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I have sent the rewards to most of you who have completed their pledges! :D Please check your Patreon message inbox to get the download link as usual.

For few people with pending pledges, I will wait and will send the rewards once the pledges are processed.

Thank you for the support this month too!

About wip :

Moar Ben! :3c because i miss Ben/slapped

But this Ben art actually is very old..I've sketched it on May last year (2014)

but haven't colored it until now..

i hope i can finish it soon before fainting on the bed haha yusshh




He liiiiiveeessss


Hey there Kawacy :) I recently had an issue with my billing for the pledge, but I have just updated it a few hours ago. I was wondering if you are able to get my money and I will still be able to receive the October rewards still? Thanks very much I've been looking forward all month to receiving them!


More Ben is always good ;D


How does patreon works?? XD if I have pledged to ya, they automatically cuts frm my acc ryt? Im such a noob q 3q


yeah i noticed few people had billing problems and patreon declined orz..you can still pledge manually by paypal :) i will send you the rewards after! /hugs. I'm hoping you can get this month's reward too..so much bonus files ><


I think so :) i forgot, did you start pledging for this month's reward too or next month's? believe it or not i'm still a noob too omg


I think i did for this month @-@ I'll try and see how this works


Ahh the drawing looks great so far!!


Been!! haven't seen this guy in a while :D


Awesome as alwayssssssssssss <3 <3 <3


oh yes then share it with me! :D i'm still studying it myself lmao


me too and since many people knew me through Ben arts, it will be kind of nostalgic :3c


heyyy you got no pledging problem this month /dances with you! and thank you as alwayso(^▽^)o


Aww man I checked the date when I pledge and it was alrdy pass 1st oct _(:3 」∠)_ guess mine shall be nxt month ; w;


Oh mann too bad you'll have to miss the cinderella reward D: but yeah no worries, next month will be great too! /hugs


/cries mushrooms/ its okaiiii i shall wait for uuuuuu _(:3 」∠)_


I pledged for this month too :'( I don't get it...patreon Y U bringing trouble upon meeeh?! QvQ


/catches mushrooms and eats them :Cc there there it's okay


you did too? maybe you pledged after Oct 1st? you still can get the reward by pledging manually via paypal though :)


I don't understand how is this Dx ! If I pay in agust and have the sept rewards and now I pay 20step to 20oct I don't gonna have oct rewsards? I'm bad on English so sorry if I don't understand what's going on Q.Q


thank you I already received the reward XD wish i could pleading more x3


Hi kawacy! I had an issue with my pledge.. I retried it again yesterday, now with another debit card. I hope it goes through this time ;w; i really can't wait for my oct rewards huhu ( i read that you accepted manual pledging via paypal... Can i do that instead?:3)


hm yeah basically just pledge before the 1st date of every month to get the monthly rewards i've promised :3c but i saw you're having trouble with the patreon pledging, somehow it got declined a lot i don't know why...damn patreon orz


finally! :3c i hope you enjoy it! sure, i will open for more rewards option in the future! /hugs


yeah omg damn patreon, few of them also had issues sobs! but yeah sure the easiest way is to pledge manually by paypal, i'll message you the paypal address :D


As always, thank you for the lovely drawings/brushes, I like the WIP, it looks like it's going well! >w<)b


nyaaan :3c thank you too as always! i hope i can finish it by next week or sooner


omg this one OAO it looked so amazing when you colour it instead of me TvT hnnngh can't wait to see the finished version!!


oh yasss i remember! thank you for coloring it! i mean because of you i decided to color this one! /dances<3 no way yours were awesome too :3c