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I won't stop until I learn the truth... No matter the cost.

Hey everyone!

Here's a first look at a brand new character coming to Zombie's Retreat 2 - Lucy!

Lucy is a new recruit to the Crimson City Police Force's detective branch.  She joined with a very important purpose.  Maybe we'll get to learn just what that reasoning is as the story moves forward.

If you've been following up with details on ZR2, I mentioned an important female character to the story and that's Lucy!  I don't have specific details yet but I do intend for her to be playable to some degree.  Not sure quite how much but this time around you won't just play as the main character.  This will be to further help progress the story but also, I want to experiment with creating more tactical/desperate gameplay when it comes to zombie encounters.  That will happen later on as she likely won't be introduced in the Alpha build.

Note: Future character teasers will resume to being Patron exclusive for a limited time!


That's about it for this character introduction!  Over this month, I will be updating more of the Zombie's Retreat Patreon page to start showing ZR2 content off a bit more.  Some of the Patreon tiers have already had name/visual changes!  The rewards will stay identical so no worries about any sudden changes!

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you soon with more ZR2 teasers!  (Including some NSFW scenes incoming)






Agh Female P, i lost intrest