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Here's the finished page 71.

Meet the gods of the elements! I had a lot of fun coming up with their designs, and by the way, Godvig is my personal favorite :D

Enjoy :)



Viro Veteruscy

This be an interesting remake :3 🍿


There's a lot to unpack here. This is amazing. I love the design of each god including Loria. Interesting seeing a god of light who is blind, so she can't perceive light at least from her eyes from a mortal perspective. Also it seems you are mixing the really old water God concept of Alexander with the modern one. The original concept where he was a playboy getting laid everywhere at least from what the air god claimed. Yet his heart is with Gloria like what you answered on my question a while back from the QnA. Finally, there's three empty chair with three colored gem. The blue one is Luna and the brown one is that other god caring baby Mira from the first chapter. I'm assuming the black gem is Rah'jan but I'm not sure especially if you made him an evil god so being with the others wouldn't make sense. I just love your work


Thank you

Wild Space Saga

Ah! I see you gave Sledar a very punchable face! This is good to know.


Does it look like the gods are sitting opposite the color gem they signify or is that just me?


Interesting, the number of seats and jewels seem to imply there is 7 gods, so far we know water, air, earth, light and I guess luna can count as plants? I guess elemental wise the other 2 can be fire and darkness maybe?


Man, Sledar's an asshole. I believe Alex is more reserved than that. He is just trying to find the right one.


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that the god of air is a windbag who won't shut up.


Loria kinda reminds me of Vicar Amelia in a non-monstrous form


What the hell do you care about his love life, gossip girls?


I do hope we get to see more of Loria in the future! I'm already in love with her. ;o;


Since her title is "The Tree of Life" I bet she would be the Godess of Life :-)

Wind Might

Godving have no right arm ?


This beg the question of what are the full domains of life, so far we know she can control at the very least plants. Those her powers include manipulation over sentient beings like animals or even people? What im curious is what is her real range of power as life can be pretty wide of a description.


That feels right, what with the hiding in the brush and paranoia over lack of acceptance.


Somehow, beak with teeth just translates to UNCOMFORTABLE xD Also, stop it he wuvs her you jealous donk


anyone notice the middle gem has blue and red in it. Does that mean two separate entities making 8 gods. The 8th being not welcome to the table so no chair for them


Ohhhh you are right, maybe a sorta "The other side of the same coin" kind of deal, like, Luna is life and there can be a god of death?


You know? The choice of a tree as their meeting place is extremely fitting, after all a tree requires all these elements to exist so... excellent pick Zummy! I really like all their designs :3 Also...wow seems like Alexander has a reputation...hmmm