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Inspired by an image by Maboo: https://www.deviantart.com/milkybody/art/Swollen-Shantae-761828208

Contains weight gain, smoshing, and bikinis


The Scuttle Town bathhouse getting an indoor pool extension would be considered by residents to be one of the best ideas in history. With the onset of fall, business was already guaranteed to boom. Now the whole town might spend their winter in sheltered warm waters for an affordable price.

The towns resident genie guardian would be no exception. Shantae literally danced out of the showers humming a delightful tune. Water droplets still gleamed off her smooth tanned skin. Even more, water rained from her purple ponytail as it whipped around. Like all her dances, it gave a subtle emphasis to the shaking of her buxom hips and chest. The perfect way to show off a brand new red bikini encasing such magical assets without having to wait for next summer.

"Well, someone is in a good mood today." Sky followed closely behind, glistening from her own refreshing shower. The bird trainer naturally wore a one piece across her curvaceous body dyed in an apparent feather-style of bright colors.

"Isn't it just fantastic though?" Shantae turned to strike a pose presenting the open pool area to her childhood friend, despite both of them already being very familiar with its construction. "It's almost below forty outside, and in here that was my most refreshing shower in months. They really nailed down this place in all the good details."

Sky sighed but could not hide her grin. Shantae's energetic optimism was too contagious at times. "We haven't even gone swimming yet."

"I know, right? Want to race a few laps?"

"Actually, I...uh..."


Shantae had turned in a dash for the pool before she even finished her challenge. Sky watched distantly at her friend's back leaping and bending into the air. Lithe genie body pierced through in a perfect dive with minimal splash. Not to say the lifeguards looked nearly as impressed at her careless running, but they let their town genie be for now.

Shantae might have been a bit too into her breaststrokes to hear an intervention anyway. More than just Sky paused to watch the stalk of her ponytail zip along the surface of the water.

But then Sky's flat stomach gave a soft gurgle. They had been in a bit of a hurry to beat the evening crowd that lunch had gone unnoticed. Fortunately, the bathhouse owners, being the geniuses they were, had also thought to install a snack bar. A good taco, or maybe a salad, would go down nice right now. Assuming they sold such things.

"Out of the way, wide load!"

Sky turned halfway before someone pushed hard into her side. With a startled cry, she toppled over to breach the pool in a painful smack. It was only by luck she missed falling on Shantae doing a return lap over.

"Oh, hey Sky!" Shantae stopped to tread water near her floundering friend. An act of panic that made her head tilt in concern. "You doing okay? I thought you knew how to-eww!"

There was a moment's recoil when Sky opened her mouth to speak, and a gush of water poured out instead. This was followed by some harsh coughing to get the bit clogging up her lungs out. Sky ended up ignoring Shantae to look back for her unseen assailant.

"What's the big idea you rude...oh, rocks feathers! Is that...?"

"Risky Boots!?" Shantae's whole demeanor turned surprised, yet serious. She tried to point an accusing finger which promptly caused her to sink back under the water. After resurfacing in a coughing fit, she settled for an angry scowl. "What are you up to here?"

"Hmm?" The pirate captain, dressed in a skull bikini and thong no less, gave an uninterested side glance back over her shoulder. She had also been sauntering her way over to the snack bar, seeming to have forgotten the peon forced out of her way. "Oh my. If it isn't the half-capable hero and her favorite sidekick, Fall."


"No. You definitely know how to make a perfectly awful Fall around here. Oh ho ho ho!" Risky Boots held the back of her slender hand up to her mouth in her signature condescending laugh. The way Sky's face turned a bright pink only added to her enjoyment. "And I thought it would be obvious what I'm 'up to.' I'm getting a burger before I work on my tan for the winter."

"Yeah, like you'd ever just 'hang out' for a day without causing mayhem." Sky huffed, but when she turned to Shantae, her friend was whipping her head around scanning the rest of the indoor pool.

"Did you know this place got a tanning section, Sky?"

"Later, Shantae!"

"Pffh!" Risky Boots rolled her eyes and continued on her meal driven path. "Just stay out of my way, you annoyances."

"Well, that about settles it!" Shantae made a splash swimming towards the nearest exit ladder.

Sky blinked at her friend's sudden initiative. "What are you going to do?"

Shantae wrangled water out of ponytail before giving her whole body a hard shake. Access droplets rained down across the gentle pool waves. "Get a burger of course! I can't believe we missed lunch."

"No, I mean about...oh okay." Sky climbed out after Shantae, who was already following in Risky Boot's footsteps. Turned out there was no need for her to worry about trouble brewing on their day off.

It had already struck.

"Unless you want to lose your head, YOU HAD BETTER BE JOKING!"

Shantae and Sky got within yards of Risky Boots before the malevolent pirate's voice bellowed across the whole building. A large number of patrons had stopped their activities to gaze curiously over to the snack bar. The little pavilion was doing it's best to withstand the harsh pounding of dainty balled fists slamming its counter.

"Do I look like my perfect complexion needs to be tainted with tofu!? You better get me a nice slab of beef, or I'll carve it out of your worthless hide."

Despite their years of deadly rivalry, it still surprised many people how Shantae could so casually walk up to an angry pirate. She placed a gentle hand on Risky Boots shoulder but did not get much of a reaction from it.

"Now, Risky, let's not get overzealous about..." Shantae made the mistake of glancing at the shop's menu. "Who orders tofu at a pool?"

"Right!? Even the half-wit genie agrees with me!" Risky Boots threw Shantae's hand off her to pound the counter again. "Like anyone would be caught dead paying for garbage out of a horse's mouth."

Shantae's lips pursed into a pout. "Hey, don't go putting words in my mouth here. They're just doing their job."

"And being very lousy about it!" Risky Boots made a grab for the woman across the counter, who squeaked and barely pressed back out of reach. "Give me something half-decent or I'll..."

"Be escorted by force out of here, if I have to!" Shantae had grabbed hold of Risky Boots other arm with both her hands. This time her grip squeezed tight and firm for emphasis. "Besides you barely have anything on you, much less your weapons here."

"Like you're one to talk?" Risky Boots dropped against the counter, giving a deep sigh that deflated all anger from her body. Only afterward did she turn to face Shantae. With a grin that unnerved the half-genie, she wrenched her hand free and walked back towards the pool. "Fine! You eat this mediocre peasant food if you have so little shame."

Sky stared after her dumbfounded before turning to Shantae. "That was surprisingly short-lived. What was she on about?"

"You got me! Sometimes I think she just gets angry for the fun of it." Shantae continued to watch Risky Boots for a minute. Her arch nemesis took the time to claim a raft before entering the pool.

"Um..." The girl running the snack bar had recovered enough to pry off the wall, but still shivered in the warm air. "T-thanks for helping with her."

"Oh, don't worry about it. That's just a typical routine for us." Shantae gave a hearty laugh with a dismissive handwave. A second later her stomach rumbled loud enough to draw everyone's attention and turn her face a shade of red. "B-but while we're here could I have... an uh...huh."

Something Shantae did not want to admit was how unappealing the menu actually looked. Most of the products were advertised as being composed of tofu, including the cheese in the nachos. The few alternatives consisted mainly of bitter vegetables or rice. Even the frozen treats were just sherbert. She was about to think of an excuse to leave when something else shinned out the corner of her vision.

"Oh, hey! How much for the apple?"

"What?" The girl followed Shantaes eyes to the edge of the counter. A lone apple sat by itself glinting with perfectly polished red skin. "Oh, uh, ten gems I guess?"

"Awesome!" Shantae dropped the money before the merchant and snatched up her prize.

Where she was storing currency on a bikini was a mystery Sky did not want to solve. She waited for her friend to walk off towards the sitting area before approaching for a turn. Likewise, she barely found anything on the menu passable for lunch. "So, um, got any more fruits?"

The girl shook her head vigorously. "N-no, I'm sorry. We don't even have them on our menu. I think that apple belonged to that angry woman."

"Say what?" Sky looked over the menu again. Sure enough, there were no signs of fruit items, but a very disgusting radish salad. Then the store girls speculations suddenly connected a notion in Sky's head. "Oh no! Shantae don't!!"


"Hmm?" Shantae turned quizzically back to Sky from a few yards away. Her amber cheeks bulged full while fresh apple juice sparkled on her chin. Unable to comprehend Sky's horrified look, she took a moment to chew before swallowing. "What's wrong?"


Shantae's body decided to answer that question for her. A loud rumbling emanated from deep within, causing her insides to shudder. The half-genie gazed down at her chest with an eyebrow raised finding that last stomach pain almost misplaced. It still prompted her to take another bite of the sweet apple as her free hand rub her belly.

Sky remained dumbstruck in place, only managing to point a shaking finger at the fruit her friend was snacking on. "N-no...fruit..."

"Oh? Did you want...some?"

Shantae trailed off watching her belly a bit more intently. Her hand went from rubbing to gently squeezing large sections around her button. A look of surprise dawned on her face seeing she could grab more and more excess flesh with each attempt.

"O-ooh!?" All at once Shantae's middle puffed outwards squishing around her palm. The apple fell from her grasp into the pool trying to hold her stomach with both hands. It did little to help, her belly button sunk really deep as flesh bulged between fingers and grew outwards. Her waist could not contain this apparent and popped outwards, destroying Shantae's hourglass figure. "OOOHHH!! W-what the heck!?"

"Oh ho ho ho!" A familiar laugh seemed to answer all questions. Shantae and Sky whipped their heads toward the pool to find Risky Boots floating on her raft. Seeing Shantae staggering about with a gut looking big enough to pop a kid was pure entertainment. "Enjoy your snack, fool? Shame you didn't take a few more bites. We could have started calling you the half-ton genie."

"What do you mean by tha-aah! Aah!"

Shantae gasped feeling her internal pressure build again, only to suddenly reverse directions. Hands flew around to her backside having just as little luck restraining its swelling. Hips and rear bloated out to engulf Shantae's fingers in soft fat fit for a pillow. The bottom of her thong pulled taunt before getting eaten by the deep crack of her buttcheeks.

The effect continued downward in a cascade of expansion. Shantae waddled in several awkward steps thanks to her thighs thickening. It forced her to balance on a much wider stance. Even her feet grew in size, getting pinched by her sandals before their straps snapped from her meatball toes.

"Ah haaah!!" Shantae felt the pressure slam into souls and rocket back up into her… "oh sweet ga-GAAH!!"

By now the whole pool was watching Shantae's body bloat in variously rounded ways. All eyes moved with hers to the half-genies bikini. The material shifted about, smoothing creases as its cargo became incredibly firm.


A second later Shantae's plump oranges upgraded into cannonballs. She gave out a startled scream flailing arms to keep balanced on her explosive weight. Both mounds bounced twice atop her even larger stomach before settling across its soft dome.

Such quick expansion launched many nosebleeds across the sea of onlookers. Many Shantae fans still found it a pity her bikini stubbornly stretched just enough to keep her modesty covered.

"Nngh!!" Shantae moved to adjust her top anyway, only to stop at seeing her fingers puff like sausages. Forearms and biceps billowed out in succession to match the thickness of her legs. A strange tickle passed over her chin, and Shantae knew her face had also expanded a little. She turned to Sky with a nervous smile that formed a new double chin. "H-how bad is it?"

"Uh...it...it's fine," Sky lied through her teeth. Her brain was still getting over the shock of watching her best friend inflate several times in size. Only thing more amazing was how Shantae could move so well with such a spherical torso and squishy limbs. "You...you look full is all."

"You look like a beached whale!" Risky Boots corrected before falling back on her raft in triumphant laughter. "That trick apple was so worth the price just to witness your humiliation. I'd love to see you try and thwart my plans when you're the size and shape of a wrecking ball."

Shantae turned to her adversary fuming rage and redder than a tomato. At least until she took note of Risky's raft bobbing across the pool water. Her sneer twisted into a smile that glinted her usual playful nature.

"Wrecking ball, eh? Sky be careful, you're in the splash zone."

"What are you...oooh dear." Sky watched Shantae suddenly break into a run for the pool, and almost felt sorry for the pirate that was her target. The half genies whole form bounced with surprising buoyancy eliciting many more nosebleeds from onlookers. Yet every footfall generated a loud crunch that left many cracks in the asphalt.

For Risky it was already too late. By the time she came down from her gloating, there was just enough time to see Shantae launch herself over the pool. Their thick circular girth cast a dark shadow over the pirate's raft.



Shantae had not been exaggerating. Her belly landed atop Risky generating a splash worthy of a ballistic shell. Fallout drenched Sky along with everyone in lounge chairs alongside the pool.

Shantae resurfaced moments later floating on her back. Breasts and belly breached the water like shimmering islands as moisture rolled off their soft skin. A content smile remained etched into the half genies plump cheeks.

Risky boots floated up soon after. Although she looked a lot less majestic face down with butt bobbing dead in the water.

"Is she alright?" Sky asked between choking on pool water.

"Ah, don't worry about it. See?" Shantae gesture a fat hand lazily to Risky when a bunch of bubbles exuded from the pirate. "She'll bounce back in a second as always. Why not come in already? The water is great!"

"Yeah, I can't feel that now." Sky rung her hair out with an amused sigh. Watching her blimped out friend be their own raft made the bird trainer suspect no one was interested in swimming anymore.


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