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One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 651-653

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 651-653" on Streamable.



Cheshire Catemine 😆


Gladius has such a sick design 😁


Any time they get to break out the Gaon Cannon is epic!


1. (Phew) Good! We're done with Giola. Brook and Momo for the win! 2. Imagine if Rebecca did attack with her sword. Bodies would be hitting the floor faster than you can say "FATALITY". 3. I can never look at Barto and his hairdo, without thinking of Jim Carrey's Grinch as a kid. 4. When someone like Cavendish is calling you out, that may be the time to look at yourself in the mirror, and rethink your life. 5. Forgot to mention this last time, but should we stop to think about how the Tontattas are the only people in the One Piece world with a proper airport, per se? 6. I don't if it bugs anyone else, but it kinda irks me that Soldier's moving animation, at times, looks like a normal walk, despite the fact he has only ONE leg. Could this dude at least not tape a pipe to his other side, or something?


welcome to one piece, we have *checks notes* trauma