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Don't you worry. I'll have it built it no time!

Hey everyone!

Today I'm showing off one of my favorite designs so far: Fiona!

A skilled builder; Fiona will be absolutely critical to your survival in Crimson City.  One of the features that I wanted to expand upon more heavily is base building and she will be your key to that.

Aside from her role in the game, I absolutely love how Scarlett posed her designed.  The flowing hair, the loose construction gear. *chef's kiss*  I hope you all enjoy her as well!  

There's also a little teaser of the upstairs map of the home base.  It's still a heavy work in progress (ignore the missing doors...) but as I work on this Alpha build, I'm coming to terms with the fact that maps will NOT be perfectly detailed on the first run through.  It's tough coming from a completed game (ZR1) to going back to square one with a new title.  As usual, each update will polish it up a bit more and more!

That's about it for this update!  Next week I hope to have more solid plans on the first release date while also specifying just how much you can expect to see in that Alpha build.

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you all very soon!



Arbitary Smasher

since the main character looks like sasuke uchiha from naruto I think it would be ideal to have someone from naruto in this game even if it is an easter egg for like 10 seconds.


I have an actual crush whose name is Fiona and her hairdo is just like this, except its Black. So......... thank you