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Here's a little extra to the last Tree of Life page :) Because I have to draw these three characters a lot in the current chapter, I thought I'll take some time to properly design them, and to make a quick reference sheet to make my job easier with the comic. And I'm especially proud of Godvig, because first I wanted to make him a turtle, but I realised that moles fit to the role of an earth god, and I rarely see mole characters :) And coming up with Sledar was also a lot of fun, because I draw very few birds nowadays :D Hope you like them :) 




Thank you


When I saw Sledar, my brain went "Is that you, Mordecai (Regular Show)?" :P


Will there be a god of fire and darkness?


I love Lorias look and style (really diplomatic). :) I hope, she's will get some similar personality. What is exactly on her horns?


I'm curious if ever you noticed the similarities of Loria's and Gloria's names. Like you just knock off the letter "G" from Gloria, and boom, new character. Actually I would love to know more about how you come up with the name of your characters.

Parker Trotter

In our small forest creature fantasy game Moles were the Dwarves. Godvig looks like one of their ancestor gods and I love it.


Moles are truly underappreciated in the furry world.

Nick R. Kupila

I love how much Godvig is like Jimbei from One Piece but a mole instead of a whale shark.


How many more god[desse]s are there?


I think I like Godvig the best of the three.


Based on the amount of chairs I'd guess at least two more.


The similarity between the two names was a complete accident to be honest :D


I just thought it would be neat to give her some kind of "antler jewel" that would be shaped like an eye :)


So there's Water, Earth, Wind and Light...but no Fire? And I wanted a rock band "Earth, Wind and Fire" joke, with "Rain" being sadly left out :P


Hmmm I gotta say, they are so well designed that I can't pick which one is my favorite :3