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Hey everyone!

The final update for Zombie's Retreat is almost complete and ready to publish!  ZR is releasing on two separate platforms: itch & Steam.  I will detail both as they are a little different!

== Release Dates ==

The itch.io release is planned to release on October 29th!  If I feel there is enough time, I may release it slightly earlier on October 28th so stay posted here or on my Twitter page!

You can find the itch page here: itch.io 

The Steam release will be a little later.  At the moment, it is planned for a November 10th release date!  This is assuming the final approval goes smooth and I don't need to adjust the game.

You can find the Steam page here: Steam 

Both platforms will have the same game.  It's just a matter of if you'd like to play it through Steam or separately.

== Where to Play ==


1. Windows Version

2. Android Version

3. Legacy Version (PC only, uses old busts)


1. Windows Version

So if you plan on playing on Android or prefer the old character busts, itch is where you will want to purchase Zombie's Retreat so you can play the right copy.  If you see anyone asking about this, I would appreciate it a ton if you can help spread the word!  Sometimes I miss messages from various places and this is a very important point.

itch SHOULD allow me to bundle each copy together.  My plan is that by paying $6 (on itch), you'll get access to the regular, Android AND legacy versions without having to buy separately.  If I find I can not do this, I will make sure to post about it.

== $5+ Patrons ==

As a reminder, my plan is that $5+ Patrons should get access to a download code on itch.  HOWEVER, this functionality won't be tested until the actual release date.  If you are planning to pledge $5 in order to get the game at a slight discount (instead of $6), don't pledge just yet.  Let me confirm that the itch/Patreon functionality works as intended after everything is set up!

I wish I could have a bit more certainty on this topic but I want to make sure you all are informed as much as I am on this issue.  Hopefully the integration works as intended.  Fingers crossed!

== Twitter Updates ==

I've been posting some general stuff to my Twitter showing some misc new features so be sure to check that out if you haven't!  I can't link to it but the handle is SirensDomain.

The build is moving along well!  I've received a couple questions asking about what is new:

This update is mostly a polishing update with some added features & interactions.  There's a new costume, some new scenes (including some group scenes), gameplay tweaks, HUD updates, features, & more!  

The MAIN story was already completed in the previous update.  I wanted to make sure those who couldn't/didn't want to pay for the final update weren't going to miss out on important ZR story details as we move towards Zombie's Retreat 2.  However, I wanted to make sure this build felt worth it for those who did wish to purchase it!  Hopefully I can meet those expectations =D


Alright.  That's the last post before the final release of Zombie's Retreat!  Unless something crazy happens... this is the last general news update for the game...  As I type this, I'm getting hit with a ton of emotion haha.  But I'm so excited to finally conclude this journey <3

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you very soon!




Will there be a gallery function in the final release? 👀


I personally prefer the legacy, and I like STEAM better, so I have to buy double, no way anymore!