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(contains monster TF, muscle growth, hyper, kaiju fights.)

Commission for Fireorca

Cover art by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tokkinim


"Are you a nurse or a fucking executioner?"


The young lynx was almost rammed off her feet by Dr. Hauser's urgency to get at her patient convulsing on the bed. She made no motion to object, trying to quietly place down the defibrillators she had been subjecting to the man's hips.

"Oh no, don't go sneaking off!" Dr. Houser shouted during his preparations of a needle. All his focus had to go into pumping the chamber full of dark amber fluid. Without even a glance behind him, the aging badger somehow knew his failure of an intern nurse was edging towards the door. "Hold his legs down, or I'll kill you along with him!"

"Y-yes doctor!" The young lynx quickly got over her stuttering problem, rushing to the bedside in compliance. She may have towered over Houser by a good foot, but the old grump had a way of pushing through anyone in his way.

Thankfully after a few tense moments of holding her weak rabbit patients legs, his heart monitor stopped beating like a techno song. Both medical staffs let out a sigh as they watched the rabbit relax and slip into a quiet state of unconsciousness. Dr. Houser promptly turned to his nurse with less peaceful intentions.

"The holy hell were you doing? Trying to shock his dick into an erection!?"

"I...I'm sorry, doctor. I just sort of...missed..."

"Missed? With electrocuting paddles? You can't just miss with something capable of shutting down a person organs. Jesus Christ, That's the third patient you've given worse problems than their illness, and you haven't been here a week!"

"I'm...so sorry." The lynx blushed meekly staring at the floor. Not even the most asinine of excuses could come to her mind.

Her meek demeanor seemed to halt Houser's intentions for a very long-winded chastising. Not because he had a soul to feel pity but because he knew what a waste of time it would be. If two previous rants had not improved this woman's performance a repeat surely would not get different results. That would just make him insane.

“Whatever just.." Dr. Houser's attention was diverted to his watch, ears noticeably perked at noting the time. "Just dispense medications without setting anyone on fire for an hour. I have more important cases to see to.”

“Yes, doctor…”

With his back turned to leave, Houser was unaware of his inadequate nurse's sad brown eyes narrowing into a scowl. Once his presence entirely left the room, Misha dropped all pretense of insecurity. Working for the Canadian Government was never as glamorous or fun as she would have liked. The importance of keeping one's cover is especially tricky when everything your boss does makes you want to break his nose.

Forgetting that for the moment, Misha made her way over to the bedside terminal where this poor bunny was being treated. A hand absently reached back to tug the hem of her nurses skirt further down her backside while the other tried hacking into the patient's data. She could have trimmed her figure to a less stereotypical disguise, but something about Houser implied jiggling curves got her into this gig easier than fake medical degrees.

Misha was about as much a real doctor as this bunny was bedridden by...Truman Show Delusion...apparently. Ignoring that bit of random diagnosis, she began combing through his files for medical procedures and treatments issued for patterns. Sacred Heart hospital had come under scrutiny by the Ministry less than a month ago when a large number of its township had gone missing. Most were last seen being administered under bizarre ailments. Why else would they send their incredible lynx spy out on a little espionage in some underpopulated town slapped in the middle of the Ontario wilderness? Certainly was not for the fresh air and homemade waffles.

Well, maybe for waffles too, but all signs pointed to Houser being up to something with these people. That was Misha's primary drive to pummel the old bastard into the dirt. Fire-spewing monsters from space were one thing. A doctor that commits atrocities against the very people begging for help is pure evil.


Speaking of which, looked like her roommate was waking a lot sooner than expected. Just as well, his monitors had no incriminating evidence. However, the name of his administration was the same as the last three patients she checked yesterday. It had long since been confirmed a fake family member for all of them.

"Hey, sweetie," she said in a very gentle tone. Her hand moved from the keyboard to comfort his sweaty face. "You doing okay? That looks like a bad fev-ERRR!?"

He grabbed her hand just before she made contact with ferocious speed. The grip itself prevented Misha from immediately pulling away. It might have broken her wrist were she not modified from very sturdy alien biology.

"H..hhhelp..." was all he could force out with the strain of intense effort. If he had not been keeping a death grip on Misha, she might have missed his trembling.

"It..it's okay, hun. You're safe now." Misha hardly believed a word of her own comfort but hoped it could somehow calm the bunny before he went into another spasm. "I-I'll just go find Dr. Houser and he can..."

"Nooooo..." The rabbits face scrunched in a mix of anger and pain. His single word coming out in a forced primal growl.

That was not nearly as creepy as the way the hand holding Misha began to crack and contort. Fingernails popped off in harsh arcs to allow wicked sickle claws to take their place. Their tips had raked at Misha's flesh before she put actual effort into tearing her hand away. The bunny's hand remained to hover in the air, skin stretched and aged trying to stay wrapped around bones that were lengthening into thin, gangly digits.

When his thumb dropped off, Misha decided she had found plenty of evidence for the Ministry. She bolted from the patient's room only pausing to lock and jam the door behind her. Even in those short seconds, the man's groans of pain were rapidly shifting into the heavy growls of some vicious monster.

A shriek from down the hall. One of the unfortunate mouse nurses was fleeing right towards Misha with a patient literally nipping at her tail. He might have been an innocent skunk at one point, but even that was hardly recognizable. The creatures lower jaw opened in a vertical split, revealing a fleshy flower of jagged teeth while a prehensile tongue lolled out to try snagging its mouse prey with the pincer tip.


Misha broke into a dash while crying out at them. Her high heels broke immediately, which she was all too happy to dispose of. Dashing past the terrified and confused mouse, Misha slammed her whole self into the mutated patients welcoming spidery arms.

It's split jaw fell open in a gurgle of surprise. Interesting to learn this thing still had lungs to knock the air out of. With a harsh crackle, its arms split down the center of each hand all the way to the shoulder. Reforming into even thinner limbs that tried to wrap the two-fingered tips around Misha's torso.

Like hell a lynx of her caliber was about to let a monster grapple her. Misha clenched around the mutants waist in a tight bear hug, effortlessly arching her spine in a backward leap. Gravity simply did the rest of the work bringing the spidery mutant up and around in a suplex that cracked the floor around it's shattered face.

"W-what the fuck was that thing?" The mouse nurse had waited a second before emerging from behind a chair. Such a mutated form proved quite a spectacle even when it stopped twitching. Although when Misha got up, her looming figure sparked further curiosity. "And what the fuck are you?"

"Language please, this is a hospital." Misha tried her best to sound monotone while smoothing out her nurse dress. Of course the savior never got any gratitude. "My name is agent Misha. I'm a super with the Ministry."

The mouse looked ready to comment something impolite again, but screams from deeper into the hospital drained the color from her face. Misha was quick to spin her around gently, but firmly, towards the nearest glowing exit sign.

"Either find a place to hide or get as far away from this hospital as possible."

The mouse did not need further incentive. She ran towards the door, but paused with a sudden notion and glanced back. "What are you going to do?"

The answer came in the sight of Misha stretching both arms behind her head. In one mighty flex, the lynx's already busty frame surged out in a variety of ways. Her body shot up a whole meter in height, turning the tight dress into one virtually useless for modesty. The hem rose like a curtain over hips that crackled as they spread, showing off her fattening butt and red panties for all. Thighs and shins bubbled up not willing to be outdone. Deep ridges formed along their supple curves with unrivaled muscles.

Buttons rained through the air unable to hold back Misha's changes. Breasts swelled up like balloons on a spigot. Their soft mass threatened to overflow the dresses collar before it's entire front burst open. Even with a red sports bra equipped, Misha felt her girl's weight jiggling about with every subtle movement. Thanks to size shifting supers like her, someone at the Ministry was making a mint on elastic clothes.

Almost as impressive as her breasts were the abs that blossomed when her stomach sucked into a hard crunch. Relaxing her middle only seemed to make them grow even denser all around her waist. Indeed her torso was a board of power you could grate cheese on.

"Don't worry about me," Misha said in a deeper, thick voice. A nice perk of stronger neck muscles for dramatic effect. She could not resist giving a flex of her beefy arms to further make a show of their biceps. "Just going to make sure the good doctor gets checked-out."

The mouse seemed to blink, her whiskers fluttering with an odd sense of disappointment. "That was really your best one-liner?"

"Excuse me! Which of us can suplex a rabid mutant BEFORE growing into a she-hulk?" The mouse seemed unphased by this counterpoint but could not retort. A chorus of monstrous roars echoed through the halls making them both shudder. "Whatever, just get to safety already!"

Misha was already running towards the stairwell ripping off what remained of her nurse's disguise. At least these people could listen to reason if hearing the exit door open behind her was any indication. Now almost three meters tall and in dashing red underwear, Misha barreled her amazonian muscle through the hospital.

While she found a mutant to dispatch in almost every other room, it never dawned on her to ask Dr. Houser where he liked to skulk off to. Luckily most of the staff had the good sense to flee, if not from mutating patients than from the lumbering muscle lynx cracking door frames with her hips to help them. Such mutants were easy to subdue and lock into patients room for the proper aid, but Misha got increasingly frustrated. She was having to throttle back to only a fraction of her power not wanting to actually kill Houser's many victims, which made finding the mastermind a prolonged process.

Specifically, it was about thirty minutes before Misha had finished securing every room in the hospital's three floors before shoulder smashing through a chain locked stairwell onto its roof. Misha's eyes flashed in triumph at spying the badger with his back turned to her. The fact he had another trio of mutants positioned between them almost did not matter.

"Dr. Houser!" Misha proclaimed with her best 'authority' voice, saved for these awesome moments of heroism. "By decree of the Ministry you are-HOLY FUCK!"

Of course, the mutants would spit acid. Why would they not? It's only one of the cheapest life hacks you could give cannon fodder, especially in a swarm.

Too bad for them Misha had her own feline reflexes to exploit. She weaved and dodged between jets of sizzling green liquid by only centimeters. A massive increase in muscle mass did little to impede her graceful movements. Although narrowly getting chunks of her swollen curves melted off was doing nothing to her mood.

Seeing their projectiles cause more damage to the air conditioners behind Misha than the hulking lynx herself, the trio of monsters switched to more direct tactics. Misha responded with her own challenging roar. One far more resonating and beastie than all three freaks could muster. Somehow that is what got Houser’s old ears to perk, and the badger slowly turned to see what had come to challenge his minions. Misha could only make out his removing a needle from one arm before having to dodge a flurry of claws.

“Well, that explains why your bunny victim couldn’t eat you,” Houser mused softly. His words almost went unheard by Misha, who was having to heft up and toss a mutant aside before its friends could flank her. “Still, it’s nice to see the bimbo appearance wasn’t all for my benefit. You look a perfect field test for my beautiful monsters.”

“Oh!?” Misha growled, almost looking like a statue before one hand zipped up to catch a set of claws aiming for her breasts. In a fluid twirl, she slung the surprised mutant into another that had just leaped into the air intending to latch onto her back. The pair became entangled with each other before crashing into an air duct. “I can show you a thing or two about monsters!”

True she may have adjusted her proportions for a bit of volume with the nurse cover, but name calling was still nerve pinching at the moment. Misha let herself fall to all fours emitting a soft growl. As she revved it up into a continuous rumble so too did her muscles quiver and grow. Thighs pushed her feet apart, tearing trenches through the roofs foundation with increasing claws. Sudden surges in her biceps caused both hands to clench, breaking off chunks of concrete without thought. Breasts quickly joined in squishing between her hams for arms. Their weight rivaled medicine balls that pressed against the roof to create rather deep sinks in what remained under Misha.

She stood back up glaring down at Dr. Houser smugly. Hopefully, he was too busy matching her gaze to notice when Misha reached back to tug at her panties. No matter how elastic a pair the techs at Ministry made, somehow the massive amounts of fat that compiled into her cheeks still ate them into a thong.

Either these mutants were utterly senseless or just felt safety in numbers. Seeing their prey grow to four meters tall and double her mass did nothing to phase their assault. When they tried to surround her in a triangulated formation, Misha merely rolled her eyes. She hunched forward in an apparent flexing of back muscles Houser could not make sense of.

The creatures only got within a meter of Misha when she sprang into action once more. With a wet slapping noise, four long, thick, appendages shot out from their hiding flaps along the lynx’s back. Her newly revealed tentacles met with the monsters head-on. Three smacking them with bullet-like force to rock them out of the charge. Before they could even fall over, the thorny limbs used this momentum to coil around each of their necks.

Odds were good they had no idea what Misha had hit them with, since she used the death grips achieved to heft all three above her head, slamming their faces together with an echoing crack that made even her flinch. The mutants immediately went limp, so Misha loosened her tentacles to let the trio fall at her feet in a sloppy defeated mess.

Turning back to Houser, Misha grinned full fangs down at the little old devil. Arms crossed under that massive cleavage still somehow contained in their red bra. The four extra limbs danced like strange thorned snakes awaiting their next chance to strike. “Yeah, the tentacles are out. Now what, bastard?”

Of all the reactions that might have been expected, Houser looked way up at the lynx with neither surprise or alarm. If anything his gaze remained coldly calculating, occasionally jerking in twitches of repressed pain. From up where Misha could see, the badger continued clutching the arm he had the needle in, which was pulsing and contorting in very disgusting ways.

“...you still look like a bimbo,” was all Dr. Houser said before taking a tumble backward off the roof.

Misha blinked at the empty space of roof her quarry had just been on. It took a second for what had transpired to register, but that did not stop her from trying to leap and catch him before they splattered on the pavement.

Turned out to be an unnecessary action. The whole building began to tremble from a massive force that slapped Misha off to her side. Chiseled lynx hips struck the edge shattering brick and plaster in an explosive burst of rubble. The rest of Misha tumbled over headfirst to the ground. Tentacles snapped to grab what braces they could across the roof, but her back still struck one wall shattering lots of windows. It left Misha feeling rattled in a rather undignified pose; dangling upside down with butt high in the air.

Hopefully, no one was actually in that wing of the hospital still. Misha had no opportunity to check collateral as something big, fuzzy, and spiky was casting a shadow over the building. With a little wrangling from her tentacles, Misha twisted herself around to get bare feet pads back on solid ground. Just in time to see the mountain of a creature reel back to put its weight for a hard strike.

Misha dived into a roll that smashed several parked cars under her buff fur. That was a lot less concerning than the entire quarter of a hospital the giant mutant had just demolished with one tanker of an arm. There was still just enough of a badgers face for her to recognize the new Dr. Houser since the rest of him looked like a skyscraper made entirely out of a thorn bush.

Houser pulled the massive clawed hand out of the collapsing building. Much of the rubble caught on the mesh of fur and thorns jutting out all over his mountain of flesh. There came a sudden realization that rushing into evolution can, inevitably, lead to some forced oversights. When Houser tried to turn to better face down Misha with a body towering twelve meters at the least, it ended up looking more like a very awkward shuffle. Probably in most part because he barely had stubs for legs to stand on, which were tangled up in a very dense patch of fur.

A feeling of guilt almost overcame Misha at seeing such a hilarious handicap on an otherwise disgusting abomination. There was even a flicker of fear in Houser’s eyes at the realization of his own impeded mobility. It was hard to just keep her in sight, having to hop in a semi-circle to follow her stride. Although Misha seemed uninterested in trying to walk around to the mutated badger’s exposed back. No, she just wanted to get him into position, so they better faced the rocky hillside that separates the hospital from its surrounding woods.

“Let’s take this somewhere less civil, eh?”

Houser let out a grunting noise in confusion and then received a high kick to the jaw by Misha’s longer, mobile leg. The sounds of bones cracking echoed across the treetops as he teetered back. Monstrous bush arms flailed helplessly only stalling a few precious seconds while he tried to balance on one stump leg.

Misha grunted in rapid boredom, letting a tentacle lash forward to nudge the monster into his tumble down the sharp slope into the landscape behind them. To Houser’s credit that mutated form was at least better suited for curling into a ball than Misha’s muscle bulk. It still looked painful when he crashed into a very jagged formation of rocks, which launched him into the air for a ground shaking slam onto a large outstretch of dead oak and poison ivy.

Without missing a beat, Houser hefted his mountain of fur onto all fours like the fall never happened. Giving a panicked glance back up at Misha, he broke into a slow loping run straight into the forests of Canada. Birds took the sky in flocks as their trees were no match for his mutated strength. The mountains around them echoed explosions of wood snapping into a road of destruction.

“Now where the heck is he planning to go?”

It would have been more amusing if Houser’s flight was not causing thousands in wildlife damages on top of his other evil acts. Misha slowly took a deep breath before flexing every fiber of her body.

It must have been a beautiful sight for the townspeople below. Misha’s bra and panties gave out groans of protest across her juicy curves as they expanded. Still, the lab boys knew their stuff. Despite a bit of breast overflowing their bra cups, Misha managed to stay generally covered. At least from the front. There was barely signs of a red strip wedged within the folds of her backside.

“Mmmmh YES!” Misha’s cry rang out across the mountains as she grew up over twenty meters tall. Once again her muscles had surged across hardened sinew creating canyons of ridges in her arms and back even while relaxed. Her butt stuck out almost in a contest to the mountain peaks around her, while breasts jiggled in the high-elevated breeze looking set to crush the hospital under their girth. “This should do nicely.”

She struck a flexing pose that would hopefully look heroic to anyone getting phone snaps. And then bounded down the hillside in three steps after Houser. Catching up to him would not prove that difficult. Attempting to escape through the forest in such a clumsy form had accomplished little more than clearing a straight path for pursuit.

A fun little game of chase always had a curious effect on Misha’s habits. She hit the forest falling into a four-limbed gallop across the countryside. Several fallen trees were crushed to splinters under her truck-sized hands, with many more shattering under her breasts. The entire town slowed to a stop for fear of the tremors her bounds created.

Fortunately for surviving residents, Misha was on her quarry in less than a minute. The hairy monster that was Houser looked back at the approaching lynx in absolute panic. Something about the notion she had instantly grown to be larger than his self-created kaiju state took all the fight out of the good doctor. Sadly there was no amount of force left to propel his hideous form any faster through the trees. Soon as Misha felt inside a comfortable range, two tentacles shot out to ensnare Houser’s stubby hind legs. A rather pathetic yelp escaped the Kaiju badger before getting yanked back belly first across a large assortment of broken trees.

Houser gave a large buck of both feet, almost yanking the larger giant lynx off her quadrupedal stance. When that failed to work, his thorned arms scooped up any and all forest debris to fling back at Misha in blind desperation for release.

Warning growls from Misha went ignored with further barrages of broken wood and dirt making her raise a beefed up arm in defense. When the onslaught showed no sign of stopping she whipped back her tentacles causing Houser’s entire body to undulate hard against the forest floor. It seemed to knock the air out of her opponent, giving them a moment's pause as the woods fell silent.

Houser started kicking again, so Misha repeated her tentacle slapping. Again and again, his body was undulated into a deepening groove in the ground. Each time his body was hoisted higher into the air as Misha’s payback for the attempted murder, insults, and now dirt shower staining her colossal muscles.

Misha growled her anger while putting everything into one final tentacle heft. This one might have gone a bit too far as the heavyweight of Houser’s form lurched Misha staggeringly back onto her two feet proper. From this motion, the pull of her tentacles yanked Houser into a direct collision against her massive breasts. The monstrous badger seemed just as confused as she was to suddenly have his impact softened by the squish of vast furred mountains.

Misha was not one to waste an opportunity. She packed some beefy pecs under those oceans of fat. With one motion she rocked back her shoulders and thrust her chest forward in a springboard effect. Houser let out his final pleading roar as he went sailing over the forest for an impact that took out half a mountainside several kilometers away. What remained quickly collapsed into an avalanche that partially trapped the badger monster under tons of rubble.

A Ministry containment team would arrive half an hour later to find Misha back inside the hospital shrunken down, although still considerably buff even for eight feet tall. With Houser indeed too pounded up and buried to go anywhere she became aware of building up a hearty appetite from all that muscle growth. At least there was plenty of that awful beef stew in the hospital kitchen, that did not get smashed, to partake in.

Turns out the good doctor was another of those ‘I am the future of evolution’ lunatics with an inferiority complex. Probably the third one Misha’s had to capture this year. You find some new form of blue fungus growing off your shower plumbing, and suddenly that makes you the de facto god of everyone. Houser was anything but a total pro in that regard. The man left all his files in a basement computer without so much as password protection on the desktop. Finding the exact formula to make an antidote for the townspeople would take a few days at most for the Ministry techs.

Only reason Misha did not get completely bored of these gigs was the excuse to cut loose with her powers. Shame, none of them, ever got far enough for her to reach a hundred percent power. Maybe the next wacko will actually live up to their delusional boasts for domination.


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