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In this time of absolute darkness, it is the duty of every Imperial citizen to raise the torch of hope!

Praise the God-Emperor, for the definite version of Ovation 9-3 is here!

And since good news never arrive alone, I will confirm the writing of Ovation 9-4 The Throne of Oblivion will begin tomorrow morning. A teaser/update/series of paragraphs will be posted on Friday and Saturday to give you strength against the new vile variants engineered by the heretical minions of Nurgle!



Thank you!!


YES!! thanks so much for the heads up.


Thank you for this. I have a question and I don’t remember if someone asked about this. Did you think ( in future ofc when mass production is not a problem) about weaponizing Bacta? Traitor Astartes and theirs foot soldiers are often mutated and don’t have much protection in terms of full armor. Cheers.


Thank you for another great chapter, already looking forward to reading more.


I answered it already on alternate history at length, but the basics is, the Imperium has far better options to neutralise rogue sorcerers or psykers, or tainted creatures, and by 'better', I mean not as rare or so expensive. The quantities of Bacta are so limited compared to the explosives and special ammunition employed by the Imperium that unless Taylor gives an entire Sector to her ants, it is incredibly unlikely Bacta can be used for something else than healing.


I think it is a great chapter. As always I enjoy reading about Taylor reforming and guiding her domain. Despite the fact Taylor was a warlord of Brockton Bay, who provided (and protected) for subjects in her territory, the stories in which she becomes a ruler and acts like it are unfortunately very rare. The Weaver Option's focus on that part of her is one of the reasons I like this story so much. I think it is a very fitting that a person chosen by Queen Administrator shard is the one to rule and administrate. Multi-tasking is certainly helpful in this instance, as evidenced by Arch-Cardinal Winston Marlborough's reaction (their meeting in hive Shujia was a treat to read).