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Hey everyone,

In the update earlier today I said I was planning to release both demos by the end of this month, and split this Patreon page in two. After looking into it a little further, that isn't exactly easy to do, so I'm going to change the plan slightly. The Texas demo will be coming out this month. You can count on that, come hell or high water. The QK demo I will work a little more on, getting individual game over screens done for each enemy, and I will release that for free, publicly, early next month. I will then use that demo release to launch a separate Patreon page for the QK project, and they will officially be two separate projects.

To clear up any confusion: Going forward I always plan to have two projects going at any one time (as I have been since I started the QK project last year). My main project, which will always be on this page, and a side project, which will be on my new Patreon page, and cost less per month to support (as I only work on it two days a week, rather than three). Currently the main project is Texas in Trouble, and the side project is the unnamed Quantum Knight game. After Texas in Trouble is done (still debating adding a secret boss), I will most likely move to Time Wolf 2 as my main project, and after the QK game is done (however far down the line that is), I will likely make a point-and-click adventure game starring Texas.

Anyway, sorry for the runaround on these! Expect to see the Texas demo here in the next few days, and the QK demo on DA and FA early next month.

Thanks again everyone!




I’m excited to see the full releases of these! Thank you for your hard work. A little sad that we aren’t getting the Fox Quest point and click, though.


Fox Quest really did fall by the wayside... The art is so outdated now, and admittedly I've somewhat forgotten how to use Adventure Game Studio, the program I was making it in. Damn but I had some ideas I was eager to do with that game. But I shall recycle them somewhere else, I think.


Great work! I ended up getting all 3 endings and everything I saw was a real treat. Can't wait for full release! <3