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As I said a few hours ago on alternate history, once again the perifidious Power of Change is trying to corrupt me into enlarging the coming chapter!

Sadly, and despite all the protection offered to me by the God-Emperor, he's succeeding all too well, as the current chapter has grown over 30000 words, and there's still a lot of work (between one week and ten days by my conservative estimates).

Do not succumb to the viles of the Master of Lies! 

It goes without saying that all attempts to besmirch my name by saying I use an Abominable Intelligence to help me writing faster are total fabrications. I have the word of Archmagos Belisarius Cawl on it.

What? Oh yes, the chapter, here it comes...



Praise the emperor! just when I was about to go to bed. Bless you oh loyal servant of Terra.


Truly we are in the digits presence of a living saint, to give us such writings so quickly! But seriously, I procrastinate so hard when I need to write stuff, so I have no understanding of how you do it.


I just wrapped up a paper and was going to bed ‘sobs incoherently while looking at alarm clock’ I mean 5 hours of sleep would have been to much to go to my lectures on in the first place anyway. Who needs healthy day night cycle after all 😭😩


I wonder why the Ultramarine were more anal retentive now, despite being vouched by Aeonid Thiel?


Roboute upon waking up and finding out what his gene-line has done: "You did WHAT?"


Hem, Hem, Hem - I see that we weren't getting enough of her in the Odds, so there's an example of that most odious of bureaucrats herein... ;)


You mean, because rather than despite... it's called 'entrenching', when your position is untenable and your doctrine suspect, you dig deeper because despite logic and evidence, you know best.

Silver Wolf

Going on what you said on AH I’m assuming we won’t get a clue on what’s going on with the Ultramarines till the interlude. That being said I have a question about the last POV was the admiral arguing for the Navy to be given command of the space engagement or just to have the Astartes under their jurisdiction.


I'm absolutely sure that the mere technicality of that Umbridge cryptek calling Trazyn acting Triarch will not come to haunt that Overlord in some form at some later date. If it does it surely will be glorious. On an unrelated note, will we still see that background work for the odds or has the Surpreme Archmage Ra, he who has with Merlin volunteered to get reamed by Fate (I don't think that Fate is that happy to be chained and having a part of it ripped out in the form of Excalibur), worked against humanity again and deleted that knowledge from our minds?

Boris Michenski

Well, it's starting... Trazyn is as able to make other scream in anger and frustration as Weaver is... that's the power of true friendship! Orks must be happy. May be Astartes and others won't even need to lure more to Throne - they will come running themselves. Lisa is being Lisa... Taylor is using her ressources to gain points and gather forces... and break down Frateris Templars. Ultramarines are being jerks and confirming their pre M40 reputation of disdaining most of the Imperium. And yes, I would like to see Guilliman to wake up and facepalm upon hearing how his sons not only discarded such precious ressource but also alienated reasonable rising star of Imperium and her many friends over... an unfinished book?


Planification, and the goal is to have fun writing the adventures of my favourite characters! I won't confirm or deny claims of Sainthood (he says totally immodestly).


Yeeeesss, sleep is an illusion and for the weak-willed unable to contemplate the God-Emperor radiance!


Have you ever played mass effect series? Particle rifle, reegar carbine?. As always great read!


There might be a few curses along with it, but yes, the reaction is essentially that.


Nonsensical accusation, I assure you! How dare you suggest a character of a different line could be a model for a proud Necron Cryptek?


Well, the Interlude is the next chapter... The Admiral was arguing for the Navy to be given command of the space engagement. Which fair is fair, is not inconsidered because it's their specialty.


Background work for the odds? I'm afraid my memory is faulty again (I say this without a hint of irony) though I'm rather tired after another session of writing...maybe the effect of a Compulsion having erased certain past events...


The Orks are very, very happy. They have the biggest fight in centuries to fight! What's not to like?


No, I'm afraid not. I have read some fanfics in the universe however, so I'm not completely unfamiliar with the setting.

Boris Michenski

By the way; with Ultramarines prohibiting any alliances between Weaver and their succesors, what will happen with Sivers Scull and Howling Griphon amongs Dawnbreaker Guard?


Almost certainly nothing. Astartes don't go back on that sort of oath, and exactly who is going to tell the Ultramarines any news re. Weaver? They may be rigid, but that sort of rigid understands what such oaths mean, and they don't want to create rifts within their own ranks. Unless they are as bad at politics as they are at diplomacy - strike that, as bad at diplomacy and politics as they are at using logic.


" "This ‘Ymga Monolith’ is the kind of threat several Legions united to destroy.” “Then why isn’t this ‘Monolith’ spoken along the Ymga Monolith and the Rangdan Xenocides? " " I think that another grave threat to Imperium should replace the last mention of monolith in order to that exchange make sense


I don't understand why the Ultramarines are so fixated on Bacta anyway? Hasn't Cawl taken a sample of the poison and is making a cure? If he is ever cured, then there will be an epic encounter with Taylor! Can't wait for the moment!

Conor Mason

+++Transmitted: [REDACTED], [REDACTED] Sector. +++Received: [REDACTED], Nyx Sector. +++Date: [REDACTED]. +++Start Astropathic communication: +++You bring [REDACTED] to the [REDACTED] with this news. +++The [REDACTED] will surely fail, and your [REDACTED] shall burn across the Galaxy. +++Many will fall in this [REDACTED] pursuit, may the Emperor protect them as they spare no effort to enact his mercy. +++Tread carefully, [REDACTED]. +++End Astropathic communication. (Note: The above message has been sufficiently cleansed and sanctified in a joint effort by the Ordo Redactus and the Ordo Obsuletus. Please escort yourself to the nearest Inquisitorial officer for summary execution under suspicion of breaching an Edict of [REDACTION].)


Well, it is a conference where they were purposedly invited to speak about Bacta. Speaking about something else would raise a lot more eyebrows than they already did...


A consistent translation error I've noticed is using the word "formal" when I think you mean "conclusive" such as here: The reports of the Deathwatch are formal.


"spectacular explosions seen light-years away" - is that hyperbole? Because it would literally take years to see things from light years away... ;)


Duly noted. But it is not an error of translation, it is a french-juxtaposition...unfortunately false, as I've realised.


With psy-tech, unfortunately the hyperbole is sometimes not an hyperbole...


Antony might I suggest you make the Ultramarine declaration a bit more of a slow burn, it seem to go from near zero to hundreds in a moment. Maybe have the Bacta supply section first before the Ultramarine so it comes of as Taylor pushed them rather than out of the blue to the outside observers. The Ultramarines did come to Nyx after all so they were, or made it seem, willing to treat with Taylor.


See comment above - the Ultramarine came as a response to Thiel, with a pre-established agenda. As written therefore is quite suitable.


I wouldn’t want to be in the Ultramarines chaptermaster‘s boots, when Papa Smurf wakes up. Being a stuck up asshole is one thing, but withholding military support from allied forces will earn him a powerfist assisted slap to the head and a demotion faster than he can blink.


Military support? They're spending Ultramarine lives for nothing. Remember, it's about blue bacta, a miracle healing serum.


I love reading scenes of the Imperium (finally) rearming one sub-sector at a time. There's always going to be setbacks, but from a larger perspective is like watching a sleeping giant wake up after a very long nap. Yes, the Imperium is already pretty militarized in M35 OTL, but I strongly believe only a mere fraction of its capacity was utilized efficiently and mobilized since the Great Crusade ended due to politics or other factors. Honestly the typical hive world represents a huge waste of human resources, with most of the productive capacity of its citizens dedicated to mere subsistence. And it's the same deal with agri-worlds; mechanization should greatly boost productivity and yields. You really don't need billions of workers to cultivate a whole planet, even M21 technology could do better than that. So my conclusion is that the Imperium was basically fighting its myriad enemies with one arm tied behind its back in terms of manpower, organization and industrial output. It is capable of fielding much larger armies and navies if it chose to. Now, it falls on Taylor to remind the Imperium of the true nature of total war and how to focus its totality of towards a single purpose: the destruction of its enemies. In her previous life, she did it through mind-control, this time she does it by the will of the God-Emperor. And I feel sorry for her. The amount of work she has to do just to get a sector in fighting condition (and she ostensibly is the absolute ruler!), never mind a Segmentum or the whole Imperium is just ridiculous.


One thing that always sticks out to me about your work is the effort that you put into the world-building and I love it. I don't even know how many times I have reread this story by this point but I love when I go back through the whole thing and see how things come together. Thank you so much for the work you put into this great story.


Vallawaagh or TRAAAAAAAZZZZYYYYYYNNNN will be the highlights of this chapter for me I think. What I find more interesting is how the orc gods will react at once more finding this Lair of Necrons and notice that it cannot flee. Yes, they rule over the mushroom people, but they were built by the old ones. I will not get into the theory board on why they let the lesser greenskins run around as they do, however they were once the Korcs gods. This is a priceless moment of war to be had at the old enemies. I cannot wait to see what the Orcs gods bring to play in this war!


In a way, the Ultramarines are right to be suspicious, and even indignant. Why should they provide troops for nothing in return? Living Saint or not, they're still being denied a chance to heal their primarch. Any Space Marine would probably be furious.


Yeah, but even a cursory glance to the data shows that anyone with even minimal Warp potential will die if uses bacta. If the Ultramarines were really hopeful about it they would have had an Apothecary ask intelligent questions and would have negotiated for a minimal amount of bacta for experimental purposes, probably paying with money instead of military assets in order to deny Weaver any more resources than the minimum possible.


What was the skirmish the necropsy were talking about? How did they lose the shards already before the orcs attacked? Is it a typo regarding the void dragon shards? Also, I am wondering if the cryptic is Tarzan in disguise.


They're probably talking about whatever expedition resulted in one of the legions being struck from records during the Great Crusade. A full legion of Astartes led by a Primarch is a force to be reckoned with, but still counts as a skirmish by War in Heaven standards.


There was once supposed to be a single Krork God (at least I'm going to go with this theory). The C'Tan's victory was to sever it in two before it grew too powerful to be defeated.


Impressive review, and what we can debate hours on it, the amount of work is indeed stupendous...


I got a question would a gellar field help protect the starships from Oblivions null field?


One has to wonder just in how many languages "Trazyn" has become a curse word, anyway at the moment the IoM only has a few Glorianas available. Flamewrought(Damaged but under repair), Macragges Honor (Fully Operational but in mothball,) Hrafnkel (damaged but operational), Eternal Crusader (Black Templars), Fist of Iron (Iron hands, operational), Lex Talonis (Nemesis Chapter, Ultramarine successors, spaceborn chapter), Invincible Reason (Dark Angels, should be operational) Max 7 should be available, but only in theory. Note that the Traitors in theory has access to max 9 that has not been confirmed destroyed or captured, but two of those has an unclear fate to say it politely IE Nightfall of the Nightlords Legion who has Not showed itself since the battle Terra where it might not even have participated actively in the battle, Photep of the Thousand Sons where send away prior to the burning of Prospero with sealed orders, have not been seen since by either Loyalist nor Traitors, MIGHT (not certain, pure guesswork) have the greatest treasures Prospero had to offer onboard as a form of mobile redoubt and repository, incl anything that might be needed to start over for the pre-Heresy/Traitor Thousand Sons, rememebr that even the Smallest Glorianas should or could be capable of carrying millions of people and feed them handily. Alpha and Beta on the other hand is at least in one case heavily damaged, the other functional as seen in the story but unlikely to go anywhere for any reason.


I'm confused. The Ultramarines are saying "Legion Bad" while trying to tell their successor chapters what to do? Somehow I don't think every Chapter is going to do what they want, and simply cite the Codex back in response.


I suspect the answer is easily in the hundreds of millions given how long he's been active.


The Successor Chapters gave their vote before the conference to the Ultramarines, saying they would abide by whatever decision was made. Afterwards...well, some are definitely enough 'Codex fanatical' to go ahead with it, saying it wasn't what Guilliman would have wanted, and they will not inject in their blood a ant-fabricated substance. Others will be less happy for sure as the answer arrives and they're able to complate the scale of the 'mistake'.


Theres also the Chapters whos linaged is rather dubious or hard to pin down, which at this point in time is around 1/4 of all chapters extant (ca 200), theres no reason to them being left out, their weakness of course is that they are *born* with no access to the wider polity of a loyalist linage.


Yes, but as I said in the POV, this one were 'represented' by Dupleix and Isley, or more accurately placed in a block to 'defend their interests' so that they're not told 'sorry, but you weren't there, so no Bacta for you'.


The Necrons use fusion rather than antimatter for their big stuff?!?


The Necrons use many technologies, some of them are above such things...