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Hello again! It's time for more update!

Writing went fairly well for most of the week- I got all but one ending I planned done.

I also designed the endslate for survival endings finally LMAO 

But Friday ended up going down the drain in terms of game development because I had to make a bunch of changes to the discord [ added a rule, had a huge discussion, revoked the rule, added a new ticket bot system, appointed some new mods, answered like 30 private messages and just.... a lot of stress and putting out fires ]

Everything seems pretty stable now I think, but it was definitely some growing pains.

But anyway, here's some more info about the progress.

I got the rest of Night 3 written, along with one of the possible day 4 endings. I still need to write a single ending there though.

And of course, I still have the 5 floating endings left to deal with. I do think those will take at least 2 weeks, because it's not just writing the endings, but going through my entire script and making sure stats build properly and the endings get triggered at appropriate times.

It will double as the first editing pass for the script :D

Oh yeah, and here's the old 'You Died' screen next to the new 'You Lived' screen- I'm happy with it!

Hopefully after the work I put in to the discord on Friday, things can calm down and be a bit easier to manage, so I can concentrate better on my work with the game.

But for now, I need my weekend LMAO

Thank you guys so much for being patient with me and helping me make decisions- and of course for your incredible support!

Stay safe and have a good weekend! <3



Enjoy your weekend Gato!!

Masked Foxx

Saturdays are literally the highlight of my week because of these updates. Everytime Thursday-Friday roll around I get silly thinking about what will be in the update on Saturday, so thank you for that. Also, today is my birthday! Could you please tell me that the lover calls Strade daddy at some point? Even if they don't, just say they do for me 🙏


First time commenting, but I have to say this- Have love your characters since BTD 1 and TINR comic. (I drew a fanart of Sid before! ^^ ) and the fact that we (the mc in this new remix) may have a slim chance to kill Strade is just 👌👌👌😤 I love that man (tho Lawrence is still #1 bby girl pfft) but I really wanted to fight him during the first game. X'D for that one "gut" wrenching ending. Lolololol please keep up that amazing work, Gato!! ☆