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Some readers wanted to know what exactly Taylor and co had joyously seized from Pavia and Commorragh. This (non-exhaustive) list should begin to answer some questions.


Ahem. So when they say war doesn't pay for itself...well, in this case, the proverb is utterly wrong. It pays, and it pays, very, very fine.

Most of it will be mentioned, debated and quarelled over in the Interludes, of course.

I will begin work on Let the Galaxy Burn chapter tomorrow, unless I receive the beta-ed chapter 8-5, in this case it will take priority.



Damn that’s a lot of loot. Also am I the only one who is really glad we just scooped up a good haul of rouge traders with big ass ships we can now tak... I mean confiscate for transporting our loot and refugees.


STC Beer Brewery? Well that’s certainly one way to get a pact of friendship with the Space Dwarfs.

frank schellingerhout

those are going to be some fun STC negotiations will the same rules apply with the copy's

Brett Tamahori

*coughs at the value of the adamantium* So in terms of financial value, let's just say 'enough', and that's even if you just limit it to the comparatively liquid assets. At this point I think money is just not a factor when it comes to planning for Nyx's future ... which doesn't mean that time, manpower, and other resources isn't still a huge issue. Also there is the other worlds she's now in charge of, including let us not forget _an enetire sub-sector_.


God look at all our shines we now have! And a bunch of traitor rogue-traders to sentence as well I suppose.


Isn't one of the three chiefs missing in the bounties as he was captured alive?


Well two of the STC's Templates are going to be valuable beyond what has so far been gotten out of the Athena STC. The Heimdall Psy-tech Force-Field (Template) discovered by Taylor Hebert via her insects value will vary A LOT depending factors such as portability, availability (hard or not to make) way of function IE whether it blocks, scrambles or defuses attacks of whatever form they may take, and of course who might be able to use it, problems that could emerge is that it might be able to be used by other than Loyalist Humans, Malleus and Custodes might be tempted to keep the technology under control /secret for that reason alone. The Agro Hive and to a lesser degree the Space elevator (this tech the IoM have already) can in a strategic sense be utterly important since it could help Hive worlds become less vulnerable to sieges and increase productivity in general, downside of course is that Hiveworlds might get TOO independent and harder to keep in the IoM without crushing them to rubble.


And the latter have other shinies which might or might not be the cherry on top of the cake...

Matej Kovačić

So who is gonna end up deciding the fate of the rouge traders and their assets, Taylor or maybe some member of the Inquisition?


Why do I feel like one of your interludes is going to be Mars sending EVERYONE to the Nyx Sector for the STC databases?


Oh, I doubt he'll send everyone; he'll want to insure the transit corridor is well guarded, to insure no possibility of an ambush. No, I think the thing that's going to send Mars into hysterics is the navigation maps the Necron Lady gave Weaver. THOSE I have no doubt are going to be given to the largest Exploration Fleet ever assembled.


How many pandas will be left over after stocking Vista's menagerie? (/joke)


My theory is that chaos/Eldar have been stepping in to minimize the number of STCs that the imperium finds, and comorrogh was a once a millennium looting opportunity paired with a shadowpoint. Despite what the mechanicus might suspect, I doubt Taylor is going to trip over STCs every time she takes a walk. That being said, I’m sure some mechanicus factions will discretely place tracking devices on Tay-I mean the glorious STC revealer of the Omnessiah.


Taylor. It was forces under her command which seized the ships of the Rogue Traders, though of course the Inquisition is free to make certain 'requests'...


Nonsense! You dare minimise the capacity of the Chosen of the Omnissiah to find STCs? Die heretic!

Alexander S

"Percival Siege-Breaker Walker" eh. Would the original end user for that piece of equipment have been the UEF a la the Supreme Commander game? I also don't recognize 'Helfrost' in the weapons list. I can only assume it's bad news to anything on the other end of it. At this point with 13 found STCs under her belt there will not be a major forgeworld that does not have a delegation following Taylor around.


Helfrost is a type of weapon the Space olves and certain other cryogenic-loving parts of the Imperium love to use against their enemies. The Salamanders love it hot, the Wolves enjoy the cold...


I wonder if weaver will trade that sword of bail to trayzyn for some more goodies? She doesn’t seem keen to use it.

Boris Michenski

Well, yes this war did pay well. With so much shinies they have to put a Dragon Armor on pile of loot and take a photo! So four planets and sub-sector, Weaver's holdingsare growing! Did I understood it right, that all STC Templates are from Sol? Was it a mean of Terran Federation to control colonies? That this vital pieces of technologies were built only in Solar Sistem?


Taylor can only use one Sword of Vaul, and she has already one far more appropriate for her. That she isn't able to use the other doesn't mean it must be sold to Trazyn at the first opportunity. It's a very, very dangerous weapon.


How come a rouge trader is using a Dark Eldar cruiser? Does that mean the the Imperium can get knowledge of the long ears tech from the rouge trader? Either way, Nyx looks like it will be getting multiple cruisers in its fleet from the rouge traders as well as the damaged pirate ships. Will those extra webway keys get used at some point? Perhaps an imperium controlled route?


The three great dark eldar Dynasty leaders were not in the top hundred? Same with P, Q ,R I know S would be but he never came. O is due to not having the corpses? Well I can see admins not wanting to pay money off when they do not have enough proof. Still hoping my joke kinda happens as it be funny to see.


Weapons list is lacking conversion beamers. You did technically have one of the relic Knights using them in the campaign itself, but we want trophies we can keep on Nyx. Dragon's been raving about antimatter technology, so letting her chew on a human example would be a good start. Necrons have it also (better than any human versions too), as did the dark eldar, but we arent allowed to keep the loot of the former, and the latter are all about unique crystals and other bullshit instead of plain technology so arent really suitable for reverse engineering any time soon. We need to obtain a sample of every type of technology we can possibly get, hoard the shinies while we have a chance! The Great Technological Reliquary of Nyx shall one day rival the most unique exhibits from the Imperial Palace, Mount Olympus or Trazyn the Infinite's Collection!


The territory gains will be interesting, given how long communication and travel takes in 40 k, it will be nearly impossible to govern them beyond sending some trusted overseers and forces to overhaul the political system if needed. The bounty for Rakarth doesn’t specify which sub sector, so she could just take a bite out of a neighbouring sector, or build a new sub-sector around Pavia.


I suspect that both the money and the territory will be both illusory and short term...... I.e most will be sucked up by further growth of infrastructure and production capability and the planets given as part of the reward will not be on the table. besides Vandire and CO would have something to say about the whole thing? maybe the assassin meeting with Big E will be in the interlude? what will the army from the webway do if there is no work for them in terra's bowels?


That's...an excellent idea! (grin) The main corporations building STC were from Sol, yes, with one major exception. There's a reason why the Emperor began Unification there, and it wasn't just for nostalgia. There's a...more awful reason why most of Taylor's discoveries have been at point or another imagined on the homeworld. The Men of Iron and several other...unpleasant affairs destroyed critical research and industrial nexi outside it.


Simple, if you have a Dark Eldar crew...this one in particular was really, really going on the deep end, and the Inquisition will...ahem...enjoy asking a few questions in some dark chambers. For the moment, the Webway isn't going to be used. Lelith Hesperax threat holds.


No, they weren't. And they would be enraged today they are going to be quickly forgotten because Vect had a bigger bounty than theirs...


First, the list is not exhaustive, I'm still adding things on it (grin). Second, the Imperium did not get everything on Commorragh. The tech-priests looted nearly everything in mechadendrites' range, but a lot was undoubtedly destroyed or rendered unrecognisable in the flames of battle. And of course even with Taylor, the Imperium hasn't found all the vaults and very interesting stuff...there just wasn't enough time.


Ah, yes, curious reader (grin)...there are going to be planetary arrangements in the Interludes. Or should I say Warhammer-style Game of Thrones...

Boris Michenski

So, let me get it straight: Rougue Traider came to Battle of Commoarragh (thus joining an important fleet) in order to hide her involvment with Dark Eldars... And she came on Dark Eladar's ship with Dark Eldar crew? That may have been the stupidest thing done in whole Extermination Arc (and it was rich in stupid decisions!). By the way, how did Eldar crew manage to work under Mon-keigh?


No, this one didn't come in peace. She went to try to attack the Pavia System (or rather the Mechanicus forces left behind) in attempt to 'erase' the evidence, and got smashed and captured for her troubles...As for the leadership issues, just be crueller than all of your subordinates put together...


given that there are now a few spare Rogue Trader warrants going about how about a Nyx sub sector Rogue Trader fleet based there so weaver can spread her radical ideas of treating humans like people rather than organic mechanicus components?????? I can picture it now. Tyrannical Planetary Governor greets what he thinks is the former owners then............ BLAM, POW, WHAP........ Batman oldstyleee


Given the favour of the Fabricator-General she has earned, Taylor will most certainly burn the warrants she has no use from and ask politely for new ones. But nice idea to use the ships as Q-ships...though the Inquisition will also want some words with the traitors and the heretics, hmm...


I do hope Olivia Cheshire survives, what we know about her seems to make her a quite fun character, anyone that can fuck the old Menalaus Dynasty over he way she did must have something good going for her.


Well, let's say there are already two reasons why Taylor would want her alive: 1) she was an enemy of the Menelaus dynasty 2) As Basileia of Nyx, all debts and promises once made at Nyx are owed by Taylor now, and the Queen of Escalation is not one to let debtors ignore their debts for so long... Of course, all of this is going to be balanced by the Inquisition and the Ecclesiarchy to want the Rogue Traders of Sliscus' harem dead yesterday. I don't think I need to explain why (grin).


What I'm curious about is how they are going to handle the stc's. Is it a case of finders keepers? Will Taylor have automatic right to copies as the leader of the expedition? Will the various forgeworlds share what they found amongst themselves? The rest of the stuff is handy in a liquid assets sense, but the intellectual property seems to me like what's going to be important in the long run. Also wonder how this all will affect that navigator house Taylor picked up. Can see them either reclaiming their spot on Terra or go all in on NYX.


There are going to be a lot of discussions at Pavia from Mechanicus actors...and of course, the Fabricator-General will also have its word to say on the question. Fun technical 'arguments'.


When it comes the greatest increase in military force that Taylor won, in the near term I think it may be the loyalty of Astartes chapters. Of course I don't envy the headaches they'll create in their desperation to be on her honor guard or just fighting for her, I imagine they'd all be extremely displeased with anyone suggesting moderation. I was having trouble figuring out which chapter would be most devoted to her now, maybe in descending order of fanaticism (with their reasons): Black Templar (saving Dorn, deputized by Dorn, epic crusade), Salamanders (2 Vulkan artifacts, Flamewrought, 2 companies rescued, Terra - Nocturn webway connection), Blood Angels (Defeating Ka'Bandha), Hercules Wardens (vouching for them in trial), White Scars (hope for their Primarch). Missing anything?


Isn't it enough? (grin) No, I think you have summed-up well enough the Astartes support Taylor has at her disposal. And it's already large enough to give shivers to certain people on Terra...