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Hey everyone!

Busy day today but I have a lot of information to share with everyone about the upcoming release of the final version of Zombie's Retreat!

== Pricing ==

In case you have missed it, the final version of Zombie's Retreat will retail for $6 or $5.99 on itch & Steam assuming the game is approved.  

ANDROID: The Android version is only planned to be sold on itch

There may be a way to get it for slightly cheaper on itch, however-

== $5+ Patrons ==

This is where things start getting into slightly uncharted/untested territory.  It looks like I can link Patreon rewards to itch directly!

The plan is for $5+ ZR Patrons to receive a download code/key on itch when the update is released in late October!  This would allow players to get the game for $5 instead of $6 so if you're looking for the cheapest place to find the update, this is it!

HOWEVER: This is unproven at the moment as I have no real way to test this integration.  I would highly recommend, if you have not yet pledged $5+ and are doing so to receive the game, wait until the update is released and I can CONFIRM that this Patreon/itch integration works as intended.

The $5+ reward will remain on Patreon throughout the entirety of November.  As soon as December rolls around, all ZR1 rewards will be removed and this Patreon page will become the new HUB for Zombie's Retreat 2!  The usual Patreon tiers should be staying and the rewards will likely stay the same as well for consistency.

== Release Date ==

This is where I have some slightly bad news depending on where you are intending to purchase Zombie's Retreat from.

The itch version of the game should release as planned.  The main plan/goal is Friday October 23rd or if I need slightly more time, later that week.  I want to release the game before Halloween!

The Steam version was meant to release at the same time but unfortunately Steam requires an extensive review process that will take a couple of weeks.  Even worse, this requires the entire game to be complete which, while ZR1 is mostly complete, I'm using these next few weeks to polish/tweak & add new final content.

The Steam version will presumably not release in October.  My hope now is very early November.  When the date is known I will announce it!  And of course, the Steam page for ZR should be live by then too so you can add Zombie's Retreat to your wishlist! =D  (I'm not super familiar with Steam but apparently this is something I'm supposed to encourage haha)

Sorry for the bad news for those excited to play it on Steam.  Fortunately, the rest of the Steam configuration has been going smooth so hopefully the wait is worth it!  I'm excited to potentially see ZR on such a major platform!!


That's about everything I believe.  It's quite hectic as there is so much going on and I'm trying to make sure everything falls into place so bear with me if it's not a completely perfect release.  Sadly, I've just gotta be flexible and roll with the rules that these services require.  As long as ZR makes it to Steam, I'll be happy!

Thank you all so much for your support!  There may be one more teaser left that I'll share but other than that or any other release news updates, it's almost time for the release of that final update!  See you soon =D



What’s itch? I’ve never heard of that gaming site


What's wrong with the reward being removed, do you want a .zip of all the reward at the end? (to simplify everything), or you'll create a Gallery DLC.


I'm deleting them primarily to keep this page simple & focused on ZR2. I think I might leave them as a bundle on itch once the game is released. A one time purchase similar to how the current tiers work if that makes sense?


itch is a website that developers post games to. It's a great place for independent developers to have a platform and it's where my games are found for public releases!