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Thank you for the support for November as well!

These are next month's rewards :

[Ben Drowned artwork]

Bonus: Photoshop november .abr brushes I've promised (for $10 pledge and above) + PNG spectrum sunrays.

※Complete PDF progress shot explanation, including brush settings and more.

※Full progress shot of the finished art.

※1000px PSD file with all the layers (lineart, colors, effect, etc).

※Full size JPG picture of the finished art.

※Clean PNG lineart of the artwork (you may recolor the lineart but please credit me).

will be sent after pledges are processed as usual.

See you guys next month !ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ




Asdfgjl cant wait for da bae pack lmao


Omgg pretty colorsssss and chained up Ben...




Amazing as always~


yass Ben should always be chained up(・ω・)ノ thank you always!


and always thank you very much /hugs and kisses :3c


Woohoo, totally excited! :) When I go to Japan this winter for some snowboarding, please let me buy you some coffee as thanks!


I got drowned by this art ;P


I love your artwork and BEN Drowned so super excited! :D


Omg! Love this artwork so much! You're my fav artist ever! >.< I love Ben Drowned. >.< will you come one day has japanexpo in paris ? (ok... Sorry for my bad english...TT-TT )


oh God //heavybreath this is too awesome you are always killing me with your awesomeness //ded


me too /rolls around in excitement XD haha omg snowboarding! awesome! are you going to visit hokkaido too? i hope you'll enjoy the vacation!


i'm glad that you like my works and yesshh ben is the best! can't wait to share it to you :3c


thank you so much for the support and everything! /hugs. oh wow sounds amazing, i've never been to paris before but it would really be a dream come true /flies


thank you so much as always /jumps around! no you're the one killing me with your kindness ///revives


Congratulations on hitting 800, Kawacy :D!!! And I will be in Sapporo for a few days, and will be in Tokyo for the remainder of my trip. Maybe I will go to Beppu to meet some family members and go to some onsens. If you are anywhere near here, let me know. AHah and bring your gf too!


soo awsome !!!! and a super big congrats on reaching 800 yay XD!!!


This is super late but.. Art is on fleek! xD


Ugh, why doesn't this accept my pledge? x.x It doesn't even say my payment is pending in my account, but I still got the email of the pledge's confirmation. :< gee.


some patrons had the same problem as you :( I'm so sorry to hear that but if it's still impossible to pledge, you still can pledge manually by paypal. It's a lot easier and 100% success rate :D


thank you :D it would be impossible without you people /hugs


yass thank you so much! ah i see that sounds so nice, i hope you'll enjoy your trip eventhough it will be so cold soon especially in Sapporo :D well Hokkaido is the coldest anyway. I will be on outside country trip with family for new year's eve too XD


I have the same issues as Colder =A= can I pledge manually by paypal too?


sure yes you can always pledge manually by paypal :D try send me an email at kawacyan@hotmail.co.jp with your patreon username


Hi, I'm very new to this patron thing, so I'm a little confused. If I just now pledged, that means that I don't get rewards Until December , correct? If that's the case, is there a way to purchase this months rewards, as well? OwO; I'm so lost.


it's okay i'm glad you ask! yes, you'll be pledging for december rewards if you pledge after nov 1st. but there's still one way to pledge for this month rewards, you can manually send me the pledge by paypal :3c


me too I'm new to patron.. can I pledge manually by paypal too? I mean for Nov rewards TT-TT


Hi Kawacy! I made the same mistakes as the others. I pledged on Nov. 1st thinking it would be for the November reward. Now I see that's not the case. Can I paypal you $10 for last month? ^_^;;