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Hello again folks!

I have another very simple update this week! I basically just got more writing done, uneventfully LMAO 

I did head out on Tuesday to my grandpas farm to help pick some chokecherries, but I wrote on my phone in the car for the 3 hour round trip and then wrote when I got back, so it didn't really end up harming my productivity much [ if fact I think I got more done that day due to sunlight and lack of distractions LMAO ]

Anyway, here's the planning doc completion chart!

I spent the week writing stuff for Night 3, but Night 3 is super complicated and has a lot of possible scenes and endings in it, so I'm still not done [ that chunk sticking out to the left there is still Night 3 stuff ].

I believe I have 3 weeks of writing left to do. I think I can finish Night 3/Day 4 in 1.5 weeks, and same goes for the 5 'floating' endings. It might take a little longer than that but definitely around that much.

The entire game is turning out a lot longer than I expected LMAO

Strade's original path in BTD1 was about 4000 lines of code, while I'm currently at 7250 lines of code for the remix so far- with many scenes left to write and all of the image/animation lines left to add. 

It will definitely end up as at least 8000 lines- I wouldn't be surprised if the final script file ended up at 10K lines. For another frame of reference, TPOF [ including the DLC ] has a script file that's 22K lines long [ but we definitely don't want to end up with a 3.5 year development time like TPOF LMAO ]

Anyway, I'm excited to be getting fairly close to finishing the rough script! I'd really like to be done with the raw writing haha!

Thank you guys so much for your incredible support! Despite my struggles with writing, I'm so happy to be working on this project and working for you!

Stay safe and have a good weekend! <3



Holy crap look at all you've accomplished so far!! Love to see it! 😊 Enjoy a hard-earned weekend!


Looks like you’ve made an incredible amount of progress this week!! Go Gato! I’ve just been checking these through my emails but I’m really excited for the remake. Before you announced it the concept of a remix was a bit of a dream. I’m in admiration of your time management skills and your multifaceted skill in making these games! Programming, writing, art… it’s a lot. It’s something I’d very much like to get into myself but sewing together these aspects into one final piece is very difficult and I greatly admire both the hidden and visible work you must put in! On a side note, especially while writing right now and generally coming up with new creative concepts, do you ever have trouble getting your brain to cooperate with that? Do you know how to fix that…? I’m struggling a bit, trying to get back into my creative pursuits and don’t want to remain complacent but it’s honestly a nightmare. …If you have time or the energy to respond of course, if anyone else has any ideas that would be helpful too! 😅😅


I have trouble writing all the time! One of the things I do to help it is to write out my ideas very vaguely at first, then write them in more and more detail. For instance, an entry on my planning doc [ pictured in this update ] might say something like 'Strade tortures MC with drill'. Then, in my script, instead of just trying to write script right away, I break it into smaller bits: - strade takes out drill and battery from cabinets - strade shows off drill and spins it in front of mcs face etc etc like that THEN I find it much easier to write as proper script. Another tip I have is to not let perfect stand in the way of good. A lot of the time writers block isn't the inability to write something- it's the inability to write something up to the standards you're imposing on yourself with the tools you have in the moment. Just let parts be shitty sometimes. Write a little boring or sloppy. Just connect the dots any way you can for your rough draft- you can think of ideas to jazz it up later :)