Mr. Scientist. I was a perfectly functioning guy this morning."

"Good point. Gene's nanomachines were bound to mess up a few settings." Desmond waved dismissively when Wanda opened her muzzle again. "I wouldn't worry about it. Those things have limited power so you'll shrink back once they die out."

"Great! No reason to worry huh?" Wanda glanced down at the car she had crushed underfoot. "How long does it take until I shrink then?"

"No idea, honestly. Could be hours depending on how much physically active you get. I should really ask Gene if I can view his notes on this some time."

"Physical activity?" Wanda slumped in defeat, being careful to brace against a skyscrapers side for support. "Like what? I can't exactly go for a jog like this. I could squish someone by accident."

"Well, I have one idea, but you won't like it." Desmond advanced upon Wanda again. Hands raised poised to snatch at a prize while her shadow stretched far across the streets. "At first!"

"You know what, if it gets me out of here faster I'm willing for any...thing?" Wanda did not get far before Desmond clamped both hands onto her breasts. The rough paw pads rubbed sparks of pleasure from her manhole-sized nipples. " W-what are you-haah? Ngggh! Desmmmnnhhh!?!"

Things only got more intense when Desmond began to knead the bunnies mammaries. Gentle care was taken to smoosh them together in circular motions. Puffy nipples became trapped between thumb and fingers, getting little twists and pulls during each pass.

Sensations would have overwhelmed Wanda even without being perpetually horny. Knees buckled two rotating squeezes in, causing her to crush a van while stumbling about. Perky cottontail became pinched after her rear slammed into the skyscraper behind her. At that size, a shower of broken windows and bent support was just a tickle adding to the simulations.

Desmond was not about to let Wanda fall over either. She matched the bunnies backpedaling keeping a firm grip on their fluffy tits for support. Once Wanda was a bit more secure against the formerly windowed building face Desmond leaned in closer. Her thick muscled body undulated to grind its golden mounds and hardened hips against Wanda.

"Haah! Paah! Paaah!" Feeling another person's warmth against her massive frame left the poor bunny gulping for air. She clasped blindly at the office floors behind her, crushing plywood and furniture in search of better support.

"How's that working for you?" Desmond purred with a teasing lick across Wanda's nose. A few more boobs squeeze for good measure got the most adorable moan out of her new neighbor.

Wanda blinked apparently snapped back to reality by the question. Her hands released the piles of broken wood that were once desks to grasp either side of Desmond's hips. While a half-hearted attempt to push Desmond off had been expected, Wanda surprised the bigger giantess by pulling them closer. Their ample mounds to meshed together in a sea of jiggling furry cleavage pinning Desmond's hands inside.

Wanda seized the opportunity to hoist up on tiptoes and plant a smooch on Desmond's lips. Slack-jawed surprise made it easy to wrestle her tongue past Desmond's predator teeth to explore their mouths insides. It did not take much prodding before Desmond's tongue pushed back. Wanda felt the hands on her tits give a hard squeeze making her moan into the buff squirrels cheeks. They pushed in on each other filling the streets with the sucking of lips and pleasured groans. Wanda could not help reciprocating by reaching around to squeeze Desmond's colossal ass. All that glutes muscle under the far gave a perky furry shelf to jiggle.

There was a strange tickle of pride Wanda got from feeling like she got the juicer butt.

Eventually, she had to give both cheeks several hard smacks. Thankfully Desmond took this a signal to get some air. Their lips parted with a resounding smack, remaining connected by a string of drool for several feet.

They took a moment to gaze into each other's eyes. Breasts rhythmically pressed against each other with each labored breath. Wanda really hoped it was just raging hormones making Desmond's feminine face look so lovable.

"I...I have to admit…" she gulped some air, trying to give a playful pout with another squeeze on Desmond's hips. "For some reason, you are much better at this as a giant woman than an annoying little man."

"Thanks!" Desmond glowed at probably the first compliment Wanda had ever offered her, however backhanded. "With a standard like that, I guess I better put my mouth where your money is."

"You...o-ooh!" Wanda bit her lower lip watching Desmond sink to their knees. Fingers tickled along her inner thighs coaxing the bunnies stance wider. "Mmh! Mmmh! Aa-haah!"

Desmond carefully used both thumbs to pry open Wanda's cunny. The fur around the puffy feminine slit was already heavily damp. Just having a breeze caressing the exposed insides was enough to make Wanda's hips give an involuntary jerk. 

Desmond's enormous squirrel tail wagged as she leaned in on this inviting opening. Her black canine nose pressed against the sensitive nub of Wanda's clit.

"Oh gah! Ngggh fffuck!"

That was the switch which killed any sense Wanda had left. Hands clasped against the building as bracing to keep her upright. Beams strained and snapped in her tense grasp. Desmond's cold, rough nose continued to press and rub around her pink pearl fanning the fires brighter. Wanda's insides ached for the attention. Her hips began to undulate into Desmond's face. The destruction brought on by her butt plowing through floors when it bucked went ignored.


And things only got better when Desmond's tongue joined in the prodding. Wanda threw her head back mouth gaping open in a silent cry to the Seattle sky. Each sweep into her wet tunnel caused its muscles to spasm and tense. Toes clenched to create many deep cracks in the sidewalk.

"Mmhh...fuck fuck...right there...ohmahgaw!"

Music to Desmond's twitching ears, which was getting herself a bit moist. Always nice when doing a favor for a neighbor is its own reward. She got a taste of sweet pussy while watching Wanda's fat butt slam back into the building after each lick. It was digging a pretty deep groove across two floors.

"That's the spirit! I knew you'd warm up to my solution." Desmond looked up across the span of Wanda's stomach to the sloshing of her breasts. She positioned her muzzle so the bridge continued to grind under the bunnies clit. "Might as well give a show. We're probably on two networks by now."

Wanda responded by placing a hand atop Desmond's head. A gentle push helped get the bigger giants attention back into her crotch.

"Ah! Ah, fuck y-yeah. Ngghh! S-so close...right there...ahm...what...what did you just say!?"

Something about the reality of their situation managed to strike a note of fear through Wanda's horny daze. It might have been the office chair that bounced off her head from a higher floor. The whole building began to lean on it's weakening structure. That was not nearly as important as seeing the crowd of ogling little people gathered across the road. In the backed up traffic of the intersection were vans sporting news station logos, along with the drumbeats of a helicopter overhead.

"N-no! Mmmah! N-not here!" Wanda tried to move, but it was too late. Her body could not muster the strength to push back against Desmond. Besides it only took a few more tongue stabs to hit her plateau. "D-damn it Desmmmngaah! Aah! I'm...I'm going to...Haah AAH! NGAAH! BAAH! NAAAH!"

Desmond had expected an explosive climax, just not with such devastating force. Bunny hips bucked hard into her face completely dislodging her from Wanda's snatch. Wanda's rear bounced against the building in several hard contractions. Each time her crotch thrust forward slamming into Desmond's nose until finally rocking the stunned squirrel backward to lay sprawled across the street.

It was both a magnificent and awful position to view when Wanda's fat ass broke the building she was bucking against. Desmond, not being in the throes of orgasm, was at least quick to react. A swift roll to the side allowed her to get back up into a squat with arms spread. Just enough so that crumbling steal and plaster bounced harmlessly off her muscular back instead of on the crowd in her shadow.

"Pah! Pah! Dook!" Wanda's heaving chest slowed its rhythmic expansions with the death of her climax. Both hands still absently went to the now vacant slit to try rubbing out another quick surge of pleasure. Excess juices dribbled from her vaginal lips into puddles on the sidewalk. At least she stopped bouncing around before bringing the whole structure down.

Desmond shook off excess debris from her fur before turning to re-approach the bunny. Placing a gentle hand on Wanda's cheek caused her fluttering eyes to snap open. Pupils dilated with clear intelligence clearly returning to them. Desmond could not resist giving that confused afterglow face a kiss on the nose, smearing it with more sex juices. "So...you free for dinner Friday?"

 It was almost cute how Wanda's hands shot up to try covering her tits. That just applied even more bunny spunk glossing her fur. Burning blush aside she still cracked a weary smile. "I hate you so much. O-oh!!"

"I'll take that as a maybe." With a hand on her face, Desmond also picked up on the subtle shifting of Wanda's body slowly getting smaller. "Looks like that did the trick too. We should get you outta here before you're tiny again."

"What? Why?" Wanda pushed back up into her feet, promptly cringing at a loud series of crashes behind her. Twisting to look back saw the flooring of the building had given out on the four floors damaged by the Wanda-sized hole in it's facing. "Oh, yeah. That thing."

"You okay to walk?" Without getting an answer, Desmond grabbed her hand and tugged towards the distant highway. Of course, the cluster of cars was going to make it hard to move fast. "I know a place."

Wanda yipped staggering a few steps before getting in pace with Desmond. Already there was a noticeable difference in the size of their hands, and force of their pull. "I'm not going like this, am I?"

"Probably not," Desmond mumbled under the thunder of their footsteps.


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