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This is the beta-ed chapter 71 of The odds were never in my favour, which will be posted before month's end.

Work progresses on the chapter of Let the Galaxy Burn, though it likely be more of an interlude/short one this time.

And I have receive Thanathos' beta of 8-5, so I'm only waiting for Trevayne feed-back to publish the update of the Battle of Commorragh. After all of that, the Interlude will be free to begin...


Brett Tamahori

I'm already kinda dreading how the forum on AH is going to explode once 8-5 drops.


Antony I can whole heartedly say that you are my favorite author I have ever had the pleasure to find. I had been putting reading The Odds were Never in my Favor off for a while because I didn’t want to get sucked into another one of your masterpieces and have to go through the purgatory that is the weeks between updates. But after ignoring family, friends and life itself for about 4 days straight and only getting about 20 hours of sleep I can whole heartedly say that u have done it again. After years of reading fanfics for the Harry Potter franchise it is a rare author who can make me question and second guess things that are usually held as cornerstones or every fic out there. The world building, care and effort you put into these stories is absolutely mind blowing and I always can’t wait for more. I can’t wait to see how this year ends and was blown away in how you turned one of the most boring years in the series, in my opinion, into one where I couldn’t put down my phone. The amount of intrigue, politics, etc that you manage to put into your stories is nothing short of astounding. I can’t wait to see how the Tri-Wizard tournament goes. It is my favorite plot line in fanfics because of the menagerie of different ways that it can be handheld but I have never seen or read a story with the amount of set up and tension like this one. For the past couple of days I have been constantly chuckling to myself over the thought of one of the Challenges being a duel or something like it and Alexandra being cornered by someone before they transform into a Bear Animagus form only to have her change into a Hydra and utterly wreck them. I also have just had the scene of Taylor either Arriving to Venice in the HMS Hydra or leaving in it after Durmstrungs ship shows up and they try and impress everybody. I just imagine the thought of her being something along the lines of “how cute you have Davey Jones ship, let me show you a real warship.”. I can’t wait for your next story and hope you have a good day my good author.