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Hey everyone!

Hope you have all been having a good holiday season!  I wanted to share one last update before the Alpha build is ready to drop.

== Release Date ==

This may still vary by a day or two.  But the current plan is to have the Alpha update out to $5+ Patrons on Thursday December 31st.  Just in time before the month ends haha... X_X

This means that the public release should be around Monday January 4th.  That should be enough time to fix up any possible bugs/map issues while maybe even adding some more small tweaks/improvements based on feedback and extended time.

== Alpha Contents ==

Now that I've had more time to work on the Alpha, I've figured out what will and will NOT make it into the update.

1: Future-Proofing (combat, scavenging, scene player, etc)

One issue I had in ZR1 was that nothing was ever really 'future-proofed'.  Meaning that many of the mechanics were built with certain ideas in mind and if I ever wanted to change that, it would involve changing a LOT of little details.

In ZR2, I have a lot more ideas to improve ZR1 features.  Like scavenging 'levels' or Zombie HP & different weapon interactions or even temporary HP (gained through certain items) so behind the scenes, I'm spending a bit more time here trying to iron that out.  Combat is the one area I think players will immediately notice a difference with-  Mostly that zombies will be slower but bulkier.

2: NSFW content will be minimal.  

The first 'major' hardcore scene is still being animated and likely won't be completed in time.  Totally fine: it's not delayed but rather, it was a tight squeeze to begin with.

Instead, there will be the start of a more tame NSFW scene and I will likely include NSFW progression as an optional bonus so players can get some naughty enjoyment if they wish!

I want to experiment with the scene player a bit more this time to allow a bit more functionality.  My hope is to include a speed control so you can actually slow back down if you want to.  Possibly even with unique dialogue in some instances.  These features aren't 100% confirmed but this is the sort of stuff I'm experimenting with atm.

3: Base building will NOT be in yet.

This is a big feature that I want to emphasize in ZR2 but because of that, it's going to need more time to actually iron out and get right.  I want to make sure the scavenging feels appropriate so I can balanced based off of that first.  Base building should see it's first early implementations in the second update (likely named Beta 0.01)

This includes the 'area' where base building goes.  I'm incredibly unhappy with it atm and will likely make some orientation changes.  Bare with me on that one.  It hurts my soul not having it to my liking but in truth, it doesn't change the Alpha update haha.  (Same goes with the intro screen- I hate it, but my time is better spent elsewhere atm)

4: Full prologue will be in the first Beta update

The ZR1 alpha, iirc, had the entire prologue segment finished.  This time around, because certain mechanics like base building aren't implemented, it doesn't feel right to add as I want the tutorial to cover the main points.  In the first Beta update, this should most certainly be added in.

I will try my best to add as much starting interaction as possible so the game still have some life in it!  


That's about everything for this update!  Next up will be the actual release of the Alpha build!

For those who read all of these updates, you've probably noticed a lot of warnings about what to expect with this build.  I'm trying to avoid pulling a stunt similar to a certain hyped up mainstream game that recently released >_>  

I want players to know that the Alpha build of ZR2 will be the worst version of ZR2.  But every future update will/should improve upon it to make it a bit better.  Regardless, I will try my best to make sure the Alpha feels like a solid, fun, update for all to enjoy!

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you very soon!!




If Cyberpunk had just called it their alpha or beta release to make sure it was compatible for everyone, the whole issue could’ve been avoided smh