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The second chapter of A Practical Guide to Galactic Domination.

I will likely create a specific thread for it once I reach chapter 4 or 5 in my writing, which might be a while away.

Not related to this chapter, I will confirm I will begin writing on Ovation 9.2 by Friday.

I can only hope the issues met with a certain website will be solved by then...


frank schellingerhout

thx for the words as allways and yea one site has been on the mess since halloween weekend i blame the gremlins

Benjamin Mages

Oh this is great. Catherine is relating everything back to the world of her own experiences, and it's interesting to see if these rules apply to some degree to Star Wars, or if she's looking for comparisons that aren't truly there. I mean, some of it kind of matches up, like canonically the force can act as providence for the force sensitive, but other things like aspects and bands of 5 aren't normally a big Star Wars thing. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out. I look forward to the next post.


FF net app works - and new chapter is there. The problem lays in accessing new chapter on browser only. App downloads new chapter form site, so in time it should solve itself (when ff reapir whats wrong with it I mean)

Benjamin Mages

Also I hope that your story is using the New Jedi Order from Legends, not the basically non-existent version from Disney Canon. So many good characters and so much good material just doesn't exist because one of Luke's first students decided to go homicidal.


I like it! The only thing that would make it better is if HK-47 got involves. HK makes everything better even twilight!


Yes, let's blame the gremlins and the vile deeds of Tzeentch! Curse you Great Liar!


Yep, Catherine, having no Jedi to explain her things is forced to rely on a model which is from her old life, and as such far from perfect. Of course, the very fact she isn't a Jedi or a Sith guarantees that compared to them she isn't going to settle in a certain mould. And that makes her very unpredictable and dangerous...


I really hope it's going to be this week. If you can't read updates, the interest of this website massively decreases...


That, I'm afraid, is something you're going to have to discover chapter after chapter...(grin)


Absolutely! Alas, HK-47 isn't on Jakku right now. You would have already heard the explosions if he was.


Reincarnated Catherine messing with Disney's canon? I will gladly read it! I despise what Disney did to franchise - I have not forgiven them removing over a hundred novels from canon in order to make space for a new trilogy (especially since in my opinion it was weaker than its predecessors), so opportunity to find some enjoyment in that setting is appreciated. On another note I hope that fanfiction.net will be fixed soon. I am very unhappy about admins' silence. They have hundreds of complainers on twitter, e-mails with issues etc. and they did not bother even to put a short statement (even "we are aware of the problem and fixing it" would make a difference). Between their lack of communication, outdated web-interface (tools for editing and publishing on that site are sadly underdeveloped and lack of tags hurts ) and technical issues such as the on-going one it is unsurprising that so many authors during the last year or two decided to move to Archive of Our Own.

The GrandMage

I'm very excited to see another chapter of this. It's very good.

Brett Tamahori

Hmmm, assuming Finn and Poe are telling the truth, and canon Finn was pretty damn terrible at lies, then we're dealing with more of an AU than just swapping our Rey. Which is only for the best, I liked bits of the third trilogy but you really could tell they hadn't come up with a coherent plotline. And it's going to be interesting to see how Wrong Genre Aware Catherine is.


Oh definitely. When I was saying I didn't intend to follow canon more than was strictly necessary, I was not joking...like I already scrapped the 'TIE evasion' scene from the movie. Unless the First Order is utterly incompetent, two people escaping from a Star Destroyer with none of them having command codes or established a particulary good plan is doomed to fail. Instead Finn deserted during the Outpost massacre with Poe and the two escaped in the desert, profiting from the general confusion of First Order slaughtering civilians...


Yes, hopefully this story will redress the balance...to be sure I didn't like every single novel of the Legends timeline, but there was a lot of good material I was sorry to see declared non-canon. As for fanfiction, yes, the silence is quite unnerving. I sent my own e-mail of complaints, and I received no answer whatsoever. It is quite disappointing, I won't say every mod I contact on other sites answer me in the next two minutes, but they answer, especially when the problem is big. I'm also outraged my profile page can't be updated anymore, so when I write something on it, it is automatically removed after a few minutes. One way or another, I am going to have to make changes. I will recontact everyone on patreon and elsewhere the moment I make a decision.