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Hey Patrons!

Very last minute poll here but I'm at a pretty tight spot.  

== The Issue ==

As the year runs out, I'm finding that there's just not enough time to get everything I want into this Alpha build.  There's definitely something playable here but many features aren't in quite yet.

Most importantly, an actual introduction, the crafting system, and any real character interactions (they're all filler text breaking 4th wall atm >_>).

There's still time tomorrow to add a few more features but I'm worried I'm at the point where things might be sloppily added for the sake of a deadline.

Ultimately, progress feels great.  Most of the main development on ZR2 started this month/late Nov and I'm very happy with how far along things are.  But meeting that December deadline for $5 Patrons is where I feel like I still need a bit more time before I'm comfortable presenting that work.

== The Solution ==

I'm juggling between three options:

1: Release the Alpha build (in roughly 12 hours from this post).  

-It might be a little sloppy with ~5 min of gameplay but it's something!

2: Release Alpha build in ~1/2 weeks

-I miss the deadline for $5 Patrons this month but have a bit more time to polish up things more.  Hopefully adding a proper introduction if time still permits

3: Scrap Alpha release, only release Beta 0.01 around February

-Beta 0.01 has been planned for sometime around Feb already.  If I skip releasing the Alpha, it'll make the Beta update feel much more 'grand'.  But, that means waiting a bit longer to even have playable ZR2.


Curious to see how everyone feels here.  I absolutely hate to push the update back and miss out on the month: feels like I've let many of you down doing that.  But I have to be honest with myself and with you all that there's only so much I can reasonably do without sacrificing my own health.

I want to make a decision in the morning so I can try my best to alert Patrons asap if they wish to cancel their pledges before the monthly charge.

In the morning, I'll make the final decision after seeing poll results.  #1 answer is NOT guaranteed to be the one I pick.  Seeing the overall opinions will help me make my decision though.

Thank you <3


Kriz Man1



I am more than willing to wait the extra time to see a version of the game you are happier with.