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Hey everyone!

Don't really want to sugarcoat it so I'll be brief- the final release of Zombie's Retreat was planned for as soon as this Friday (23rd) but I'll need a few more days to work on it.

== Updated Release ==

The new planned release date (on itch) will be around Wed-Fri, October 28th-30th.  This will still be in time for my goal to release before Halloween!

Development is going smooth.  But there's just so much I want to do so it's really been adding up this week.  I hope you all understand- I'd rather release the build in a state that I'm happy with rather than prioritizing the given deadline.  (Insert Miyamoto quote).

Hope this bad news doesn't come off too bad.  I appreciate the understanding and support immensely when I need a little more time <3

== Steam Updates ==

Steam release is also going!  I had to do essentially an 'inspection' before the page can go live and I passed most of it but failed a few things hehe.  Gotta make sure some art pieces are more SFW due to their placement in the store.  Not going to cause any significant delays I hope, but that's also been requiring more of my time than planned.

Reminder from the previous news update- the Steam release will be coming later.  Likely early/mid November due to Steam requiring a certain amount of time before publishing.


Short & Sweet update.  Fortunately I don't think I need too much more time but the extra ~5 days makes a HUGE difference.  Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you all soon!!


Dante Fantasy

Same here take your time with the final release, and it's going to be awesome, I am sure of it.


I actually bought an android phone just to play your game.