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One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 657-658

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 657-658" on Streamable.


Gus N

Yep the void century started around 900 years ago and ended 800 years ago when the world government started.

Mithril Lace

I also wanna clarify my stance on the pacing, because Dressrosa does this the *most*. I do not mind pacing where they have to elongate a scene to fill time. Like dragging out a tense moment or showing extra reactions from random onlookers. My pacing issue is when they stretch a scene at the cost of that scene or character’s integrity. Like if people are being hurt and a character needs to stop it, but they draw it out so that more people get hurt over a longer period of time. It makes people angry at that character when in reality, that wasn’t how it went down. It’s a perception thing, I guess.