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As an update for the end of this month, here are the first 7000+ words of the next chapter of the Extermination Arc, the Mark of Commorragh. Lot of hours will remain necessary before the rest of the chapter is complete, of course.




I hope the fanfiction gods bless you with inspiration to fly past the 30k mark

frank schellingerhout

great and beautiful thx for writing it here is hoping lisa can lay a small egg after this to keep talking to taylor


The Eldar's commentary suggests that Slaanesh might not ever truly recover from this; which means the Skaven and their 'God' will be one of the Four before long...... The fact the Eldar STILL felt that burning suggests that when the One of Excess was blasted by that cannon that it might have 'killed' it, and left the Eldar as a species with a burning agony in place of the Prince of Excess's suckling link.


First off, I REALLY wasn’t expected that Slannesh was going to join the battle. Second, Will the second half of the ship list be in this chapter or in the Interlude. Finally, congratulations the Teaser of 8.5 has hyped me up more for finished Chapter 8.5 than for the upcoming Arc 9, although the Galactic Fallout from this is going to be delicious



Boris Michenski

So... Invasion of Commorragh was the beggining of Slaanesh losing power. Being stupid/crazy Evil it lauched it's own invasion, making loss of power worse. Three others Big Bads smelled the Blood in the water, costing it even more energy... And the last gamble was to make Slaanesh open final gate between it's Palace and Port. So now weakened Excess is about to receive a Golden shot right in the head... And description of Mark of Commorragh imply tha shot will land and do something. There is one thing that bother me: Flamewrogth is participating in this battle? That means the these beaten up Gloriana got back to to Desaderian Gulf, found a Navigator somewhere (did Black Templars let them borrow one?) travelled to Pavia and then to Port? And all that in less than two days? Strange, particullary because it was never mentionned...


The fast battleship failed? What a surprise ...


I do believe the Ordo Malius is going to create a new holiday , after the events of the Mark.


Sorry, this was a mistake. I used everywhere the name Flamewrought when it's Vulkan's Wrath which should be used. The Gloriana Flamewrought isn't present for this battle.


The Inquisition does not believe in the concept of holidays, citizen! You serve the Emperor every single breathing moment and dedicate him every year of your life!


Hmm...yeah I will probably list the ridiculously long list, along with the impressive list of casualties...after the battle, of course.


I love when you update Antony but I hate the fact that every time you do I'm sound asleep and cant read it immediately!


I just keep thinking of Taylor standing between Slannesh and the fortress and right as it fires asks one question “do you bleed”


You can't just kill a Chaos-God with a Blackstonefortress - New Mission Objective: Kill a Chaos-God with a Blackstonefortress


Oh I get it now.... The mark of commorragh is a scar on a chaos God. This will not be a kill shot unfortunately as a few more fortresses would be needed but it sure as hell will leave a mark!

Benjamin Mages

Do we know it's not a kill?


most likely no remmember horus heresy ensured that kill is not an option but disfigurig it and burning away lot of its power thats more than likely . after all after end times slanesh was reduced to level of keeper of secrets and thirion & co. went and captured it granted it was with help of "silver" warrior pluss great horny rat became 4th chaos god it its place so precedent alredy exists.


Holy shi...this chapter will be epic!!!


Steam success: you have killed a Chaos God with a Blackstone Fortress!

Michael Zalesny

*mouth frothing* Bas *gurgle*tard! Holy burning deamonette panties batman, shit just got realer than real for the Unreal! And here i thought Slanessh liked pain? Is not the fear of imminent death the greatest high one could hope for?


Well I wonder how much of the eldar fleets will stay eldar fleets with all that corruption. Really the pink horror needs to learn the words "patience is a virtue" cause starting the three way fight in start of a epic clash is just stupid. Wait till the bulls lock horns! She-He-It coming out to fight in person? Woooow um congrats you just lost everything in the sea of souls I guess and control of a lot of the beyond to with that move?


is cliffhanger your middle name? good stuff look forward to seeing more hint hint.........

Benjamin Mages

Wait, was the comment about how Taylor wouldn't have to keep Lisa around for long an implication that she was going to let Lisa get killed? Nooooooooooo, not LIsa!


Well it loves when its minions are on the receiving end, not really when it's life-threatening for he/she/it.


Slaanesh is out of time. Corruption can be quick when the Eldar have not the Gellar Fields of human warships, but it's not that quick. And the most important thing right now is to prevent the Blackstone Fortress from firing. A lot of things can wait...

Brett Tamahori

So Emps is going to see if he can kill a Chaos God, which is worth doing in its own right but should also serve as a "polite" reminder to the other three to play nice. I mean they _probably_ haven't left themselves a weakness like this, but how much are they going to bet on that? Also as noted already they have to play things a lot more careful with paradoxes because they just found out what happens if the bill comes due. I'm assuming the bluff with Lisa was purely to cover the time taken to move Will of Eternity into the Port and start prepping it to fire, so Slaanesh wouldn't have time to ... what, collapse the gate back to their realm? I'm just still working out what the fake bluff lured them into doing, because it sounds like if they weren't already attacking it would have been even worse for them, so I assume I missed something. We get a look at why common sense isn't among the Eldar, though depending on how word of that gets around it could have effects. I'm honestly curious how Weaver would react to a) an Eldar force coming into the port and promptly surrendering, which we know isn't happening but it's interesting to think about the hypothetical, and b) if one or more Craftworld battle-groups proceeds to open fire into the back of the rest of the Elder fleet along with shooting at the Chaos forces as a 'sign of intentions' and then opens communication and offers assistance in this fight followed by unconditional surrender if she promises to not shoot at them now and accept the surrender later. I mean I just don't know if that's something Weaver has planned for. If nothing else it should result in somebody saying "Ah, they _can_ learn." This is looking to be a deeply epic end to a hell of an arc.


I agree on that the best option for the Eldar faction in Comaragh would be to surrender. The question is if Weaver would accept it. She would probably asking them why should I show you mercy? Did you show anyone mercy when you slaughter civilian on Imperial world? Did you show mercy on the people you kidnapped and brought here to Comaragh? She would probably allow them redemption by saying that she is charging the Blackstone fortress with the power of the Emperor whose power is Anthema for Chaos and that they will fire it straight at She who thirsts stronghold in the warp. Stand in the way for the daemons to grant us time to fire and you are making the first step to redemption. Something tells me that many Eldar would gladly hold the line in something like that if it could would bring the end of Slaanesh. At least we now know where the next black crusade is going to go in the future. Chaos are going to spend allot of time to capture or destroy the Blackstone fortresses after this.

Brett Tamahori

Biel-Tan continue to be masters in finding the worst possible response to any given situation, it's their special superpower. And I'm really not sure _what_ any Elder faction could offer Weaver at this point to help the odds of her accepting a surrender, though if some of them move fast enough (Eldrad I'm looking a you) offering up the exact location and any other details they can about Biel-Tan itself would be a good start. They can even make a good argument that this isn't just backstabbing for their own survival but "There are lines that should not be crossed, Biel-Tan may not worship chaos but they are helping it enough that their reasons are unimportant." I'm wondering if some of the other CraftWorlds that can see what's coming well enough may bet setting up launch a not-quite-raid on Biel-Tan themselves, during the assault, to evacuate children and civilians and military that don't have too much of the stupid going on, or at least give them a useful evacuation route. In the event any of the Biel-Tan leadership try to use these evacuate routes they will find things to be _much_ less friendly for them. Of course any of this assumes the Elder can react with speed and while their personal reaction speed is off the scale, their social reaction speed is ... well, off the scale in the wrong direction.


In the Sitkah section you mention three hundred or so escorts when I believe you meant Cruisers. In the next line you mention thousands of escorts so I think I'm correct but no problem if I'm wrong. Loved the teaser, looking forward to more!


She who thirsts is so concentrated now on the Blackstone Fortress and the cannon of the Emperor she is forgetting that there is someone who may be skulking around, awaiting for the single moment when it is at it's weakest. The Cannon will fire twice and the result in the end may only be known to the Clowns, who place a dagger expertly in it's back when it was completely forgotten


O I agree walking into the web way is walking into a trap of the laughing god. Clowns got blinded by the shadow point, but yea best of luck not getting stuck in a trap.


A good part of is lies in the fact, like several readers have commented upon, their Farseers are useless right now. So they have none of the instincts and all of the prejudices in their heads conspiring to make very bad decisions.

Matej Kovačić

Hey Anthony, do you plan to post any more teasers before the final rough draft or not? Also, does the Mark on the Eldar souls react to Taylor's proximity in any way?