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These brushes will be available as a bonus reward for Patrons with $10 pledge and up next month [November 2015].

Feel free to use them for your artworks, but please credit me later if you ever use them for your arts because I made it myself with blood sweat and tears :(

There are more brushes I made, but for next month I will only share these ones. But I will definitely share the rest for future bonus rewards on Patreon.

So, I hope to see you again next month and months after November! :D


P.S. : I will share the October rewards sometimes next week after all pledges are processed as usual ^^ so be patient!




Hello mon,


Hey Kawacy,I'm gonna pledge a bunch like 50 or something(next month) , I'm not rich but hey dem rewards tho!One more thing,whats your brush setting for a doodle/sketch or somethin(the one you use in mangas)I think its gonna help me on my drawing on DA (Fearlessfur2 to be exact)


thank you so much for supporting then /hugs! oh i always share all of my brush settings in the .pdf file, i'm sure you'll find it there! i hope it will help you too :) i always love to hear people's story experimenting with the rewards haha, hope i hear from you soon!


Greeting Chihaya (I read your name well that since I have self-study for Japanese language), before I plan to pledge to you, can I able to get it the previous rewards or is it just too late? Like I desperately so that I want your brushes. But don't worry about it, I understand ~ I will still pledge if you let me know. ^_^ If I get yours of the best tool, then you are the literally saved in my ass! Chains and any of metals are kind of my secret fetish, shh! Hehe, psst, I heard that you love red eyes as well I love them!


OMG I'm excited *//7//* -touch it - November! Please coming soon //A//


Oh man...I can't wait to get my hands on them! Your awesome :)


nnmm yassssss /touches back *A* yes please november i'll become older and be grandpa soon LOL sobs


can't wait to let your awesome hands grind on them lmao! C: thank you bae!


I am so hype for this!!! I can't wait! November really does need to come and I'm already excited for the October rewards!


Can't wait till November! :D


Finally made patreon oh god I was so confused how this works but yasss cant wait OwO


Oh gosh those brushes are so gorgeous! ;;; A ;;; You're the best Kawacy-san!!


Thank you!


These are so cool i can't wait XD!!


Omg these brushes are so nice, i am excited! >w< they will be so helpful! ;A;


i'm glad you do! i meant to make you hype/slapped XD yess i will send the rewards very very soon!


still thank you so much for making one just for me /criess ocean


me too i can't wait to share :D and thank you so much! ayy


yes me too!<3 use as much as you want i'd be very happy if it really helps!


If you started being a patreon in November, will you still receive those brushes :o? They are awesome!


Hi! I'd really love to get the brushes but I only pledged recently (so I guess I'm getting the December rewards?). I haven't setup my Paypal account since I'm having trouble with tying up banks. The one I'm with right now doesn't accept Paypal transactions... :( Is there another way to be able to get previous rewards?