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Here we go for another (small) cycle of the Weaver Option. The beginning of Ovation 9.4 with what I've been writing so far, praise the God-Emperor!

And yes, I've decided on term update, since it is 12000 words-long...




I can't decide if I want to see the battle more, or the interludes after. EVERYONE is going to think humanity insane lol more than they already do


Well Taylor is certainly going to be the Orks favourite umie. She just decided to invite them to the Biggest Scrap Eva.


By the way, has Dragon looked at those Necron scarabs Taylor has? I remember Lankovar did but I'm curious as to what Dragon's shard would make of them Or maybe she already has and my memory is shit lol

Boris Michenski

Well, here we go again! At last we have Nurgle's forces at the receiving end of parahuman's kicks - up until now he was never involved. And it seems in his Cults there is already a Malal's infiltration. May they kill each other as much as possible. Still at first I thought it was Tzeentch around - with blue sorcery and cult of Mutation (even if it's seventh). So Throne of Oblivion and everything around is coming... in several years, honestly I started to think it would be much sooner. But well, we will have to see Orks crushing into it to not be bored. And in ten years... honestly, Lorgar may arrive. By the way, how diod Throne of Oblivion weathered the Sleep?


I'm on the edge of my seat already. Taylor's already planning a very, VERY warm welcome for all comers. I wonder if we're going to end up with Black Crusaders telling each other they love Crusades as much as the next of their Chapter, but Taylor's making them feel tired just by watching her go *evil Grin* I also figure that there are Necrons among her ally's Dynasty that are going to be gaping in utter horror at the raw carnage Taylor tends to get in the middle of. If there's ANY Necron that says in that Dynasty stupid enough to suggest Taylor CAN'T do something, their leader might just decide they need to be deactivated as defective for TEMPTING THE UNIVERSE to prove them wrong!


Ha! Ha! Ha! Well, they're not completely wrong, humanity is insane by galactic standards...


Not that much, no. It's in general the stuff Lankovar is working upon.


Yes, though frankly Nurgle losing a few cultists in a purge is really not even going to make him turn his head, even in amusement. As for the Throne of Oblivion, well there will be a future scene, you will have to wait until then.


Well, they declared war on her. And when you challenge the Queen of Escalation, you have to know the consequences...it's sure that by the end of things, Necrons, Traitors and a lot of people are going to...deeply reevaluate how much firepower is needed if they want to remove her from the board.

frank schellingerhout

hmm wonder what artefact's tayler can trade with the collector to release some of the less rare ork's in his gallery's


Great stuff! Are you going to introduce an new alien superpower race or a mega power human empire?

Conor Mason

Ave Imperator! While the enemies of the Emperor and Weaver still draw breath there can be no peace!


Ha! There might be a few surprises...and not the ones will see coming. Thanks for the support!


Taylor has no intention to engage in Ork trade with Trazyn. She kills the greenskins, and there are far more at large in the galaxy than really necessary...

Boris Michenski

Another thing, seeing how bad things are in this new Sub-Sector (Dragon's notes from previous chapters are making even more sense now) I'd say that all leadership of Atlantis Sector is finished. Even if they are not heretics them selves, the fact that they didn't see it and let it happening is still damning. So I have a feeling whole Atlantis Eclisiarchy is about to be wiped clean, at least the leadership. In a way Theodora Gaius is very lucky to have left for Nyx when she did. That way she died a hero and a Martyr fighting side by side with Saint and Primarch and not got corrupted herself or silently eliminated... By the way I added a comment to my prtevious one, but you must have missed it.


Let's just say Lord Inquisitor Odysseus Tor is going to receive a lot of 'requests' of his fellow Inquisitors to be detached to the Atlantis Sector...after all the poor Inquisitors there lack funds and manpower to tackle some urgent affairs...


It’s a shame Orikan and trazyn won’t be looking for the tomb of that one necrontyr guy I won’t spoil stuff about. If Trazyn and neferten were to go looking would questions about their relationship rise up when they talk about the cryptek who made the tomb?


I always wondered, per Primarch RG worlds after him being resurrected and meeting with OTL Emperor, if Master of Mankind sacrificed his feelings, humanity and hopes in 39-40 millennium, after Astronomican started to break down, to have more power, restore some his power in his eternal battle with Chaos or to just keep a current reach of Astronomican. To this day I was convinced that in your TTL it didn’t happened or it will not happen (maybe after 41 millennium with Tyranid comming) because of defeating Slaanesh. But after I read this part: "The smile he is given back isn’t reassuring at all. It is the smile of tyrants and conquerors, of generals and admirals, of politicians and predators. It is the face of humanity when it is at the height of cleverness...and madness", I started to have doubts about differences between your Emperor and OTL Emperor. Beside time between TTL and OTL ofc. But as always Thank You for this little peak and may TTL Emperor or OTL Emperor smile upon you.


Yes, a shame...though Neferten isn't the equal of someone like Orikan one-on-one. More accurately, she's more a Biologist multi-purpose Cryptek than a pure chronomancer. On the other hand, she has a lot more Crypteks under her orders, and it is quite likely this number of minds would lead to someone realising something is deeply wrong with the tomb.


Was that Malal`s influence the Nurgle follower felt with the traitor who tried to replace him. Is he acting so fast?


The result of this many Orks in that part of the galaxy being removed from the board in the coming decade is going show result far into the future. I can see many of the bigger Ork stronghold that exist in the region being destroyed by other faction of the Imperium as result of all this. Still I will interesting to see poor bastard that is going to be need to watch and record the battle and is going to be forced to cheer on the Orks since the longer they fight the better the chance is that the Nyx sector will survive.


That's compounded by the fact that the Imperial Navy suddenly has hundreds of free battle fleets and task forces, given the lack of Dark Eldar raiders, even if some are occupied by the situation in Segmentum Pacificus. Since Ordo Xenos will soon be aware of this, it makes sense that they'll take steps galaxy-wide, under the expanded light of the Astronomicon.


Malal is stille xtremely weak, but given 'interesting' flashpoints, it is sometimes acting...


Let's kick some orky ass!


Oh well that's a given...though given how many Orks are gathering, plenty are going to have their asses kicked in the process too.


"Neferten has confirmed the Canoptek Scarabs the Necrons use so much will be controllable by my power" - given how Weaver will be fighting for the Phaeron's life, is she going to provide her with a few billion scarabs for the battle? If only to participate second-hand, so to speak.