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Here is The First Task, betaed chapter 86 of The odds were never in my favour. It will be posted soon on ff.net.

And before you ask, yes, the writing on the chapter-which-is-not-to-be-named is over. It stands at 54000 words.

Also before everyone asks me the question, the writing schedule for next week will be The odds were never in my favour. Because now that I have given you a chapter, I have to write another. Such is a tragic logic of real life and fanfiction alike.

Now it's time to face the Leviathan...



Boris Michenski

Great! Sorry, if it appear insensible from my part (it probably is) but I'm mostly exited that about soon getting What-Must-Not-Be-Named. Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest!


"I certainly hope so. The Morrigan is going to be insufferable after today. I think I am going to have to endure this Trial's retelling for several centuries." Not 'crowing about for centuries'? ;)


Thank you for the update; it did not disappoint.


Alexandra obviously has skill in runes that greatly exceeds her age. Will she start working to incorporate runes into conjurations or shield spells to give them additional effects and vary her dueling style beyond her obvious (very understandable and respectable) love of elemental war spells? The idea being conjured creatures with runes covering them to bolster their strength, make them explode, etc., shields (transfigured or magical) reinforced with runic enchantments or given additional effects, battlefield manipulation, etc.


The problem with Runes is often that you have to strike a balance between power and the time it takes to cast it. With enough time, you can build marvels with it (pyramids, cough), but a Tournament is far shorter and it would be a pity being maimed because your invincible spell is only half-way done after ten minutes...


I have a single issue with this story - everyone in your Wizarding World outside of England is way too rational and lacking in eccentricity. Walking around mostly naked is expected of a succubus, and wearing a big snake is something I've actually seen on the bus. The muggle one, yes. It's all too normal-magical, rather than crazy-Luna Lovegood-Harry Potter-type magical world... ;)


Hi Antony! Remember me? It’s the questions guy and there is more that I want to know! Only one thing this time and in response to a potential plot hole. (Note that you don’t have to answer this I just thought that I’d ask, I understand that you won’t answer if this is spoilers) After the attack on Godricks hollow, how did Alexandra survive? In canon it was because Harry’s attacker (Voldemort) was killed during his attack and Hagrid pulled him out of the ruins of his house but here there were multiple attackers (some of which were presumably alive and combat capable by the time that Lily fell) and Dumbledore sure as hell isn’t going to intervene here so how did she survive?