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Hey everyone!

Here is the basic macro Roxxie fight, meaning that it lacks any of the fetishy grab stuff, and mostly has stand-ins that will be updated. The orange squares on the ground that KO you in the fight? Those will be grab moves for Roxxie, and she'll have two different ones for every phase. 

For now though, I hope that you enjoy the fight as it is. Tex still gets squashed plenty, and there are in fact three game over screens in this fight. I'm curious if anyone can find the secret one, because my bugtesters sure couldn't!

As always, let me know if there are any issues. I'll try to fix any big stuff over the coming week, but minor, non-game breaking bugs will probably get fixed with the next major demo, once all of Roxxie's animations are done.




166.24 MB file on MEGA


Nathan Aguiar

I don't even know what to do with the tnt


Push it in front of Roxxie's face and shoot it. It is a little finicky, but that is the solution.


Posted a comment on an older post recently but I figure it would make more sense to post on the most recent, common sense has evaded my as of late. The character sprites are crossed out but white squares, any idea what I should do?


Hey there! Responded to your older comment, it's probably an issue with the game taking up too much RAM. I've posted the only possible fix I know over there, but it's admittedly not a great one. This is an issue I need to fix for the final release.